UI Fix - Start/End times field text is cut off
Currently in the app, the time in the start/end time the time is not displayed fully.
Longer graphs?
1) Show all devices on a single page in a graph 2) Show the graph as above but showing 1 week, 1 month etc intervals? 3) is there an external Tado device that can be installed to indicate the true outside temperature/humidity? 4) Can the graphs be printed?
Hot water boost via app
There used to be functionality using the app whereby you could boost the hot water for a limited period of time, say 1/2 hr then it would return to schedule. As it now works you can only override the schedule and turn the hot water on. If you then forget to turn it off it will run 24/7, not good at all..
De app werk weer zoals het moet maar vind deze toch nog beter instelbaar https://app.tado.com/nl/main/home Hooplijk verbeteren ze die app Ook
Only 24h? Make multiple timespans in the heating history graph
Right now you can only see a graph of the current 24 hours of room temp and heating in the graph window found under each rooms control menu. Would be a help to se 1day, 2days, 3days, 7days and 1month And it would be great to see a graph of the average usage per month in a year, also with average inside and outside temps,…
Revert timer defaults back to the previous functionality
When manually turning on the hot water in the app, instead of defaulting to the same duration as the last request (e.g. 30 mins), it now defaults to staying turned on until the next scheduled change (which is often hours away). If this is not noticed by the user it can lead to the hot water being heated for hours by…
Ability to rename device
When batteries are running low I get an email informing me that a particular device in a specific room has an issue. In some rooms I have 4 radiators. I then have to go round ‘blinking’ the stat multiple and watching all the stats in the room to find which one it is. it would be great to be able to rename or give a…
If at least 1 connected device is available in a room, to read and control from that
1) in a rooms settings and you select the measuring device. If that is connected then don’t grey out the room, put a red spot to indicate one of the devices has an issue. Allowing you to control the room still as and when the others connect they sync 2) energyIQ data source and units. Can we add litres for oil consumption ?
Power failure notification
Send a notification or an email if tado accessories lost connection which may mean a power failure (for example while you are in holiday, allowing to ask a reset to a friend).
Ability to heat and cool using a water based (hybrid) heat pump
Ability to heat and cool using a water based (hybrid) heat pump
Battery Power for AC control rather than mains plug and 1.8m lead
I have AC in bedrooms and the your smart AC control would be an attractive convenient addition to my smart heating intallation. It would be much neater to have these powered by batteries as opposed to a mains plug with 1.8m lead trailing up a wall which is very unsightly and severely limits placement options Look forward…
Small change to "Boost Heat all Rooms."
During the summer I use the "Boost Heat all Rooms" quick action to activate the heating once a week to keep the pipes clear and exercise the thermostatic valves. It works fine but at the end of the boost period it returns the system to the schedule rather than the state it was in before boost was pressed which, in this…
Spread temperature range on Tado smart ac control
hi, I have a problem with Smart AC controls funcion. I have an vacation apartment that is heated by AC, and in winter time we set +8C on AC and leave it for whole season, with Tado smart AC I can heat min. to 16C that is too much for me, all I need is frost protection, or to set lowest heating temperatre. Could you spread…
Smart AC Thermostat Battery Pack & Homekit Upgrade
Hello folks! I'm a tado enthusiast and I built quite an ecosystem at home: always felt that tado products have an extra kick both in design and experience customization which made me choose them above the competitors. I was a bit turned off by the Smart AC Thermostat USB cable hanging along the wall and plugged in the…
Build own iOS app or use iOS shortcuts - use API to allow multi home support
Hi, Has anyone played with the idea of either building their own iOS app or using iOS shortcuts / automation to make API calls? Specifically making an API call to set home or away status based on geolocation. I don’t need any more multi home support than geolocation, everything else is OK in the web interface (if I have…
Airco fan speed control with Google Assistant
It appears that setting fan speeds (low, medium, high, auto) for our Tado controlled airco devices with Google Assistant is currently not supported. We can set the temperature, and set cooling or heating with Google Assistant, but not the fan speed. Fan speed is always set to “medium” if you turn the Airco on with Google…
Vane angle positioning on tado Smart AC
Hello! With the latest firmware (100.0) of tado Smart AC Control it is still not possible to control an angle of vanes on an AC unit :( This feature would be quite welcome and I hope for tado's support in this regard. Thanks and regards, Zarko.
