second Temperature Sensor in same room
For large rooms TRVs don’t work well. If you could assign a second temperature sensor to the same room the localised effect of the TRV sensor could be counteracted and compensated for.
Bypass functionality
My gas boiler requires always at least one radiator to be opened to guarantee water flow. Alternatively I could create a bypass which opens up if pressure increases. What do you think of introducing this functionality in Tado? We could designate one radiator as bypass and let Tado automatically open it as soon as all other…
Mention remove the existing wireless receiver
Hi all, just installed the wireless starter kit v3+. The installation instructions for Viessman Vitodens 100-W B1KC did not say anything about removing the old wireless receiver. It would be nice with a little mention on that :)
Update și în limba română
Ar fii foarte bine dacă ați face un update și în limba română
Temperature graph overlap for multiple zones
I would like to be able to add multiple zones to the heating graphs so I can compare the total heated time given by the heating activity and when the heat is actually called for throughout the day. Using underfloor heating for a few zones it may be easier to identify when zones should be heating together to make the system…
GUI change - Until you resume / cancel schedule quick action buttons
No consistency between mobile and web apps: Until you resume schedule name appears on the web app Until You Cancel on iOS GUI change request: Add quick action buttons with predefined heating time
Combined bridge power/ethernet wire
The included 30 cm power wire and ethernet cable contradict the advice that optimal positioning of the bridge should be vertical and not directly behind the router. It is very hard to get the bridge into a vertical position and on the wall while not being very close to the router. Tado also suggest the use of powerline…
Bridge Attachment kit
The tiny size of the Tado Bridge is a big plus point. However, I find that the double-sided sticky pads come unstuck every few days. I am therefore having to construct my own holder, or will have to use a very strong glue to permanently attach the device. A tab above and below with a screw hold would work better.
Sensor Map in app to support internet bridge location.
Provide visualisation in app with internet bridge in middle of map and all connected devices surrounding it showing the current state RSSI value. This will support me in understanding how to change location of internet bridge if I know that one sensor location has -30dbm, another -70dbm another -80dbm then I no longer have…
Battery Warning TRV
Can you please provide a warning when battery low. At present a warning is given and TRV has already failed. Please give a warning earlier before the trv fails
Please consider Tado app return to 0.1° granularity
I find the app manual temperature now of 0.5c increments to course. please consider returning the 0.1c old variation which was much better if for nothing else for saving gas and the planet if nothing else.
Mechanical Ventilation System
Hello everybody I‘m using your thermostat for a floor heating system and it works very well. What I miss is to tell the system that there is a mechanical ventilation system. Will there be an update to configure such a ventilation system, so I don’t get a notification to open a window? Best
Tado app to show total amount of heating hours used for a month
This seems like a no brainer to add to the app. The info is already there if you look at the day-by-graph but it's hard work to add this up manually.
Temperature measuring device
For rooms where you have multiple devices such as two radiators with TRV’s or also a controller it would be great if you could select more than one device or allow Tado to use the average temperature across multiple devices in that room. In my living room, I have two radiators. Selecting one as the primary measuring device…
show SSS heating indicator on the room tile
on the main page of the application, where you see all the room. I would like to see the three little SSS indicating which room is currently heating, that would help me tweak the parameters of the schedule without having to click on each room at each time to see which one triggered the start of the heating system.
More colours available
Everything in my bathroom is black, all switches and power outlets. Only thing white is the Tado Thermostat. When will Tado products be available in more colours?
Usability—show visual indicator when heater is active
Unfortunately tado doesn’t give you any feedback when it’s turned the heater on or off, in my case it’s hooked up to ducted gas heating so it would be ideal to have an icon displayed whenever the heating is active (possibly subject to schedules and optional user preferences)
rename Tado smart buttons
Currently it is not possible to rename the Tado smart buttons. When the batteries of one of the buttons in running low, it's quite a quest to find out which Tado button needs to be recharged, since I have multiple buttons per room. Could it be an idea to give the possibility to rename every button in order to increase the…
One a day Valve Push
Hi, Can Tado please implement a ‘once a day’ radiator valve push to help prevent radiator valves from seizing up over the summer months and when not used in general. Other smart radiator thermostats currently implement this and it would be very easy to do
Better battery performance
Rather than having good and low, introduce a medium level too. Brand new batteries show as good. Thresholds should be 75%+ Very Good Dark Green 45%+ Good Green 20%+ Low Orange 7% Very Low Red
Meerdere bridges in een netwerk en PoE ondersteuning
Wij leven in een huis met L-vorm, en ervaren dat het onmogelijk is met één bridge de totale oppervlakte te bestrijken. Meerdere bridges od extenders zouden dus heel welkom zijn. Mochten deze bridges dan nog PoE gevoed kunnen worden, hebben we nog enkel de netwerkkabel nodig om deze te verbinden (misschien kan de antenne…
som om versus 24 hour
why not chance the app, so people have the choice to set time schedule between am pm and 24 hours schedule, IT would make i easyer for som people.
Add Time Block
Currently this is quite crude. The app adds a time block from 10:00 to 12 :00. But usually the user needs to insert a split a current time block which could be anytime if the day. I suggest to move the "Add Time Block" into the Edit Time Block. This is where the Delete Time Block currently lives so this is neater. More…
Improvement to the Humidity Messages in the Air Comfort Section
Over the last few months I've noticed a lot of messages in the Air Comfort Section making suggestions about how I can improve the humidity levels in the majority of rooms. Unfortunately the messages have been misleading due to the high natural levels of humidity in the air. I suggest that the algorithms could use humidity…
Set the "Follow Me" functionality of my Midea Air Condition from the App
Issue The air condition Midea Silent Cool 26 Pro WF is equipped with a so-called "Follow Me" functionality. Activating the feature via the included remote control or on the device itself makes the AC use the remote control's temperature sensor to measure at the location of the RC. Tado is not respecting this setting and is…
Smart Temperature Sensor in Homekit
I really wish that Tado Temperature Sensor was treaded as Temperature/Humidity Sensor in HomeKit rather then Thermostat. It’s useless in Home app tbh and it has humidity hidden from Status bar. Also it creates useless tile in home. I realy had to use one in one room and now i have 2 thermostats.
Individual Valve Shutoff
The recent introduction of the functionality to shutoff all radiators is very helpful when you are going out and coming back in. An allied additional improvement for homes that suffer from the movement of the sun affecting different rooms throughout the day would be to enable individual valves to be closed/opened as the…
Native support for Gree Air Conditioner
As all Gree Air Conditioner Units come with Wi-Fi it would be great to have a native support in the Tado Hub without the need of an extra Smart AC Control. In my case I have all Smart Radiator Thermostat on each radiator and Wireless Temperature Sensor in each room. I like that both of those require no connection to the…
Hide Hot Water Option
Have recently moved from a system boiler to a combi boiler. Still have the hot water option even though it is now defunct, would be good to be able to hide it in the settings.
Merged: Latest version of App.
This discussion has been merged.