Valve moving when out of heating season
It's usual that the long pressed valve needles are stuck. If the valves move them on a setupable time period (daily, weekly, etc) this should be avoidable.
Fault detection if no temperature change detected
If a room has an temperature increase demand but there is no change in temperature for a given time period a warning should be triggered by Tado. My boiler has an issue that it needs resetting Every soften I only find out after an hour so after i get cold. That the system is not working. But the Tado ‘care & protect’ tab…
Volledig open, volledig gesloten instelling
Beste Tado, Het zou zeer handig zijn om een kleine instelling toe te voegen aan de instellingen voor de slimme radiatorknoppen. Namelijk een instelling dat hij volledig open gaat als er warmte vraag is, en volledig gesloten gaat als er geen warmte vraag meer is. Dus een instelling toevoegen voor niet stapsgewijs inregelen,…
Temperature cap by room
Can we please have the ability to set a cap on target temperatures by room on the app
Meter readings
Around 18 months ago we had our electricity meter changed to a smart meter. The TADO problems that followed were : 1, it wasn’t possible to enter the meter readings for the new meter so I had to calculate how many kWh we had used that day and add it to the original meter reading. 2. This manipulation worked well until the…
Intelligent Climate Control Device V3+" as an External Temperature Sensor for Thermostatic Valves
The "Intelligent Climate Control Device V3+" should be able to be associated with the same room as a thermostatic valve and be chosen as the reference for the external temperature. This can be done similarly to how it is done with a second thermostatic valve, an external temperature sensor, or the thermostat. If present in…
Reduce water hammer sound by slowly closing the radiator valve
Sometimes Tado closes the radiator valves very quickly, which makes a loud bang due to water hammer. This can be bad for the equipment and it scares my kids. If the radiator valve would be closed more slowly, this would significantly reduce the amount of sound produced.
Ability to limit heating level for each room or each thermostat
It’s usually lot of waste of heating when heating is on level 3. Tado is not able at effectively run preheating economically. Its ability to learn this effectively gets complicated as the many things affect this such as X if room door is opened or not, or how often door is opened/closed. The temperature outside the door. X…
display, max valve opening, subscription
Thanks to tado, my 25yr old house is keeping the target temperature for the first time and the overall heating cost are down. I love it! A few suggestions: 1) The valve opening (%) should be visible at the home screen (right next to room name and room temperature). Important to instantly see the level of heating per room…
Setting for degree of valve opening +/- smart opening relation to number of active zones
When valves open a tiny amount in a single zone they are noisy I would like to be able to set a minimum opening value. This would largley solve the issue but i'll go into it in more detail as I have a more elegant solution as well. I have tado valves on every radiator and if only a few zones are calling for heat then the…
Black Wireless Temperature Sensor Stand
Tado do not make/offer a black stand for the black temp sensor. I don’t understand why not but would suggest that’s an obvious (though minor) omission from their range. I have sourced a 3rd party stand on eBay and it’s very good but would have bought a genuine Tado if it was available.
Zone controller assigning in API or create fireplace mode in TADO app.
So my problem is i can not control the zone controller from the tado API. I use Home assistant and would like to have the abbility to create a "Fireplace On" switch (in Home assistant or in the TADO app) that will toggle the zone controller for selected rooms. I have TRV's on all my radiators (except 2 bypass radiators).…
Tado energie-zuinig?
Tado presenteert zich als de oplossing voor teveel energieverbruik. Alleen de temperaturen die jullie adviseren (de voor-ingestelde temperaturen, maar ook die geadviseerde temperatuur in de tab klimaatcomfort), zijn hoger dan de in nederland geadviseerde 19 graden. Lijkt mij niet erg energie-zuinig. Als bv mijn woonkamer…
Comfort setting rather than temperature
As an option, why do we need to set a temperature at all? Why don't we set air comfort instead. I really couldn't care what the temperature is per room, the figure is irrelevant to me, I just want it to be "pleasant" in each room. Given the temperature to achieve "pleasant" can change depending on humidity etc it would be…
Better preseve room temperature
I noticed that tado is not good at keeping a stable room temperature. Instead of turning the heating on in advance while temperature is dropping close the level, it turns on when it’s just below. But that will be too late and thus after some time it increases the power to get the temperature higher which is waste of…
Keep the radiator valve open for a while after the temperature has been reached.
