Incorporate fixed costs and taxes in the calculation of energy expenditure
Dear Tado team, I would like to propose an improvement that I consider useful for many users: the possibility of including fixed costs and taxes in the calculation of total energy expenditure. Currently, the application only allows the variable rate per kWh to be entered, which may underestimate the real energy costs, as…
Worcester Bosch EMS2
It appears Tado is able to work with older Worcester Bosch Boilers with HT-EMS. Possibly some others Bosch ones with EMS+ ? It will also work on Relay (R01), On/Off Mode, but this will NOT modulate the boiler. All new boiler installations in the uk have to confirm to EnergyPlus Regulations. This means having some of…
A questo link: potete trovare un supporto, da me creato, per fissare il termostato TADO X alle cassette elettriche mod. 503 in uso in Italia.
Tado X API
It seems that Tado v3 (and under) has a API allowing much more than what Tado X with matter is exposing. It is necessary for a good integration with a home automation system (such as Home Assistant). For example, I would like to be able to change the temperature offset, so I can use my room temp sensor instead of the valve…
Merged: Add support for alternative schedules
This discussion has been merged.
Temporary off
Please add an off until resume schedule within the room tabs, so when an individual is away for a night or the weekend, one room can be turned off with one click. If this could be set to resume after a chosen time, which currently is restricted to 12 hours, that would be even better.
Setting for binary relay operation
I have used my Tado V3+ thermostat to replace an old fashioned binary thermostat. Love the features but find the 3 'wiggly lines' levels of heating very frustrating (and slow to heat rooms). Would it be possible to add a setting which provides a simple binary on/off heating arrangement i.e. the relay is always on if the…
Tado x regolare la temperatura dei caloriferi, impostare icona quando la caldaia è accesa
Buonasera chiedo di poter impostare su ogni testa termostatica la temperatura di mandata nel calorifero per tutti quelli che non hanno il protocollo opentherm in modo tale da regolare automaticamente con l'algoritmo in base al meteo ecc la temperatura dell'acqua dei termosifoni. Mettere una spia su app per vedere quando si…
Creat a new group for Tado-X users
Mods, can you create a new group for Tado-X usrs. It makes browsing through posts much easier, as V2/3 and X are not compatible with each other, and they do not share the same problems and solutions.
Dynamically adjust opening percentage based on rest of system as well as heat demand
A couple of weeks ago I posted a suggestion that users be allowed to set the minimum opening percentage on the smart valves to alleviate water rushing noise. In a separate thread about vibration, a solution was suggested to remove the Tado valve from the radiator nearest the boiler because "…it can happen that the water…
Geolocation Improvement's for Mobile users W3W?
Tado like devices often get repurposed into not conventional ‘homes’, such as canal boats and Rv’s Could the home location be made dynamic either using data from the home network ( our teletonica router has a gps function)? If that is too complicated or not possible due to the hardware limitations in the internet bridge,…
IFTTT replacement - customised boost temperature and duration
I used to use IFTTT to boost my heating to 21 or 22 degrees for 1-2 hours depending on the setting. It was WAY more useful than just 25 degrees for 30 minutes. Tado removed the integration, but could features like this be integrated into the app then? It seems like an easy change, we can already boost, it just needs to…
Night mode
Hi, I think it would be useful to have a "night mode" with a setting in temperature. With the other modes, away and home can be set as a scene recognised by alexa, Google home. So we can stop heating the apartment or some rooms when we go to sleep with third-part routines/automations.
Stabilizing heat demand pattern for constant set temperature
I live in Scandinavia and often work from home, so I have a consistent heating demand throughout the day. When looking at the temperature/heating graph view, it is clear that the heating demand (and temperature) follows a cyclic pattern with a period of 45min on average. I'd love to post an image but I don't think this…
tado GmbH Incident - degraded performance affecting the tado° app - 19 November 2024
Yesterday, as reported by tado GmbG Inicident, there was a temporary degraded performance affecting the tado app. Just to inform you how this incident may have affected my Panasonic Aquarea heat pump system. It appeared that the heat pump did not warm the house at all for some hours. Due to the heat already present in the…
Profiles (again)
How much work will there be to enable us to create differnt profiles in the app? I know its been asked before but users seem to have an answer by adjusting the existing home profiles. I DONT WANT TO DO THIS. I want to press a button when for example we have guests staying or if we have a snow day or i'm working from home…
Schedule a boost
I am often away from home. My underfloor heating has a 24 hour thermal lag from 6 degrees to 22 degrees. I regularly forget to preheat it. Can you please add a facility to diarise a temperature boost for one or more rooms?
