Send notifications when firmware downloads taking place
Recently at 04:00 all my tado devices disconnected from the internet and all smart radiator valves turned to off. During the day various devices reconnected then disconnected again. On investigation I found the Smart valves were being updated with new firmware. On continuing tado I was told that firmware updates can…
Change the hysteresis / PID settings
Hi Tado. The current desire of the smart thermometer algorithm to track the set temperature is killing my hardware. It is turning it on/off so often that things are breaking (like TCVs). How about I can select the min and max settings that trigger a state change? Or if it is a PID system, I should be able to change the…
Manual override notification
Please add a mobile notification when the temp is changed or turned on . As it would be very handy. I have a autistic child who keeps turning the wireless thermostat on an we don't notice till its too late Thanks
iOS 16.3 HomePod Temperature Sensor
With iOS 16.3 HomePods can now relay temperature and humidity data to HomeKit. I’ve had trouble with the room heat being cold on one side, and the tado valve is near radiator… I’m using the HomePod for offsetting the room temperature, could this be automatic ?
Receive smart meter data
Either access smart meter data, or contact loop to share their access. Use this data to attribute costs to room schedules.
Selective boost
The boost all rooms is a nice option on occasions but what I’d really like to see is individual room boosts so if I’m working in one particular area I can boost the heating for a set period, say 15 mins without wasting energy heating the whole house.
TRV with empty batteries closes valve, but keeps requesting heat
The batteries of my TRV were empty and I received this email from Tado: > When your Smart Radiator Thermostat does not have enough charge to function, it will automatically close the radiator’s valve and the heating will remain off until you replace the batteries. Sure enough the valve was closed and an empty battery icon…
Enable Tado to use other temperature sensors via HomeKit
It would be very helpful if Tado could utilise existing temperature sensors that are also connected via HomeKit. I have several existing temperature sensors in my house(e.g. Netatmo) and don't want to have to buy additional Tado ones simply to get meaningful room values to control my heating. The smart radiator valves are…
Avoiding sticking pins in thermostatic radiator valves
The pins in TRVs often stick in the closed position if the valve is left closed too long - such as over summer. Pre-Tado, I used to open the valves fully for the summer so that the first action at the start of the heating season was to force the pin down rather than rely on the spring to open it up. This avoids the…
More detail on device errors - Wireless Receiver
Quite often the Wireless Receiver is showing 'device errors' (blinking hazard light) but none of the devices actually have any issue. I believe that this condition is also explained by the fact that a software update may be in progress. However, this is not at all obvious. It would be really good if there was an option to…
Add max. valve opening on thermostats!!
It is crazy how my thermostats are often overheating causing a loss since the exiting water in my radiator is boiling hot. This is CRAZY EXPENSIVE - but app still calculates this as savings which is simply wrong. Add the functionality to limit water flow e.g 25-100%! Add the functionality to set max time on the max water…
Controlling heat pump for heating and cooling
By now more and more owners adopt air-water heat pumps to heat and cool their houses by water plumbing under the pavement, so saving energy respect to other solution. What is of paramount importance given the present surge of energy prices. Yet so far Tado has no solution for this configuration, notwithstanding it would…
Advanced smart scheduling
Many people work shift patterns that require a different heating schedule each week. Would it be possible to have advanced scheduling to cover multiple weeks? Ie the ability to set a heat schedule for one week, and then have it repeat every x amount of days/weeks? In exactly the same kind of way you set up repeat…
Longer graphs?
1) Show all devices on a single page in a graph 2) Show the graph as above but showing 1 week, 1 month etc intervals? 3) is there an external Tado device that can be installed to indicate the true outside temperature/humidity? 4) Can the graphs be printed?
Store a basic schedule locally in case of crash / lost connection
My Tado system crashed when I went on holiday when the boiler was on. It stayed on max heating until I got home. Quick sums showed it had burned abut £50 in gas (which Tado refunded in the end) but surely it makes sense to store a limited schedule locally, at the boiler controller. What's potentially worse is if the system…
Smart AC Control to turn off AC unit when desired temperature is reached
Could it be possible to add a feature to the Smart AC Control that would allow for AC unit to turn off automatically when the desired temperature is reached, and then, when the Smart AC control detects that the temperature has raised 0.5-1 degrees over, to turn on the AC unit again? At the present moment, using the Smart…
Can we have a notification when someone turns heating on please.
Decouple from cloud please
All we want is to avoid this: https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2022/04/shameful-insteon-looks-dead-just-like-its-users-smart-homes/
Naming radiators
I have a number of rooms in which I have more than one radiator but all connected under one Tado “room”. It would be good if each individual radiator could be named eg “under the window” so that one knows which battery to replace without having to say Hi to each radiator. This is particularly important when the radiators…
Boost by 5° not up to 25°
I have my heating relatively low but if it dips a few degrees and I want to boost it I don’t want to boost to the maximum 25. 5° more than the current temp would be enough. In this age of trying to be energy efficient and a fuel crisis maxing out the temp is illogical
Energy IQ
Could you set it up So we can put the oil Price per litre. So we could use this function. It seems you are only thinking about Gas boilers and not oil. I’m sure there are customers who have oil and would like the same Benifits.We have paid the same price for out Tado products after all
Flame 🔥 icon
How about adding a flame 🔥 icon to the heating zones that are currently heating? Would be clearer than it is presently
Dazzle mode from Homekit please
When changed manually from Apple Home app, and from Home automations. Would provide extra confidence and visual clues when there are adjustments.
Artificial intelligence heating to desired temp
When I set the heating I select a room and temperature. Instead, could the app calculate how long it ‘normally’ takes to heat the room to that temp. Could the app then initiate heating, to the temp at the desired time. This is something I try to calculate but I think some development and an intelligent app could do it…
Different colour radiator thermostats
We have raw metal radiators and the white radiator thermostat valves look out of place - I may try painting them but think would be a nice idea if Tado offered black and grey etc… as opposed to just white?
Ability to link rooms
Have the ability to link rooms together so changing the temperature on 1 room will change the rooms that are linked together. Maybe add a global change too so you can change the whole house in 1 go.
Let the user set the Price/KWh
Let the user set the Price/KWh on the estimation tool
Smart Things integration
Are we any closer to a SmartThings integration?
Add an Alexa feature: "Alexa, what is the humidity in the living room/bedroom/etc"
The Tado app clearly shows that humidity is being tracked. We can see the humidity in all the rooms. So those sensors are already present in the Tado devices. Yet, I can't ask Alexa to tell me what the humidity is. I'm a programmer, and I know that this wouldn't take a great deal of programming to implement. So I'm…
Sensors for hot water cylinder
I have purchased the tado° Wireless Smart Thermostat Starter Kit V3+ with Hot Water Control, but the control is just a glorified on/off switch. It does not give me any flexibility to control the temperature of the water in the cylinder nor the least to see what the temperature currently is. Due to reasons unknown it…