Adjust humidity readings (Humidity offset)
Graag een optie om een offset mee te geven aan de luchtvochtigheid. Zelfde optie zoals bij de temperatuur
Energy IQ to take account of hot water
I find the energy IQ quite useful but it would be so much better if it took into account the gas usage for heating hot water. Can this be implemented so that energy usage for hot water can be shown both separately and combined with heating?
Balance AC without shutting off (and possibly breaking) the heat pump
I tried out Balance AC feature, nice that it has one month free try available but terminated it. Balance AC always turns off the heat pump, several times per day to save energy. This behaviour is against all the heat pump vendor/reseller and national heat pump associations guidelines, at least in Finland where pumps are…
Always on display
Beste Ik zou het graag zien (in de toekomst) dat de temperatuur altijd af te lezen is vanaf de thermostaat, zonder op die knop te moeten drukken. Kan dit worden gerealiseerd? Dit dan vooral bij de bedrade thermostaat zodat het geen batterijen kost.
Hot water schedule
is it possible to create a separate schedule for the hot water when in away mode? it is really annoying not being able to adjust the hot water schedule more accurately and automatically when we are not at home.
Enable Temperature Sensor & Radiator Thermostat to display temperature in Fahrenheit
I live in the USA and own 4 temperature sensors and 5 radiator thermostats. The app shows the temperature settings and readouts in Fahrenheit, but the temperature sensors and the radiator thermostats do not, which makes it extremely not user-friendly for imperial countries. Furthermore, you cannot choose the choice of…
EnergyIQ compare to same month last year not previous month
The energyIQ graph compare the last month with the current month. This doesn’t make much sense because any changes are likely to be seasonal and weather dependent rather than as a result of any actions. It helps to reduce energy usage and costs if we are comparing year on year consumption
Eco->Comfort slider for each SRT
There's a few of us that want the SRTs to work slightly differently. I want them more open so there is more over shoot and more residual heat, some want them more open to stop too much heat being returned and others want them more closed and having tight control on the temperature. I suggest an Eco-> comfort slider so in…
Virtual Tado TRV as workaround for lack of a bridge range extender
As I have a large 3 storey home with a side extension for which the tado bridge cannot communicate to all of the TRV's/radiators on my property and no sight of a hardware/software fix anytime soon, I intend to implement a workaround using Samsung smartthings and some temperature sensors to give me ability for the rooms out…
More detail on device errors - Wireless Receiver
Quite often the Wireless Receiver is showing 'device errors' (blinking hazard light) but none of the devices actually have any issue. I believe that this condition is also explained by the fact that a software update may be in progress. However, this is not at all obvious. It would be really good if there was an option to…
Show temperature with one digit on the smart thermostate
Hi, It would be great if the temperature you want shows on the display of the smart thermostate with one digit instead of zero digits. It is strange that the current temperature of the room is shown with one digit but if you change the desired temperature for instance to 19.5 degrees it shows as 20 degrees. Why not show…
3 modes for radiator thermostats: Off, Open start boiler, Open dont start boiler
There are times when I'd like a room to warm up "if the heating is on anyway" but I can't justify running the boiler just for that one room, this is possible on a permanent basis by not setting a zone controller, but I'd like the ability to schedule it. e.g. In my bedroom I'd like the radiator to heat up on a morning…
Tado A/C controller wall mount missing by design?
Hi, I have three A/C controllers and each one was only supplied with a temporary sticky pad to fix to the wall? Is this right? Am I missing a part? One keeps falling off the wall and have tried other sticky pads but none seem to work, seems a huge oversight to create something that should be mounted to the wall with only a…
Getting most out of your heating system. New Tado device.
