Temperature max/ min setting locked via app
Would be nice to set temperature maximum/ minimum setting via app and leave some restricted adjustability for manual control. I want to let my kid add some heat but not all the way up to 27°C room temp.
Balance advanced settings (low-medium-expensive price / temperature drop)
I'd love to see more control on balance settings. I'd love to decide and set myself: -Price limits for cheap and expensive electricity. Between these 2 is medium price. -how many degrees temperature is dropped when electricity is expensive / how many degrees when medium priced -maximum hours in a row of reduced temperature…
SMART TRVs are completely Compatible with Pegler Terrier TRV's
Hello, You list Pegler Terrier valves as not compatible with Tado Smart TRV's, however, this is not true. I have Terrier 2 valves installed throughout the house. Like any TRV, the function of the valve gradually deteriorates with age. The ones in my house were over 20 years old and on some radiators no longer worked. The…
energy efficiency defaults
People on this board will know how to use their thermostat, but... thousands (perhaps millions) of programmable thermostats are sold every year. The problem is that many people have no clue how to program them. One solution is to pre-program the thermostats with energy-saving settings as the default. With a few lines of…
More control to Tado Balance
Hello, Bought Tado V3+ yesterday to control my old Mitsubishi air heat pump. Primary reason is that I use spot priced electricity. So I subscribed for balance immediately. I also use Themo smart home thermostats for my electricity floor heating which also uses spot price. What Themo can but Tado can't do is to anticipate…
Display Humidity level on wired and wireless sensor display
It would be important to allow the display of humidity levels on the wired and wireless sensors (square devices) when pressing the round button. This feature could be configured in the app. The humidity level would be displayed just after the temperature. You can also extend this display to smart radiator valves.
Create a range extender or let us use a second bridge...
Having olny 1 bridge per house is a massive design flaw yet to be addressed by Tado. Unless you leave in a tiny house made of cardboard walls, the TRV wlll lose connection or burn batteries in only a matter I'd a couple of weeks. I live in a house across 3 floors, I really struggle with the range and can't have full…
Zigbee enabled Thermostats ASAP, and as a free upgrade please.
Model number shown in app
Can we please have the model number of the device show in the app, or at very least a serial number lookup on the support site. I have spent two hours so far trying to figure out if I can put NiMH batteries in my radiator valve. The "What type of batteries..." documentation says I can only put alkaline batteries in VA01…
TRV thermostats open without requesting heat for a back boiler stove
I have a back boiler stove that heats my radiators and hot water when we use it. - in addition to our burner Every time I do this, I have to unplug all the TRVs manually. My friends laugh at me because of this. Why is there not a mode to open the valves without requesting heat? This would also help with bleeding radiators…
Air source heat pump linked to UK's Octopus Energy Agile Tariff
Tado should add the ability to heat up the water cylinder using an air source heat pump based on the cheapest energy rate of the UK's Octopus Energy Agile Tariff. This could save lots of £. It would need some AI or the like to spot what is likely to be the cheapest rate for the day, though that may be quite stable and for…
Use the zone controller name in the selection list
When you select the zone controller for your radiator thermostat, you only see the serial numbers. Can you show the room name of the controllers as well? That would make it easier to select the right one. Oh, and while you're improving that screen, there's no need to repeat "When this room calls for heat, this Zone…
Connect to existing wireless receiver
I have searched this forum and looked at installation videos and general searches. It seems that despite many heating systems having wireless thermostats for turning the heating on and off, via a signal to a receiving box wired to the boiler, your system requires replacing this receiver with some slightly scary rewiring.…
Reset of meter counter
Hi, I have recently got replacement of meter device from gas company, and it has counter "reset" to some value that is smaller than last value I have entered in application. Current support recommendation is to delete all past records, and to start over from time when this meter was installed - with loosing all history…
Full TRV child lock
The TRV child lock is great for keeping the room set point unaltered but the TRV still lights up when played with. This is enough to keep my daughter entertained and means no manner how many times we move her away she still wants to play with the TRV next to the potentially hot radiator. I propose extending child lock with…
Short Boost
It would be very helpful if there was a ‘short boost’ feature, allowing users to turn a device on for a set period only (eg 30m). In my case it would let me heat my hot water outside its schedule without having to remember to turn it off again.
more than one property
It would be so helpful if one could flip between two different places, each with the Tado system installed, without having to sign out of one account and into another.
Multi Property Support
As a lettings agent, we'd like to be able to install Tado in several properties and be able to access them all from the same app, which we understand can be done by other systems. Is this something that is been worked on for the future, or will it never be implemented ?
Tado Widget
I don't understand why there isn't a widget for the app, to be able to see the situation at a glance would be easier that opening the app every time.
EnergyIQ to include Hot Water usage as well
It would be great to see Hot Water usage along the heating in EnergyIQ. Thanks
Add a hot water 1 hour boost button in app
To save going into scheduling for short periods or having to switch hot water off rather than defaulting to the next change please add a simple 1 hour boost button.
Show current temperature on TRVs
Would it be possible to have an option to show the current temperature on the TRV? I have the child lock enabled on all my thermostats and when you spin the wheel it flashes the programmed temperature. It would be nice if there was a way to nudge the dial and display the current temperature without having to open the app…
Show hardware version in the app
Simple suggestion, display the hardware version in the app along with the rest of the device settings. It might save a lot of support queries looking for this information!
Better control of away mode
Hi! I'm using my AC as a heat source for my summer home and away mode is very important for me. "Away mode" is not just "over the day", "while at work" in this situation but the major mode of operation. The problem I have is that you can't create time slots in away mode, so the AC have to stay on and cost money more then…
Make Auto-Assist and Energy-IQ tiles active upon subscription activation in the Tado app
Hello, I activated my annual Auto Assist subscription yesterday, but the Active-Assist and Energy-IQ tabs remained the same (advertising the service). I had to contact support about this, just to be told that it is expected behaviour, and that data will get populated after a month. While that makes sense, it also makes for…
Set max temp for manual
There is currently a feature for auto stopping manual overrides on radiator valves but there is no option to set the max temperature allowed. My kids keep turning up the temperature to max. Can you consider adding a max temperature setting.
[Released with tado° X] Integration for Samsung SmartThings
It would be great if we Tado users could connect Tado to Samsung SmartThings
Air Comfort telling me my room is too humid !!
The air comfort page on the app and website doesnt appear to be that intelligent. Its telling me various messages about ventilation and not drying clothes in the house and extractor fans etc etc. but what it doesn't seem to be taking into account is the outdoor humidity. for instance - in this screenshot its telling me my…
Customers' data and statistic processing, storing, keeping and access
Dear tado° (community) I have a feedback-concern regarding privacy in your service. Recently I had a case with a malfunctioning (I believe so) thermostat head device. While the discussion is still going in that thread, I have another concern: during our conversation the support engineer mentioned: > The last time your…
Boiler cool down period
Hi, There is a huge need for boiler cool down period. Similar to what Honeywell do, so it doesn't fire up every few minutes again as heat being called for each instance but waits 15-20 minutes in between finishing boiler work and starting new heating cycle. Maybe this is already happening not sure but I have feeling that…