Don’t update schedule state after Heating Boost
Currently if the schedule is disabled after pressing heating boost, the schedule is then turned back on. I propose that the schedule should remain off after the boost button is pressed if it was off to begin with or remain on if it was on to begin with. As it stands it’s very difficult for me to just turn on the heating…
Away suggestion silence if not heating
Our schedule is set to 12° during the day. The house is typically cooling slowly from 19°, and rarely gets below 17°. Why does Tado feel the need to warn me that we're out and suggest setting Away Mode? Each month it then tries to tell me that if only we paid for the upgrade, it could have automatically set Away Mode and…
Problèmes pour commander la climatisation réversible à distance de 2 maisons
Après avoir enregistrer (sur iPhone) sur un HomePod et sur l’application Tado un AC control V3 pour le domicile A en utilisant le nom X (propriétaire de l’iPhone), la gestion de la climatisation se fait tout à fait normalement du domicile A,comme à distance de celui ci.( bien sûr faut laisser le wifi branché en…
AM/PM & 24h time format
Please make 24h time format available, either based on system (phone) settings or by choice in the application. AM/PM doesn't stick in my head.
Day off schedule override
Enable an option to override general calendar to be used when a bank holiday or a day off. I currently use the away option and play around with temperature, but that does not look like a clean solution. Also, enable not only a temperature pattern but also a day counter… something like “override official schedule during x…
Landscape Mode for Tado app
Not sure if this is s new idea, as usually a standard option for an app that is a controller. I am new to tado, but invested in home automation and having a wall mounted tablet is pretty popular choice, usually mounted in a landscape orientation which is a must for cctv viewing. 95% off the apps I use for this, screen…
Link with energy provider
I love that you can put your meter readings in to the app and see your savings but I will often forget put the readings in. The new reminder feature is good but would be amazing if I could link my tado with my energy provider so that it auto updates.
Night mode/motor noise reduction
It is really great device for every room.... except bedroom. As you can see - last night staring with 0:00 until 08:00 thermostat adjusted more than 30 times using its motor - during just one night. Close to morning when it does this it wakes me up hours before alarm goes on. I came up with a possible solution after…
Oil Tank Gauge
I have an oil fired combi boiler and your smart heating controls, which work very well. It would be good if i could monitor the level of oil in my tank remotely using the Tado app Maybe some sort of wifi sender on the tank compatible with your hub and app would be good.
Wi-Fi Bridge
Hi, As I understood, the bridge is communicating over Radio frequency 868Mhz, not wifi. That is the true limitation off the bridge. Is there any possibility to have a bridge v4 that communicate over Wi-Fi ? So people just needs CPL (Communication Power Line) in their house to extend the setup ? Regards,
Black TRVs
Id also like to see black edition TRVs from Tado. I'd buy around 10 if they were available. The photo shows why.
Make use of OpenTherm data
If the tado is connected to the boiler via OpenTherm, could we make use of the data, ie in the graphs where it shows the boiler activity (the 3 vert heat bars, and colour code), could we also show the boiler temp that was set at the time?
Add integration with the DCC database and other Smart Databases
I have the “Hugo” app what is fully aware of my energy usage that it collects from the DCC database. Being able to integrate this plus integrating tariffs such as Agile by octopus energy into the “smarts” of the product. As an example in the summer I would love it if left over power from my solar panels or cheap off peak…
Switch Home in the app
We have a Tado system at home and so have our daughters, but if I go and stay in her house I cannot just switch homes. The answer I got was to logout from my home and login with another email. So I need an extra email for Tado! Or buy an extra smartphone, even more stupid! Please make it possible to switch homes in the…
[Bug] Getting invited to another home locks you out of your own
I bought a Tado for my mother, to control a flat with rented rooms. She is never home, and constantly asking me what's going on. So I figured, hey, even if I don't live there, let me join your house so I can check myself. Who could have figured that this would lock me out of my own home! Even worse, trying to "get out" of…
switching between accounts
It could be common that families have more than one home (a main one and the second by the sea or in the mountains) then they need to create more than one account to manage different homes thermostats. I can understand, but not completely, your choice to separate account for each home but you have to facilitate the users…
Heating activity improvement
Hi, I believe Heating Activity tab should have an improvement in a way to show correct Heating Activity of the TRV’s which require heat. As an example I have a TRV in my basement which is an independent one, so it doesn’t call for heating. In a warm day, the boiler might be as other heat calling TRVs are not requesting…
Make Tado with multiple zones (more) fit for (hybrid) heatpumps
Dear Tado, Pleas make Tado with multiple zones (more) fit for (hybrid) heat pumps. This is now not yet in place for instance with the Dutch Quatt heat pump.
Group Rooms together
Hi, It would be beneficial to group rooms and schedules together. For instance if I want to boost the temp in certain rooms or update the schedule in certain rooms. I can hit the boost button or schedule them together
Heating configurations
Related in a way to being able to select multiple rooms - it would be handy to be able to create heating schedules based on different scenarios, for example; working from home, not working from home, one person away etc. Would be great to switch between them and have the schedule reflect the rooms I need heated and when…
Hot water temperature
I would love to be able to see the temperature of water in my hot water tank. Having a connected water tank thermostat should do the trick. This would allow the system to detect usage by seeing a significant drop in temperature as the tank refills with cold. Which in turn would determine a pattern of use and possibly how…
Incident Detection > Show boiler OpenTherm values / failure codes
For OpenTherm connections system should pass over the boiler properties and failures I am occasionally getting 2: Low water pressure errors presented on my boiler LCD (which also means no hot water or underfloor heating for me) and TADO app never shows there is failure with boiler or no heating / water Looking at OpenTherm…
Provide multi room support for external temperature sensor
Now you can just set the temperature reading to one room, it would be ideal to allow the sensor to be used for more rooms/valves. You can limit maybe the number of rooms so to avoid selling one temperature sensor for a whole house, but on the other hand you cannot think I should spend hundreds of Euros for just this…
Open valve mode when system is off
During periods in which the system is off (I e. Summer), provide a function/button like "fully open valves", which behaves like the rocket 🚀 function, except it can be set for a longer period of time (even months). This way the water circuit is left open and the valve is not stressed because it's fully opened.
Bypass offset settings when valve is closed
If valve is fully stopped, then bypass offset so to provide the most correct temperature
Fix the geofencing functions that I pay for
I paid Tado so that my heating would use geofencing, well it does not. When contacted Tado say there is an issue but have not provided a resolution. First it was my partners phone that would not be picked up, so we changed the phone as there was another app with another issue. Her phone now works, but I don't see why her…
Radiator Thermostat Vertical design
If we get a Next Generation with Thread/MATTER? (Hopefully to help with range) Radiator thermostat radiator valves keep the same connection at the bottom of the TRV like the current design. Do most of us have the TRV vertical on their radiators like most in UK or positioned horizontal?
Send start/stop request for pump floor heating
I know there is an (unsuported) API. Where you can check for temperature changes every 5 minutes. In my opinion, the long interval (5 minutes) makes the API useless. I am looking to control the pump of the floor heating. At the moment I do this with a termperatuur sensor on the heating-pipe (towards the floor heating).…
Away mode for individual users/rooms.
When I’m at home and my housemate is out their bedroom does not need to heated and vice versa for myself. Is it possible to use the geofencing feature to see which users are at home and heat rooms accordingly.
Fix the formula that converts cubic metres to kWh
I give readings to Tado from my gas meter. The monthly cost however is vastly out. The cubic metres are the same as my bill, the tariff is the same but in Tado my bill will apparently be less. I have just switched between suppliers having moved into a new house and they both naturally have about the same calculation to…