Simple fix for the smart TRVs
My smart radiator valves can’t heat a room without setting a large temperature offset due to the sensor being too close to the radiator. This feature doesn’t work very well because when the radiator turns off tado thinks my room temperature plummets, and then instantly turns the radiator back on. This seems to be a very…
More compatible heat pumps
PID regelaar voor de sturing van de thermostaat knoppen
Vanuit de klanten service kreeg ik de vraag of ik mijn vraag hier wilde stellen. Graag zou ik zelf de PID-regeling van de thermostaat knoppen zelf kunnen instellen. Dit omdat niet alle knoppen bij mij een radiator bedienen.
New idea: respond to valid user suggestions?
Hey tado development team, being an owner of a software agency myself, it's a huge red flag to me when I see rather trivial user requests and improvements just sitting there for five years (!!!) without an official response. Some guy named "Frank" answered who seemed like a tado rep, but his account is deleted now.…
Child User Account
It would be useful to give family members different user rights on the 'People' part of the app so that only certain people can change settings and others benefit only from Geo fencing.
Set a default shut off time
My kids turn on the thermostats in their rooms and every time it defaults for stay on until they (or me) click resume schedule in the app. I need some sort of over ride that shuts off after a specified time if they turn the on. Say, a option for the thermostat to run for a max of x minutes / hours that can only be adjusted…
Day Off
I would like a day off button with a adjustable end time. This would then run the sat-sun schedule as sometime I have a day off in the week.
Ability to override schedule
It would be useful to be able to simply press one button in the app to nudge the schedule forward to the next event, or by pressing it twice to the one after that, three times... and so on. Just like skipping a track in Sonos. Otherwise you have to set the temperature manually and wait for the next event. Similarly, just…
Recycle unused adapters
Hello. I haven’t needed any of the supplied radiator valve adapters, so I have 7 unopened packets. Be a shame for these to go to landfill. Many others must not use theirs. Can Tado offer a way to return so they can be reused?
May I kindly request you to stop using odd numbers on the Y axis of your graph?
I can’t believe you still ignore so many of your clients asking for an update on this feature since 2019. It’s quite easy to address the issue by either stop using odd values on the Y axis for temperature and humidity or, allow the user to manually adapt it with his own preferences. Sorry but having horizontal graduation…
Trigger recalibration
It would be useful to trigger recalibration from the settings menu as when you re-seat a TRV I doesn't always auto calibrate.
Mounting Tado receiver on pattress box
Has anyone else found the necessity to remount the Tado receiver on an existing double pattress box mounted in the wall and feeding the wires You will have discovered that the mounting holes on the Tado unit are not spaced to line up with the usual mounting tags in the pattress box. An awkward work around seemed necessary.…
Room heat indicators in house overview.
Hi Tado. Can we get the 3 little heat indicator line on all the room tabs in the home overview. It really annoying to have to go in to the room to see if this room is heating or not at that moment.
Toggle wireless receiver to keep central heating always on
If you have a multiple central heating zones on a s-plan or y-plan system (common in the UK), you require your wired thermostats to take command of your heating (as they are wired to valves that divert central heating to the zones). This doesn't mean the heating is always on, it just delegates control to the thermostats as…
Manage email notifications
I suggest a feature to manage which email notifications to receive. Concretely I often receive emails like "Your Smart Radiator Thermostat needs new batteries" despite being plenty informed via the app - and there is, quite surprisingly, no option to unsubscribe. My proposal is to let the users decide which emails they…
Telephone Support
Please can we have telephone support, the chat support takes too long whilst I am unable to control my heating. If chat support is going to be the only option, you should reply within the hour and also have agents available outside of normal office hours when people are free to actually contact you. I started the chat on…
Hot water tank thermostat controller
Hi I would like to request a hot water tank thermostat and controller so both temp can be seen and profiles set.. Tado can then weekly exercise the systems hot water valve so it does not seize closed. Jas
Weekly valve exercise TVRs + hot water valve + zone valves
Hi I used to have I terrrier units and they would weekly exercise the valves i.e. fully open and close to ensure valves do not stick. Also with boiler and separate hot water tank valve and central heating valve needs a weekly poke to open and close both. I have solar so in summer and a emersion element so neither of the…
Switched Fused spur / smart plug controller
Hi, I really like Tado and we have smart thermostats on all our radiators. However, we also like our electric fire on in the living room from time to time. It would be nice if there was a switched fused spur or smart plug option so we could control all our heating devices through Tado. We could control the fire through a…
Anthracite RAD Thermostats.
Got two lovely anthracite rads in my house but don't want to add white rad thermostats on them. Good idea? Some other colour options would be good.
Always on display
Beste Ik zou het graag zien (in de toekomst) dat de temperatuur altijd af te lezen is vanaf de thermostaat, zonder op die knop te moeten drukken. Kan dit worden gerealiseerd? Dit dan vooral bij de bedrade thermostaat zodat het geen batterijen kost.
Temp/Humidity graph improvements
Please consider the following Temperature graph improvements... add increased resolution grid lines, ie. 1 degree and hourly coloured line showing set temperature join each 24hr section. No gap, same vertical grid resolution add to PC version app Thanks
“Saved Schedules” Idea
Hello, I have seen some posts about shift workers. To echo these. The way of editing schedules is very fiddly and time consuming, especially when you have a different shift pattern each week. It would be more beneficial to have “saved bank” of specific days and specific weeks you work, and you can quickly copy them into…
Hot water boost via app
There used to be functionality using the app whereby you could boost the hot water for a limited period of time, say 1/2 hr then it would return to schedule. As it now works you can only override the schedule and turn the hot water on. If you then forget to turn it off it will run 24/7, not good at all..
Add hot water boost - instead of manual control under hot water settings
In order to boost the hot water for a time period (eg 1 hour) you have to go into Rooms & devices, settings, hot water and then finally access the manual control. It would be a lot easier and more user-friendly and intuitive if there was a simple boost button under Hot water icon. In case anyone is following all the…
iPhone/Siri Shortcuts Support
TADO application doesn't appear in Siri/iPhone shortcuts. This application is very powerfull and, though complicated to use, can do much more than IFTTT in the Apple world. Tado must support Siri shortcuts. Homekit is obviously supported and a few (very limited) number of things can be done that way. Please support me.
Ability to use Wireless
Tado needs the ability to use multiple wireless temperature thermostats to control different rooms independently.
Heating status for On/Off mode
I would prefer to see the heating status as a simple on/off symbol rather than the three waves. I have a heating source that does not support opentherm and thereby only works in on/off mode. Why I would need this: This would be useful to really check if my heatpump is working properly: I currently do not always know for…
Increase Zone Controller Max Rooms
I ran into the limit of 10 rooms on one Zone Controller and I need it set to 12 rooms. I am sure this has also affected other Tado users retrofitting a complete house.
Postponed buying 8 Tado thermostats, looking for other solution!
Postponed my idea to install 8 tado thermostats, because it appears that, nevertheless many people ask for this integration, still nothing happens. If it comes to brands that cannot be integrated with Smartthings, there are a lot more cheaper ones on the market I figured...