Getting most out of your heating system. New Tado device. I was inspired to write this article after reading “Add max. valve opening on thermostats!!” by cjp https://community.tado.com/en-gb/discussion/14775/add-max-valve-opening-on-thermostats I have been working on these issues for hours and days. Optimizing my heating…
Extra functie: 15 kamers ipv 10
Graag meer dan de 10 kamers die nu aangeboden worden. Dat is echt te weinig
Energy IQ multi-rate unit price for Electric Boilers and real-time energy utilisation
I have a Tado connected to an electric boiler used to heat a wet system (radiators). That is pretty common in UK city centre apartments. I would like to see Energy IQ abke to differenciate energy prices (multi rate such as Economy 7 or 10) and read energy consumpton through API integration with Smart Meters or Clamp-on…
Single place to review when a boiler has been called for heat
You should be able to see within an area of the app, every time the boiler has been called for heat across all your devices. This would then show you how often the boiler is on, and therefore allow you to potentially reduce your energy consumption, and tweak the settings for your house to heat it efficiently and…
Hot water
You should be able to see from the app if there is hot water, when the boiler is calling to heat for hot water.
Mobile app should be near real time up to date
The mobile app lags significantly behind the thermostats and relevant heating systems. This makes it very confusing when the boiler is calling for heat, but the Tado app shows that nothing is heating. I've also had it, whereby the thermostats are saying 25 degrees yet the app is showing that no heat is being requested.
Add max. valve opening on thermostats!!
It is crazy how my thermostats are often overheating causing a loss since the exiting water in my radiator is boiling hot. This is CRAZY EXPENSIVE - but app still calculates this as savings which is simply wrong. Add the functionality to limit water flow e.g 25-100%! Add the functionality to set max time on the max water…
Geo/account koppelen
Om bijvoorbeeld 1 kamer aan 1 persoon te koppelen zodat als deze persoon de woning verlaat de verwarming reageert op de geo. Dan zou je het account van deze persoon/ telefoon aan een radiatorknop/pen moet kunnen toewijzen. Nu reageren allen knoppen op de geo van iedereen. Je kan alleen knoppen uitsluiten van geo. Toewijzen…
Area expansion for Tado acount; 2nd internet bridge for better coverage in larger housing
The Tado system can currently work with 1 internet bridge to communicate between the devices. In a situation of a larger space of multiple 3+ floors 1 internet bridge is no sufficient to communicate with all devices. In my case I have a house with 4 floors and 3 thermostats on one floor are not in range (als not after…
Lock openings
Hi! My termostat in my bathroom are connected at the bottom to my towel rack and the thermostat are very close too the heat pipe, so the thermostat belive it is warmer in the bathroom compare to actally temperature. So I wanted that to be possible to lock the openings on the thermostat without to check the temperature in…
Merged: Heating profiles
This discussion has been merged.
standard temperature: lower
The standard temperature of TADO is 21 degree C.. If that is true, isn't it a better idea to lower this standard temperature on behalf of the climatecrisis and, recently, saving costs? For example lower it to 19 or even lower temperature. If someone wants to heat more, be free with TADO to do that.
Need for multiple profiles
Dear Team, I have installed 12 Tados so far in my house and more are to come. I like the idea, although it is not a new one. However, yours seems to work 👌 Having said this, I am missing one huge functionality: as an example: if you have your kids over every other week, I would need to every week redo the schedules so as…
switching point in schedule should overwrite manual input
i have a tado at home and in the office. main problem i have with it that people set the temps manually. so it is set to hot and heats all the time. tado does not have setting to say. overwrite manual input at next switchi g point (eg at night same day) so it keeps heating at full steam. it should go back to schedule at…
Ac and valve in same room
Can you please make it possible for ac and boiler to be in the same room and see what would be thr best energy usr to heat if for one room mostly would be beter for the ac part to take ocer the heating
Directly select room on the Graph page, without navigating away
Please could a drop down to select each room be included on the graph screen in the App? This would allow quicker comparison of how different rooms have behaved, without having to navigate away to a different room and then selecting the charts again and again. I find the graphs of each room very useful, but find it…
Backup settings
Problem - other members of family mess up carefully programmed heating schedule. Solution - access rights of other users limited or way to restore backup settings to revert to original schedule.