So the smart thermostat button works like this. You set a temperature like 20 degrees. However the room is19 degrees. Tado turns the valve of the radiator open and your central heating boiler starts heating. However after the temperature has been reached, Tado gives a stop signal but immetiately shuts down the radiator…
Relative units in Energy IQ setup
In residential buildings there are still some individual radiator meters. In the Energy IQ setup one can only give kWh or m3 as unit but this is only available on a building level. Can something be done to use individual meter readings from Techem meters for example?
UK Customer Service Telephone Number
Currently no UK customer service telephone number is available. This is not good for Elderly people who are less technically endowed then other generations and when they have a fault just want to speak to someone to get the fault rectified especially in the Middle of a UK winter. It causes allot of anxiety. Given the…
Community Support..
Because there seems to be no input from Tado in this community support why don't they follow Sky's model whereby there are superusers that can elevate some queries to Tado directly for online support vie a chat process. Seems to work ok for them and would greatly reduce the frustration some do have with no input from Tado…
Antifreeze & déactivation possibilty
Hello, Support told me that it s not possible to deactivate or change the antofreeze temperature. The minimum temperature when you set to off is 5°C. I would like to be abble to set the antifreeze temperature at a temperature below 5°C (as set by default). And also to be abble to deactivate completely a radiator head. This…
Wireless Internet Bridge
This is a super simple idea, and franky it surprises me you haven't done this yet (or have you?), but wouldn't it make sense to have an alternative do the Internet bridge with a wireless antena? I have my home fairly well covered with a mesh wireless connection, but the fact that you need to have all radiators connected…
Global Device Error History
There's various system errors that are actionable and useful for the user to review for troubleshooting, if only they could review the relevant past historical info in one place focused solely on problems. An error log. lost signal periods for TRVs, sensors, receivers disconnected internet periods for the internet bridge…
Show Actual Status of Wired Thermostat Controller
Hello Team, Currently Wired Thermostat shows heating on only when it's manually Switched ON to a heating setpoint or scheduled ON. It would be good to see when the controller switched ON the Heating device based on the requirements of Room TRV Controllers.
Option to select between load compensation or weather compensation
Hi Could you add an option to select between using load compensation or weather compensation using internet weather data, this would let you try both methods to see what works best for your particular house. On all digital buses craig
Please vote: Meer bridges en zones in dezelfde app. / More bridges and zones in the same app.
Op het forum heb ik vaker gezien dat Tado in grotere gebouwen zoals onze pastorie met parochiezalen en dagkapel, niet toekomt met één bridge. De oudste verzoeken daaromtrent in het forum zijn al van een paar jaar geleden. Ook kan in de app maar één bridge worden aangesloten en kan je bovendien maar één gebouw invoeren. De…
Add modes / scenarios
Add the option to create modes/scenarios and tie custom schedules to them. Some examples - work from home - Child week - Party As it is today there is a constant change of the schedules when I for example decide to work from home instead of the office or when it’s my week with my daughter.
improve Care&Protect by reading bus-codes (OT)
care & protect is currently not reading out bus codes which display the error codes on my heater/boiler (Nefit Proline HRC24 - OpenTherm). In my recent case this led to low system pressure which I was not aware of and could damage the heater. luckily I found out quite early. Despite the heating request to the heater, the…
Catalan language
As a Tado's thermostat owner and Catalan speaker, I want purpose you the new idea to add Catalan language in your app. Catalan language is known for about 10 million people (from Spain, France and Italy) so it would be great for Catalan speakers enjoy Tado's apps in their own language as other European people do. Thank you.
Mesh system
I have a very long house with thick stone walls so the internet bridge cannot reach all my radiators. My internet system uses a mesh system to get WiFi to all areas of my home I was hoping that this type of system could be used by tado to solve my problems.
tado° transparency time slots dark mode (ITA: tado° trasparenza fasce orarie modalità scura)
EN: The new graphic design of the temperature graph is beautiful, but there is a small problem in the dark mode. In fact, the shade of the vertical bands should be proportional to the heating intensity, as happens correctly in the light mode; but unfortunately, this does not happen in dark mode. Since in dark mode the…