Simple Improvements to App Homescreen View
I'd like to suggest a couple of simple improvements (IMHO) to the content of the homescreen room tiles in the Tado app: The tile is large, and there is plenty of spare space on it, so could we get an indicator of the room's temperature behaviour. What I mean is that if the room temperature is rising then an arrow pointing…
Expose temperature sensors to Apple Homekit
As the title says, would be handy to have access to the temperature sensors in Homekit to create automations e.g. when temperature reaches X do Y
Boiler Overun
When all heating demand is stopped our boiler goes into overrun and dissipates it heat into the garage (where it is not required). It would be good if when the heating is not called for boiler heat demand signal is stopped but the radiator valves would stay open for a adjustable time to use the stored boiler heat in…
Battery status Matter
Hello, when Tado X radiator thermostats are connected to HomeAssistant using Matter Addon they dont show battery status because its not sending any. The radiator thermostats are connected through other brand Thread Border router.
Switch between rooms in graph nice
When in graph mode, one can change the date range with the ˅ symbol next to the date. It would be so much easier to switch between rooms if there was a ˅ next to the Room/Device name as well. Now I have to go back twice (first to the Room, then to the home screen) to select a new room and view the graph
Suggestion: enable Homekit Away/ Home automation
Tado should allow homekit users to toggle the home / away status of tado, using homekit automations. Issues; - Expensive - Tado charges £29.99/y just to toggle auto geofencing (extortion). - Privacy issues - I have to always share my location data with tado. I don't want to do this. - No support for guest / multi house…
1hr boost
It would be very helpful to be able to set a timer for boosting a heating zone. Some time I would like to have the heating on either upstairs or downstairs outside the scheduled times. More often than not I set it manually but I always forget to turn it off. Since I have underfloor heating the temperature raises very…
Heating Activity - Real Time
Hello, Whilst "Heating Activity" is good at showing which zone/room is currently heating, what is not in anywhere near real time is the Total Today value. It will sometimes take hours before the Total Today time changes when I know the heating has been on for more than the total of 11 minutes it has kept telling me.. I may…
Schedule profiles
I have now had the tado system for nearly a week, and its certainly better than my old hive system. You guys have done a good job on it. However you (and every competitor) are missing what I believe is probably an important feature for many people, and I can say 100% would have made me choose to move to you years ago had…
Make Opentherm boiler specific tweaks possible
Hi! I'm having an issue with opentherm using my boiler Enbra CD34H. After some troubleshooting I found out that issue is caused by Opentherm message ID 14 (Maximum relative modulation) being send too often by Tado (every 6s). Unfortunately support is unable to change this to 2mins intervals (which would fix the issue) for…
Comfort screen settings
Ability change the comfort range and set a min/max in the comfort toggle
Integrate with smart meter
Stop wasting my time with app notifications to key my meter reading to get smart eq working
Holiday Schedule
Would it be possible to add in a calendar feature to pre-programme upcoming Holidays? E.g. enter a time and date for the holiday to start and for it to end? This would remove the need to remember to switch all heating and hot water to 'Off' as you leave, plus allow for pre-planning and set the holiday parameters (e.g.…
Proposal for an Affordable Wireless Temperature Sensor
I propose the development of a simplified, cost-effective version of the Wireless Temperature Sensor Add-on. Presently, despite the "Offset" feature, relying on the Smart Radiator Valve as the primary temperature sensor for an area proves to be ineffective. The feature lacks the sophistication required for accurate…
Custom Smart Schedule
Hi , I often need additional options depending our home situation. Most of the time I need also a schedule Home but upstairs OFF or Home but upstairs normal schedule. When kids are home sick or we plan to use more the upstairs during the weekend
New Product - Tado Hot Water Cylinder Thermostat or Sensor needed
Tado already make a good range of Thermostats and Sensors to control the hot water flow to domestic radiators. However, in (the fair few) countries that rightly or wrongly use a hot water cylinder to store pre-heated water for use with domestic taps, Tado has no product available to support this. This means there is a…
Comfort Zone - Change comfort temperature display
I find 20 degrees too hot for “comfort” and prefer to be able to adjust when it shows as orange and when it’s too cold or hot for ME. Comfort zone is a known Zone, not absolute and different for different people, what is hot for one person might be cold for another. Our comfort temperature changes in response to the…
Add Sunrise/Sunset to Graphs
By adding sunrise and sunset to graphs would allow most novice users to understand the natural thermal gain/loss purely from outside temperature and pressure on their homes and differences to different rooms. B)
EnergyIQ - Display volume-based monthly forecast
In my opinion, a volume-based metric is more suitable because it is a consistent metric. Volume indication is not subject to change when energy prices/ contracts/ taxes change. Therefore, I suggest showing it alongside the "expected monthly heating cost". Or even better - change it along with the [€ | m3] toggle next to…
Energy IQ should also work in the desktop environment
Currently it only works in the app which is strange because usually apps are more restrictive.
Set hot water temperature through HomeKit
HomeKit integration was a main driver for me to choose tado. I don't like being dependent on cloud services for things that are practically local to my house, so I have configured HomeAssistant to use it through the HomeKit integration. However, after installing it, I found out that there is an important feature that is…
Tado app for Apple Watch or other watch
It’ll be cool, we had an app for the watch for using on Apple Watch or other Stead of using the HomeKit it will be better than he had an app for the watch is the same way as the iPhone and iPad Don’t want to use HomeKit Can you make one please?
Option to show demand temperature set in the schedule on the room temperature display
It would be helpful if there was an option to show the temperature demand from the schedule as a line on the room temperature display. I know that you can see it if you hold your finger on the temperature line of the graph, but it would be much easier to see how the room was performing if the temperature demand was shown…
Standing charge
It would be nice to add the standing charge as a feature.
Priority/importance levels.
I'd like some rooms (i.e. bathroom) to stay at some temperature over night but I don't mind if they are slightly more off the set temperature and I don't want boiler to fire up just for that room. It could be heated up when other room (i.e. master bedroom) needs to turn boiler on. Something like the temperature set to 'no…
Ability to cool using my smart thermostat?
Hello, I wish the smart thermostat had the ability to cool as well. My geothermal heat pump heats as well as cools. Right now I can only use Tado for heating. It would be great if I could change the mode of the Tado Smart Thermostat to 'cool' in summer and 'heat' in winter. If you need more information about my set up,…
Option to see humidity on home page room buttons
Hi, in our house we struggle with high humidity in the winter. I find the tado humidity sensors in the radiator valves to be very useful, but it would be even more useful if I could see at a glance the humidity in all the rooms. On the app homepage I can see at a glance all of the room temperatures in the 8 rooms I have…
3 modes for radiator thermostats: Off, Open start boiler, Open dont start boiler
There are times when I'd like a room to warm up "if the heating is on anyway" but I can't justify running the boiler just for that one room, this is possible on a permanent basis by not setting a zone controller, but I'd like the ability to schedule it. e.g. In my bedroom I'd like the radiator to heat up on a morning…
Better Boost
Please look into allowing the user to control the temperature of the "boost" facility. 25°C is way too high
Report all disconnections/failures clearly in the app
Some device disconnections/failures will immediately show in the app via a change in the icon for the relevant room and changes to the reporting in the climate chart. However other devices are for some reason set up to fail quietly. For example an extension kit controlling the boiler can disconnect and the user will not…