Show current temperature on TRVs
Would it be possible to have an option to show the current temperature on the TRV? I have the child lock enabled on all my thermostats and when you spin the wheel it flashes the programmed temperature. It would be nice if there was a way to nudge the dial and display the current temperature without having to open the app…
Radiator Fans
Hi Could you look at the possibility of add on-product such as a radiator fan kit... fans that clip under the radiator, controlled by the Tado valve, so when valve turns on, the fans help circulate the air around the radiator?... this would make a great add-on to Tado and help make it stand out from the other smart valve…
May I kindly request you to stop using odd numbers on the Y axis of your graph?
I can’t believe you still ignore so many of your clients asking for an update on this feature since 2019. It’s quite easy to address the issue by either stop using odd values on the Y axis for temperature and humidity or, allow the user to manually adapt it with his own preferences. Sorry but having horizontal graduation…
Turn on radiator valve for maintenance
Not sure if this is already implemented but I couldn't find it. It would be nice if we can open the radiator valves for maintenance even if the temperature is way above 25º. I needed to manually open all the radiator valves for maintenance.
Heating to text size
Please make the heating to text size and font colour more readable.
Switched Fused spur / smart plug controller
Hi, I really like Tado and we have smart thermostats on all our radiators. However, we also like our electric fire on in the living room from time to time. It would be nice if there was a switched fused spur or smart plug option so we could control all our heating devices through Tado. We could control the fire through a…
Option to have Away turn off everything even manual settings
Often we occupy a room at random times during the day, when we leave home all the auto radiators shut down but not the manually set ones. It would be nice to have an option to turn all off when away from home is sensed. Once away from home it should still be possible to manually activate individual radiators to pre-heat…
Link with energy provider
I love that you can put your meter readings in to the app and see your savings but I will often forget put the readings in. The new reminder feature is good but would be amazing if I could link my tado with my energy provider so that it auto updates.
Fix the geofencing functions that I pay for
I paid Tado so that my heating would use geofencing, well it does not. When contacted Tado say there is an issue but have not provided a resolution. First it was my partners phone that would not be picked up, so we changed the phone as there was another app with another issue. Her phone now works, but I don't see why her…
Hallo het zou fijn zijn als de Tado applicatie ook een Widget kan oproepen op het beginscherm, misschien leuk voor de volgende upgrade !! Succes Met vriendelijke groet Stephan J Vestallen
Responsive User Interface
The User Interface should be responsive to ensure it renders correctly on all screen sizes maximising the resolution to ensure the best possible usability. When programming complex schedules it's much easier to use the web interface on a PC or Mac where you should have the benefit of a large screen showing the full smart…
When heating a room, open valve in steps
When Tado heats up a room for example from 18c to 20c, it´s all or nothing. Because the valve is open all the way, it make a hissing noise. What if it opens in steps? That would minimize the noise coming through the valve. It´s not tado that is is causing the noise, but the valve being open full to reach the Temputure all…
Electric Radiator Element
There are Wifi controlled elements for electric radiators on the market so assume this is not an impossible request. However, it would be great for Tado to offer this option to link in with the main app (like the AC controls) which can offer heating to areas of a property where no wet heating system is installed. it would…
Labels for devices
I have a single room (the kitchen) that has multiple radiators in it. I have smart switches on all of them. It would be useful to label the switches, ie “Radiator By the Window”. That way when the battery is low it is easier to know which one it is.
Thermostat should measure humidity in a way that is not useless
Hi, I’ve been using my smart thermostat for a while on firmware 90.1. I have it integrated with HomeKit and as it turns out, using HomeKit (an advertised feature) completely breaks the humidity sensor (also an advertised feature). The humidity sensor is completely out of touch and only reports values every 5% change. This…
A configuration option to delay geofencing (returning home)
I propose a configuration option to delay heating (when automatic geofencing is used) when returning home. This could be useful for single person households where primary mode of transportation is cycling. Rationale: Most of the time I travel by bike. When I return home, heating is not necessary for about 30 - 60 minutes,…
Cheap Secondary Thermostats and Bridge extender
These are much requested features that I believe should be added.
Help make Tado better: Create subgroups in the forum and let Tado experts comment to content
As a newbie in the Tado world, I am confused by the lack accuracy, when I go through the complaints and problems. The smart radiator thermostats are often described as valves, and the discussions are further blurred by expectations to regulation performance based on a system with a boiler, while I have district heating,…
Outdoor sensor
Outdoor sensor is excellent idea and a LCD wireless main panel tablet with all information on it , each room outdoor information and online weather from met office. Including usage of gas
TRVs recognising when a call for heat has failed
I got up to a cold house this morning. I looked in the app and all TRVs were “heating to 20°” however, despite it being 8.15am and my schedule being set to start heating at 6.45/7am all rooms were still only 16° or thereabouts. It turns out my combi boiler had dropped pressure resulting in the boiler being unable to fire…
App home screen icons show % tvr open and issues low bat calibration or manual
Having the % open of the TVR on each room icon. If manual activated show hand Also any issue show on the app icon.
Improved internet bridge / Better range.
I live in a property with 3 floors + a basement and my networking setup is on the top floor Attic and find devices in living room and basement disconnect from the tado bridge. I have Philips hue and everything works flawlessly throughout. The capabilities of the Tado Bridge needs to be improved for longer wireless range or…
Winter, Autumn, Summer Schedule
Please can you create a Winter, Autumn & and Summer Schedule. The aim is to be able to set heating on and off times for each room based on the Winter / Autumn or Summer Schedule. In each season the the heating and water needs to start at different times and be on or off each room in room. This would be very helpful.
*Immediate* notification when batteries are low
On the help pages, I read that this is what happens when the batteries in the radiator give out: ...Alternatively, your Smart Radiator Thermostat may not close fully, which can cause your radiators to heat even when not needed... When the batteries of your devices run out, tado° will notify you as follows: First, your…
Sería bueno tener la opción de activar un widgets en el teléfono para tener acceso directo a la temperatura de una habitación.
Local control - not internet dependant
Given that other Smart Home products (Aqara for insurance) can now work without the internet, than it's about time Tado mixed with the times.
My experience of buying Tado
I am truly amazed how easy and straightforward it was to swap over my existing system to the Tado Starter Kit V3+. Right from the start, after scanning the QR code to download the app, making an account and preparing for the installation, this was a very well illustrated, easy to follow installation process. Once the right…
Individual Room ‘advance’ option
I can’t find the roadmap but has it been considered to add an advance option for individual zones to either advance from off to on, or on to off. Or allow the boost function for individual zones, rather than to current option to boost all zones?
Allow users to set/adjust the Early Start option
Tado offers an Early Start (pre-heat) option for ‘slow response’ heating systems like underfloor heating. When used with my Air Sourced Heat Pump (ASHP) this switches on heating far too early. It would be helpful if users could set a more suitable pre-heat factor to better match different homes and heating systems. This…
Per room HOME/AWAY status
I would like the ability to set a home/away status to individual rooms. That way, the main home/away status can be controlled when someone is home/away, but if a home member is away for a week say and their bedroom is set to away, tado won’t heat their room, just the occupied rooms.