Powered Smart TRVs
Could you introduce AC-powered smart TRVs with a rechargeable battery backup please? Haven't had enough use of the units on battery so far, but want to get away from constantly changing batteries in the household. Take this a step further and have them communicate across the home power cabling to the Internet bridge.
Relais vloerverwarming bij 1 golfje ook volledig open
Blijkens antwoord van Tado is een als relais ingestelde slimme bedrade thermostaat op een Honeywell Zoneklep maar 33pc van de tijd open bij een warmtevraag van een golfje. Dat betekent dat als je temperatuursensor in de kamer met vloerverwarming een warmte vraag naar de ketel stuurt, de zoneklep niet geopend wordt; voor…
Portrait graphs
Please make the temperature graphs visible in portrait mode too, now I always need to rotate my phone in order to see the graph - this is quite annoying. For the rest, keep it up! Absolutely love the product, the installation manual, the software, the app, it’s a great product :)
Set A/C mode across schedular
I have an a/c unit that I use to cool the house in the summer and heat in the winter. Using the tado a/c controller, if I set the a/c mode to auto it creates a problem. When a scheduled time block has a lower temperature than the one before it, the a/c will actively start to cool. In the winter this is not a desired…
Unified schedule view
Please could you consider creating a unified schedule view for all rooms and their schedules to allow for bulk editing and copy/paste.
How to improve tado? Hint - it's not product development.
I've been a tado user since its UK launch, running a v1 product that over the last decade, has been pretty stable. My own tado experience? Meh, it's a central heating thermostat, and it almost always does what it's supposed to do, and pretty well too. So why have I still not installed the replacement v3+ I bought over a…
App Notification
Add notification on the home tile page to show that tado are performing maintenance or are having issues. Twice this month I can see the internet bridge cannot connect (network tools) and the boiler stays on.
Dual SRV Offset
I know that the Smart Radiator Valve offset issues have been discussed extensively but I would like to offer my 2 cents. In one of the rooms in my apartment, I have a tado SRV installed and I also have a room thermometer. I check their measurements from time to time and when not heating they are very close to each other…
Add an Alexa feature: "Alexa, what is the humidity in the living room/bedroom/etc"
The Tado app clearly shows that humidity is being tracked. We can see the humidity in all the rooms. So those sensors are already present in the Tado devices. Yet, I can't ask Alexa to tell me what the humidity is. I'm a programmer, and I know that this wouldn't take a great deal of programming to implement. So I'm…
Early start for radiators
I tried early start in normal rooms with radiators and found the early start begins excessively early (like 4 hours!) and was advised this feature can only be used for very slow systems like underfloor heating. Pity it cannot learn over time how long it takes to heat the room, take outside temperature into account, and…
fonction iFeel Clim Gree
Bonjour, a quand la fonction iFeel intégrée au tado pour une meilleure efficacité et gestion de nos climes.
Hot water tank smart thermostat
I think there is a market to provide a variation on the Smart Thermostat in the form of a unit with a temperature sensor on a cable, to allow the user to install in a thermal water store. This can give the flexibility for hybrid systems that have multiple heat sources for the store such as Solar thermal, biomass and oil or…
Connect to enery supplier as a service
It would make it a lot easier and simpler to have a service that connects to the energy suppliers. This would make the the usage and money part of the application a lot more accurate to manage. I have already seen this service offered by some online applications.
Support for multiple people and multiple zones
With current geofencing, if all devices are away from home all zones are set to away. If at least one device is at home, all zones are set to home. Ideally, this should be more granular. As an example: We have two devices, mine and my partners. We have four zones: my study, my partner's study, a shared bedroom and a shared…
Geofencing by person
In a multi-person household, geofencing could be tailored so that one person leaving could adjust part of the house leaving the rest heated for those remaining inside. So if I go out, for example, the room I use most of the time could be left unheated, but other rooms still follow their usual schedule.
Custom name per device beside room name
Currently any device has the name of the room and a non descriptive id. To be able to identify for example the device with low battery it is useful to get a notification for a device with clear name (e.g. under window radiator, bedroom 1, bedroom 2)
Retaining screw on smart rad valve.
The smart Rad valve needs a retaining screw. This would stop people from accidentally unclipping the head from the screw on base while twisting the top.
Winter, Autumn, Summer Schedule
Please can you create a Winter, Autumn & and Summer Schedule. The aim is to be able to set heating on and off times for each room based on the Winter / Autumn or Summer Schedule. In each season the the heating and water needs to start at different times and be on or off each room in room. This would be very helpful.
Please bring back “Until next automatic change” in the app manual mode
With the release of App version 5.11 that aligns the UI of V3 and V3+ You have have removed a feature that I found really useful. With the old app I could set a temperature in manual “Until next automatic change”. It would remain in this mode until either a Smart Schedule event occurred, OR I LEFT HOME, see image. With the…
Battery Changing
Hi Development Any thoughts on logging the battery changes. I suppose I could use a spreadsheet but seems a little OTT. The reason I’m asking is that a room which had new batteries (good ones) just three months ago and which is hardly used (temperature is set to 18 degrees). Is asking for new batteries again. Having said…
Away by individual family member
I would like to be able to set different away settings for each room by family member. I have 3 scenarios: 1. Both my wife and I are home: Both our office rooms we are using for homeoffice should heat. 2. I am home, my wife is not: Only my office room should heat. 3. I am out of home but my wife is home: her office room…
Dark Mode for Web App
Now that we have Dark Mode for mobile, how about adding the same for the Web App. opened at the request of @Manuel
Offset Identifier on Tado Thermostat Tiles
I use an offset for one of my thermostats to avoid the frost protection kicking in when I don't want it to (given that there is no way of setting a minimum temperature manually). Could there be a symbol or other identifier on the Home Screen tiles for when thermostat controllers have had an offset applied? Or even the…
[released] Dark Mode Toggle Switch
Dark mode was just released. This thread now continues for the valid request to be able to toggle ON/OFF the dark mode regardless of the global settings on your phone. Original post: Mobile apps would look nice in Dark Mode. Reading the System OS Light/Dark theme option as default, then a toggle in settings if the user…
Permettre à la sonde de température de demander du chauffage à la chaudière directement
Apparemment pour le moment là sonde de température ne sert qu'à mesurer la température et ne peut que communiquer avec les vannes thermostatiques connectées des radiateurs. Ce serait intéressant que la sonde puisse directement communiquer avec la chaudière. Par exemple pour une chambre qui a besoin de rester à 16° :…
*Immediate* notification when batteries are low
On the help pages, I read that this is what happens when the batteries in the radiator give out: ...Alternatively, your Smart Radiator Thermostat may not close fully, which can cause your radiators to heat even when not needed... When the batteries of your devices run out, tado° will notify you as follows: First, your…
I would love to see a 'dashboard' type feature where I can see who and when users manually adjusted the trv's or when schedules started or ended or when home and away are started.
Sería bueno tener la opción de activar un widgets en el teléfono para tener acceso directo a la temperatura de una habitación.
Configurable schedule
Currently we can have 1 schedule for all days of the week, 3 schedules: weekdays & Saturday & Sunday or 7 schedules: every day separate. Can we get a way to define this in a custom way? I work from home 4 days a week, so to be able to schedule those days separate from all other days would be so much more convenient! It…
Boiler service logs/recording
Add boiler maintenance recording to the care & protect tab with reminders for servicing due.