Smart Global Off Time with Conditional Notifications
Overview: I’d like to propose a feature that allows users to set a "Global Off Time"—a hard cutoff time at which all heating devices in the system are turned off or reverted to a predefined safe state (e.g., frost protection). This feature would address the issue of unexpected heating events during the night, offering…
Notificación al móvil en caso de encendido/apagado de calefacción
Una sencilla forma de saber si se ha puesto en marcha la calefacción en nuestra casa (o en una estancia de ella) a través de una notificación al móvil (tira o globo) especialmente si nos encontramos fuera de nuestro hogar. Igualmente se podría notificar apagado de calefacción. Estas notificaciones podrían activarse o…
Provide method to specify type of heating system, i.e. radiators, underfloor, etc.
There is no facility to specify what type of heating system is installed. It appears Tado treats all systems as if the heating system is based on radiators. In case of a underfloor only system it is likely the floor is cold when the first call for heat after a break is generated. Currently the system would start to run for…
Set Humidex instead temperature
It can be useful to have the option to set the perceived temperature instead only the normal temperature. In the high humidity zones temperature is not significant. It would be nice to trigger the air conditioning with your wireless control to decrease humidity.
Smart wall plug for underfloor heating pump
You offer nearly everything except a way to turn a underfloor heating pump on or off. My living room thermostat is connected to the underfloor heating, and to control the pump I have to set up a complicated process through Homey and a Z-Wave smart wall plug. It would be great to have a Tado smart wall plug which can be…
temperature adjusted at the radiator valves
If the temperature is adjusted at the radiator valves, that new temperature remains set until someone adjusts it again or until someone chooses to go to the schedule at the next schedule change. I would like to be able to decide myself via the setting what the reaction should be when turning the radiator valves. In my…
Humidity visualization and routine with modality home, away
It would be useful to have an indication of the humidity directly on the room box to have an immediate idea of the environmental well-being. Also on the environmental well-being box to have a summary of the situation without clicking on it. It would be useful to have the possibility of programming the "home" or "away"…
Dedicated tile for boiler status on/off (same as hot water)
Im fairly new to Tado but one feature i've seen that is so blindly obvious i though i was doing something wrong. It would be great to have a tile on the app which shows if the wireless recevier is actively calling for heat. Similar to the "hot water on/off" tile. A boiler on/off tile. I know there are the ~~~ wavey lines…
Give users access to the advanced configuration parameters
As most of us here will be aware, Tado has several advanced controls and configuration options that support are able to use to configure your devices when you contact them (cycle periods, minimum on/off times etc). Sadly these advanced options are hidden from users and the only way to access them is through support which…
Add humidity in the tiles
The current tiles have enough room to add more information like humidity. Additionally you could a a toggle in the settings to toggle on/off certain displays.
Switch between rooms in graph nice
When in graph mode, one can change the date range with the ˅ symbol next to the date. It would be so much easier to switch between rooms if there was a ˅ next to the Room/Device name as well. Now I have to go back twice (first to the Room, then to the home screen) to select a new room and view the graph
Set minimum opening percentage on smart radiator valves
Despite fiddling with pump speeds and lockshields, I still get water rushing noise in some of my radiators when the smart valves are open only a small amount. Being able to increase the minimum opening percentage would prevent this.
Home planning quiz
I have just installed a heat pump and I know I will need a heatpump optimizer, but I don't know if I need a Programmer with Hot Water Control also. It would be useful to have a way to get the best possible solution for one's home based on a quick quiz to design the right system for one's home