Select and copy serial number to clipboard
When contacting technical support they request the serial number of the device. You have to manually type it in when you should be able to long press and copy to clipboard
Energy IQ Tariff rounding bug
The gas price is 5.65p (UK pence) per kWh and previously it was 3.44p per kWh. However Tado App asks to enter this as £ so I enter 0.0565 and 0.0344. However Tado rounds this to 0.06 and 0.03 which is quite a large rounding error, resulting in a bad estimation. Could you please update this to allow more digits. Thank you &…
EnergyIQ bad UI design for viewing history
Hi, Thanks for the latest EnergyIQ update: >> Energy IQ has been updated, and now you can view your historical heating consumption all the way back to when you first installed tado°. To check your consumption from a previous period, open the Energy IQ skill and select the desired month from the dropdown menu at the top of…
Summer/Winter Mode
The app should have a summer mode which, once activated, amends all schedules down by a predetermined amount, to counter ambient temperatures. For example, 22 degrees in winter feels comfortable, whereas 22 degrees in summer feels too hot. This is due to ambient temperatures, which affect heat retention. Now that temps…
Ventilation remote solution needed
Hi, could you please help me to find the right device to add to my existing tado° set (Wireless temp sensor+wireless receiver+internet bridge) which work perfectly to heat the house, but not to cool it down. I would need to control the existing manual ON/OFF ventilation switch as well, based on the inside temperature in…
Temperature monitor or probe for Hot water tank
Please can we add a remote temperature probe for a Hot water tank. Simular to a radiator thermostat. However it will tell the temperature of the Hot water Tank. This could also be used to integrate temperature control for the Hot water and weather to re-heat, turn on the hot water or turn off.
Store a basic schedule locally in case of crash / lost connection
My Tado system crashed when I went on holiday when the boiler was on. It stayed on max heating until I got home. Quick sums showed it had burned abut £50 in gas (which Tado refunded in the end) but surely it makes sense to store a limited schedule locally, at the boiler controller. What's potentially worse is if the system…
Smart AC control to activate AC based on room temperature
Currently the Smart AC control turns on the AC unit at the start of a time block, regardless of the temperature. In my opinion that's a major flaw, because most (all?) home AC units still run their fan even if the room temperature is below the setpoint, so it's a waste of energy and also annoying to have the fan blowing…
Smart AC Control to turn off AC unit when desired temperature is reached
Could it be possible to add a feature to the Smart AC Control that would allow for AC unit to turn off automatically when the desired temperature is reached, and then, when the Smart AC control detects that the temperature has raised 0.5-1 degrees over, to turn on the AC unit again? At the present moment, using the Smart…
Silence mode activation for Vaillant (GREE) airco
I have a Vaillant airco, which is acutely a GREE airco. I’m really happy with the Tado remote, but i can’t select silence mode. It is the mode I use the most. Please add this function to the Tado remote
Energy IQ area & Data Analysis improvements
Hi, After the last time suggestions about the review the previous data and Yes, I can see the delveoper quick changed now. The previous data with the m3 usage only rather there had the cost £ figure in the current montly. (current month, that could choice m3 leave or cost £$)..Hope that can be apply to the previous data as…
Always on display
Please please please make an option to show the current temperature stay always on. Even if it’s on dim - it would be so handy to have this information available at a glance
Add a turn off all heating control
Right now when you click turn off all rooms, it includes hot water as a room. For the summer months it would be great if you can just turn off all heating instead of including the hot water.