Suggested schedules to save energy
I know this would potentially be a nightmare and long term investment on tado's part but for those with trvs it would be possible, after maybe a year's worth of data from a property to learn a user's preferred temperature, time to heat each room, time for room to cool by X degrees thus understand thermal efficiency of each…
PAYG tariff rates in energy IQ
Pay as you go tariffs often have 2 rates. A higher rate for the first few kwh of energy used, and a reduced rate for any additional usage. For energy iq to give accurate estimates for people on pay as you go tariffs the app needs to be able to be told the full tariff details Ie X £amount for first 2 kwh of usage . Y…
Multi Tenancy
It should be possible to manage multiple houses or buildings from a single login instead of having double accounts.
Themed icon for Android app
Since Android 12 or 13 apps can provide a themed icon that blends in nicely with the new visuals by adapting to the current accent color. Could you please implement it for tado as well?
Child lock on smart thermostat
TRVs have a way to prevent children or guests changing things accidentally. Please add the same for the underfloor heating thermostats.
Vision problem using website
I have slight vision problems distinguishing between different colours. Your website prints its headlines in pale yellow on a white background or white text on a pale yellow background. Could this be changed for those of us who have trouble deciphering what it’s supposed to say?
Enhanced Alexa integration
The tado app is great and the functions for my AC are as you described, however the control from Alexa is limited to on, off, heat, cool and temperature. I asked if you will be adding more commands for the new features of the update you mention, like fan speed, fan only mode, swing, and led on/off.
Visual indication of valve open in app
Please can you add a small indication on the Home Screen for each radiator valve block, to show if it is open or shut. The “heating to” message/colour coding is a bit woolly. Same within the individual valve detail screen.
Message if thermostat goes offline
It would be very helpful if, just as you do now when a device battery goes low, you were to send out a text message when a device goes offline.
Vaillant VR66 compatibility
Tado was compatible with the discontinued VR65. It would be very helpful if you could make it work with the current VR66 model.
add a choice between 0,1 OR 0,5 degreechange in the app
I disagree with only 0,5 change. I bought a Tado for its flexibility with 0,1 degree changing. Now it is 0,5. Why nog helping both with a choicepossibility in the app: 0,1 OR 0,5.
App feature: faster on/off using the main screen tile
I've been doing a lot of manual adjusting of my ACs the last couple of days to figure out what is a nice temperature and what isn't. And so I hit upon an idea which could improve the app: In the app we have tiles for each room. It would be a nice feature if by performing a hold-button action (for say 3 seconds) on the tile…
Smart AC offset to outside temperature
With the crazy heatwave happening these past few days I had some issues with my Smart AC schedule. Normally I keep it set to cool the room to 24°Celsius as that gives me a good enough temperature during more normal days. But now with the heatwave reaching temps of 35° and higher setting the AC to 24° makes the room feel…
Battery Power for AC control rather than mains plug and 1.8m lead
I have AC in bedrooms and the your smart AC control would be an attractive convenient addition to my smart heating intallation. It would be much neater to have these powered by batteries as opposed to a mains plug with 1.8m lead trailing up a wall which is very unsightly and severely limits placement options Look forward…
Airco fan speed control with Google Assistant
It appears that setting fan speeds (low, medium, high, auto) for our Tado controlled airco devices with Google Assistant is currently not supported. We can set the temperature, and set cooling or heating with Google Assistant, but not the fan speed. Fan speed is always set to “medium” if you turn the Airco on with Google…
Energy IQ Tariff rounding bug
The gas price is 5.65p (UK pence) per kWh and previously it was 3.44p per kWh. However Tado App asks to enter this as £ so I enter 0.0565 and 0.0344. However Tado rounds this to 0.06 and 0.03 which is quite a large rounding error, resulting in a bad estimation. Could you please update this to allow more digits. Thank you &…
Energy IQ area & Data Analysis improvements
Hi, After the last time suggestions about the review the previous data and Yes, I can see the delveoper quick changed now. The previous data with the m3 usage only rather there had the cost £ figure in the current montly. (current month, that could choice m3 leave or cost £$)..Hope that can be apply to the previous data as…
Add a turn off all heating control
Right now when you click turn off all rooms, it includes hot water as a room. For the summer months it would be great if you can just turn off all heating instead of including the hot water.
Increased rooms
Is it possible to add more than 10 rooms?
Faster Ethernet on Internet Bridge
The Tado Internet Bridge only has a 10Mb Ethernet adaptor. Whilst this is more than enough for the traffic required for Tado to work, background network traffic can end up saturating the link and causing connectivity issues. I have found that, at times, there is enough broadcast/multicast traffic (for example, ZeroConf…
User specific Heating schedule
It would be very helpful if there would be the option to have user specific heating schedules. I travel for work but sometimes I work from home. Would be great if Tado would recognise that and switch heating off in the office when I am away. Could that be integrated please. Thanks
Activity lights on home page
I would like to see the H/W and C/H lights that are on the wireless programmer mirrored onto the home page of the Tado App. This would allow a quick view of the current status and not take up much space on the Home Screen. It could also be improved if the C/H was red dot for fully on and amber dot for a remote thermostat…
Individual geo location feature
Hi, i let out rooms of my house. I want to be able to turn off their thermostats when they are not in the house. So it would be nice there where user management in the app... HIGHLY MISSING!!!
Add undo button to scheduler
It is very easy to make a mistake when designing the schedule which accidentally deletes all the changes you've previously spent time making. Please can you add an undo button to undo whatever you did last. This could go next to the copy paste buttons quite nicely.
.set all rooms at same time
Add a button that will reduce the temperature by 1 degrees at every press and another the minus 1 deg. So you can set your complete system up or down at a touch
Energy IQ calculation behaviour
The calcul for "Hestimate heating consumption" should be include the fix price of a monthly gaz plan. Overwise the amouth in euros can not be correct. Example with the French case: We have a fix price in addition to the volume of gaz they use every month. March, I had to pay 19.30 euros (monthly plan to have access to the…
make geofencing free.
I was always surprised that geofencing needed a subscription. When receiving this email below. Geofencing has a much bigger impact. So make geofencing free. "Take action now to reduce energy consumption in a joint effort Hello Robert, Did you know that lowering your home temperature by 1°C will reduce energy consumption by…
Add Humididty to Climatecomfort screen
Could you add humidity next to C° on the screen ? See screen capture Thx
Energy IQ - dual rate
I just want to suggest that in your energy IQ feature that you allow the user to enter two rates (a day rate and a night rate) if they are on an economy 7 energy deal. otherwise, this feature is useless to me. Also, most people in the UK have a standing rate too.
I love my TADO product but whilst I appreciate you think you’re moving into the future by only allowing online chat to consumers but for me it’s very limiting/time consuming and in my humble opinion would not make me buy your product.