Energy IQ cost to account for standing charge
I find the estimated gas cost estimate to be reasonably good, but the cost shown is for the consumption cost only. It would be useful for option to include the cost of daily standing charge such that the total month prediction / comparison reflects the total bill for gas not just the consumption.
Quick offset for summer & winter
Like most my thermostat is downstairs near my boiler, I often need to change my +/- offsets as my upstairs bedrooms are warmer in the spring / summer and cooler in the autumn/ winter, would be nice for an auto correction around those times of year for this.
Boost heating
I would like to be able to select the radiators from a list that I can boost in the morning instead of all radiators. I only need the ones downstairs to come on. ( I work shifts) Why is the logo on the top of the Thermostat facing the wall. :'(
Can we have a notification when someone turns heating on please.
User specific Heating schedule
It would be very helpful if there would be the option to have user specific heating schedules. I travel for work but sometimes I work from home. Would be great if Tado would recognise that and switch heating off in the office when I am away. Could that be integrated please. Thanks
Please allow me to access my data
Hi, I would like to create different analytic charts from the ones you supply. Please can you give me a way to access my data so that I can download it and create those. The key one I want is a chart to overlay all of the my rooms over each other and see which is the coldest - so I can figure out why and fix it. thanks,…
Clearer indication of what rooms are currently heating up
Hi, I hear the heating coming on in the house and I want to know which rooms think it is too cold - as I want to see if I agree that it should be on and potentially reset their temperatures for the future. However, the home screen on the app only indicates in words "heating to...". Each room colour is set to green, amber,…
Zones for boost heating
It would be useful to be allowed to create internal zones in regards to boost button, for example only to heat bathrooms or only to boost rooms on ground floor. I live in 2 storey house with only 1 heating zone so when I press boost all house will be heated up, if we could only create up to 5 zones and add rooms of our…
Manually switching off individual rooms
Sometimes it is easy to switch off one room, for example the one that is still cold in the morning but is heated by the sun while nobody is there. The only way to do this is to turn the temperature down, or first switch off all the rooms and then switch some of them back on.
Zones or Seasons
We have all our thermostats set to 21 and so when it gets warmer they obviously switch off. But for rooms like the bathroom which don’t need to be warmer than 21 it’s good to still have in to help dry towels etc. so it might be good to have a seasonal setting which just boosts regularly the system automatically at a…
Simple improvement to use Tado both for heating and cooling
More and more users are moving to heath pumps both for heating and cooling, by having the same pump satisfy both needs by pumping fluid under the pavement. Unfortunately, so far, Tado only has a minimum temperature in his controller, so it is only possible to employ it for heating. A simple improvement would entail adding…
Bug/Fix - Alexa Voice Duration Skill Integration, there is an Environment Crisis!
Alexa accepts the instruction "Alexa, turn on my hot water for 1 minute" and then turns on the hot water forever more ! Tado Alexa integration only recognizes the "Alexa, turn on my hot water" without the time constraint sub-clause (utterance). No warning, no nothing... Opps - hot water all night!!! - Lots of expensive oil…
Low battery heating demand should show on Care and Protect
When the low battery condition is triggered, the "care and protect" function says that the heating is not on, but it clearly is. The care and protect function should show, preferably, a message saying "heating demand due to freeze protection for room/valve change battery", or even just "heating 100% room".
Low Battery Heating Command should take outside temperature into consideration
In a low battery condition, the smart radiator valve seems to command heating, presumably to avoid potential freezing when unattended, however, this is unnecessary when outside temperatures are high (like today!) - the defect/feature request is to disable this behaviour when the outside temperature is above e.g. 5C I kind…
Decouple from cloud please
All we want is to avoid this: https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2022/04/shameful-insteon-looks-dead-just-like-its-users-smart-homes/
UI improvement
I think I’ve said this before but I wish there was a way to have a master temperature as opposed to setting each individual block.
Energy IQ - Usage is not based on actual meter readings
We were away from home for about one week and wanted to try an experiment with usage data. Our heating was in away mode throughout and did not switch on. I submitted regular meter readings within Energy IQ at the start of April, then on the day we left, and as soon as we returned, and on the following day. The meter…
Multiple Internet Bridges - and long standing bug bear... a new idea / approach.
We have major issues with range from the internet bridge, as there can only be one. Clearly it would be simple to slip a simple SSL IPSEC tunnel into the bridge architecture and make changes in the cloud to allow multiple ones on a single account. But this is not clearly the case. Equally being a powered unit, you might…
TADO heating/hot water controller error messages - viewer
We have been using TADO for 2 years, and recently upgraded with a TADO Hot Water/Heating controller unit. The installation was done by professionals, and it all works... .. Except that the unit has the triangle warning light almost permanently on?! No amount of fault finding and re-checking can seem to diagnose why it is…
Hot Water 'Boost' Button - 30, 60, 90min options
We have been using TADO for 2 years - and its worked well, and so recently installed the Hot Water head unit. We find that there is a big need to have a quick way to turn on the Hot Water for just enough time to heat the tank for one bath/shower or to heat the tank for a couple of bath/showers and then possibly even…
Activity lights on home page
I would like to see the H/W and C/H lights that are on the wireless programmer mirrored onto the home page of the Tado App. This would allow a quick view of the current status and not take up much space on the Home Screen. It could also be improved if the C/H was red dot for fully on and amber dot for a remote thermostat…
Stats in the web browser + Fix weather on off toggle button
Hi, Can we have the stats available via the web interface? Also on the stats in the Android App the Outside Weather toggle button is the wrong way round to the Heating on and Humidity button, if you toggle them on whey go grey yet grey on the weather button turns the weather off.
Can you not have a Forum for tech issues
The guys at the shop do seem a little under pressure. Keeping a website uncluttered is always good but I’ve just spent (Typ waiting time 30 min.) a significant time trying to get a data sheet/ engineering evaluation of the Rad controllers they don’t appear to have one ( the eng/evl I can understand but the data sheet ) ?…
Modulation for Worcester Bosch 8000 series
Its now 3 years since Worcester Bosch launched its 8000 series. Can we have modulation compatibility for this series?
When in thermostat - At desired temp switch to Fan instead of turning unit of
Today the Tado turns the AC of when going outside temp range. It would be better to go over to Fan mode to continue to circulate air
Individual geo location feature
Hi, i let out rooms of my house. I want to be able to turn off their thermostats when they are not in the house. So it would be nice there where user management in the app... HIGHLY MISSING!!!
max temp
I have people living at my house and they ALWAYS put the temp on max - please add feature to set max possible temp to fx. 22 degrees or so...
Wi-Fi dropping out - and not communicating with all products in household.
Hi, Not sure if your Tado customers are aware that the problems they are encountering, are quite easily solvable 99 times out of 100. I had the same problem when I installed a Ring door bell, the wi-fi router was at one end of the property and the ring door bell was at the other, and I could not control the Ring door bell…
Wi-Fi Concern
Hello, If the wi-fi goes down in the property, does that mean you are not able to turn on the central heating in the property? If this is the case, I think this needs discussing by your community members, and needs this feature adding to your system. We have friends in rural areas where the wi-fi can be very intermittent,…
Wireless Smart Thermostat
Hello, I would like this feature to be considered by your community members - To be able to turn on all radiators in the property at the touch of a button on the wireless smart thermostat, as you can on the App on a mobile phone/tablet - (Boost Heating All Rooms) - this to me is more convenient. At present the wireless…