iOS Widget for Tado app.
iOS Widget for Tado app.
Allow additional schedules in addition to Home and Away
It would be great if it was possible to have additional schedules in Tado. I’d like if you were able to add additional schedules, such as “day shift” and “night shift” or “staycation”, so you can easily change schedules to meet your requirements. For example it I found i needed to change my normal schedule to account for…
Feature To Assist With Balancing Radiators
Create a feature using the inbuilt thermometer in the radiator valves to work out order to balance radiators. It could work out time to temp for each radiator and advise you if there are any getting hotter slower/quicker.
Support for multiple tado installations linked to 1 account
Please can we have proper support to enable management and control of multiple tado installations via the one account/email I stay at several locations and manage others as a landlord. When email notifications arrive they do not indicated which home they are for. Logging in/out of multiple accounts is awkward when you want…
Device grouping
Be able to group devices in to zones/areas Rather than having to turn all devices on if needed set a group for example downstairs/upstairs or whole house which would turn the grouped devices to the same settings
Geofencing by person
In a multi-person household, geofencing could be tailored so that one person leaving could adjust part of the house leaving the rest heated for those remaining inside. So if I go out, for example, the room I use most of the time could be left unheated, but other rooms still follow their usual schedule.
Auto valve calibration
I've occasionally noticed radiators getting warm when they should be off due to the valve needing recalibration. It would be useful if the valves periodically auto callibrated (which would also serve as an anti-seize function) or could auto detect if they temp was unexpectedly rising and trigger a calibration.
"Boiler-on" indicator on Home Screen
It would be helpful to have an easy way to tell if the boiler is being called upon or not - as it can affect radiators that do not behave independently and also help in understanding the general picture when it comes to fuel consumption. Currently, the only way to do this is to review each and every tile to see if any of…
Summer mode
My son has a Netatmo system and during the summer, the connected valves calibrate every 2 weeks, even when the thermostat is off, so that the thermostatic heads do not get calcified or stuck (which may happen if the valve is fully closed for a couple months). With Tado, I need to take all my programming to put the valves…
”Slow start” feature for less thermal stress
Opening the radiator valve fully with a cold system might cause unnecessary thermal stress on the system (and noise due to thermal expansion). Ramping up the valve for a short time might reduce the stress. I suggest a feature in line with “early start” called “slow start” to automatically ramp up the opening of the valve…
V3+ App Concept
I’ve created a concept of what our household, would like the V3+ app design to look like. Fonts, Icons, Size of Icons, Alignment, Heat Request & Set/Current Temperatures are just examples so may not be correctly placed or accurate. All just for representational purposes. I might add current room humidity to the tiles later…
Merged: Setting to keep the valves fully open in summer
This discussion has been merged.
Integrate Enerqy IQ with smart meters
This interface is technically possible - as an example the free Loop app already connects to smart meter data and manages it well..... https://loop.homes/
API Integration for Energy IQ
I use the energy provider Octopus In the UK, and they provide me with an API key for my account that can be used for getting meter readings and other things. It would be so good if, in Energy IQ, I could put in the API key so that the meter reading were added automatically.
Heating graphs on webpage
It would be really useful if the webpage could show the heating graphs that can be viewed on the phone app. It could also be useful to be able to download the graph data in some form.
A manually set temperature overrides the schedule. Let us know here if you don’t want this
I raised the following with Tado: If you indicate by geofencing that you are not at home, the heating will stop according to schedule, but not by manual settings. In other words, if you manually set the heating higher than according to the schedule and then leave, the heating will remain on. I find this very impractical…
Android & iOS Widget
Now that iOS also supports widgets, it would be useful to be able to have widgets on both Android and iOS phones so that you can set the temperature for a period of time. For example: Set the temperature in the widget to 23 degrees for 15mins
Show battery status in the app
Would it not be possible to make the app do it's possible to see battery status. That's possible in other of my smart home units It's annoying that i can't see when it's time to put me battery in, so have to change often as i normalt travel very often when it's not Corona time
Multiple, configurable schedules
In the post-pandemic world splitting schedules by Weekday / Weekend is not flexible enough. We work sometimes in the office, sometimes from home. The kids are sometimes in school, sometimes there is a school break. And so on. It's incredibily time consuming and tedious to have to readjust schedules every time a change…
Scheduled "Call for heat"
atm we have the option to enable or disable a zone controller, and this stops the room calling for heat from the boiler. But, I think due to the cost of living crisis around the world atm, it would be a good option if Tado˚ could move this option to the Scheduling screen. My idea would be for each time block in the…
Thread is the future of smart home connectivity and will also help people struggling with Tado range issues. Thread should also help grow network size without overwhelming the system as it becomes more resilient.
Temp/Humidity graph improvements
Please consider the following Temperature graph improvements... add increased resolution grid lines, ie. 1 degree and hourly coloured line showing set temperature join each 24hr section. No gap, same vertical grid resolution add to PC version app Thanks
It would be nice to see the temperature and humidity or moisture content graphs on the web site as well as on the app
Disable open window detection when heating switched off
The tado° app currently provides notification of open windows, even if all Smart Thermostats / Smart Radiator Thermostats are set to Frost Protection. This is clearly pointless, and just annoying. It would be better to only provide the open window notification when the thermostats are set to a temperature that might…
Geofencing per room per person
My wife and I both work from home and have tado TRVs in our home offices. It would be useful if our individual rooms turned off heating when either of us leave the house. So if I’m still at home my room could stay heated but if my wife left the house the geofencing could detect that she was out and could turn the heating…
Add current Boiler Flow rate to graphs if using Digital Link
As Tado˚ knows the flow rate temperature of boiler at any given time, can this information be added to the graphs, as you hold your finger on the graph, see example below This would help us to determine if we can adjust the MAX Flow rate to be more efficient or if the Flow Rate is not high enough and the boiler is…
Ability to rename device
When batteries are running low I get an email informing me that a particular device in a specific room has an issue. In some rooms I have 4 radiators. I then have to go round ‘blinking’ the stat multiple and watching all the stats in the room to find which one it is. it would be great to be able to rename or give a…
Change comfort scale
I find 18C comfortable, yet Tado tells me that I’m cold (even 19.5C is considered cold, whereas it’s uncomfortably warm for me). I’d like to be able to change the comfort scale, so I’m not prompted to “put on a jumper”, “snuggle under a blanket”, or “turn the heating up”. When we’re meant to be saving energy and resources,…
No per month charge for automation (auto-assist) l
I do understand why push-notificatioms are free, but not why auto-assist is not. It seems like an important feature that should be included when Tado sells their products as automation and smart products. Why do I have to pay per month after I have bought the product? It kind of eats into the money (I might have) saved on…
Better Boost Options
I was pleased to see the boast function for the system but very disappointed that you can't select the temp (25 is way to high for my house), or select to just boost one room/trv. I find that I often want to boost a room for just 10mins, and only being able to boost for 30mins at 25 is wasteful and unnecessary. I see that…