Google Home Integration for On/Off Hot Water
I have a fairly old boiler with no digital temp control. Tado supports simply turning the hot water on or off. Google Home shows a entry for the hot water but does not allow me to change its state. Tado support told me: "You have the Hot Water tile enabled in your tado° app. However it is a relay ON/OFF control and you can…
Introducing myself
As suggested by @samd, I am making a short post to introduce myself as the community forum’s new admin. Hello! My name is Emcee, I live in Munich, Germany and am a member of tado°’s Customer Experience team. I hold a M.Sc. from the Technical University of Munich. My thesis was focused on hydroelectricity. I worked in the…
Redesign internet bridge and provide longer cables.
Hello. I would to suggest that: 1. The internet bridge is designed so that the cables come from the top not the bottom of the device. This would allow the device to stand upright freely away from the wall (2 requirements for best placement) 2. I would also like longer cables to be provided for the internet bridge - the…
Adding Wireless Thermostat change my zone config - not right to me
I have a number of wired thermostats downstairs all working for about 6 months. Then added a wireless controller and thermostat upstairs. But all the downstairs ones had their zone changed to use the wireless controller as the zone controller and I dont remember saying this was OK, i did set up the pair of controller and…
Apple Carplay / Android Auto
Develop a very simple Apple Carplay / Android Auto interface to allow basic control. e.g "Resume Schedule All Rooms" "Turn Off All Rooms" "Boost Heating All Rooms". The geofencing doesn't work well for me and this would be a good alternative.
Multiple Wireless Underfloor Thermostats
Having moved from a single heating zone house with Tado to a new house with multiple heating zones (1 radiators + 4 underfloor) controlled by a Lightwave system. I would dearly love to convert the new house to Tado which is far superior. The only problem is that apparently Tado do not currently support multiple wireless…
Vertical Radiator - Towel Rails - Smart Thermostat interface
In modern houses, we now find a lot of vertical radiators - they are space savers and also act as features. In my home, I have three vertical radiators I cannot interface TADO with, its frustrating as I cannot control these rooms/areas as I can with the rest of the house. Can TADO review the interfaces and advise of a…
App should be able to shutoff manual settings of starterkit
For the use of Tado (starterkit) in rooms which cannot be accessed by you in person, such as; guestrooms, B&B, kids bedroom, other privacy sensitive situations, etc., it would be welcomed if the app can shut off the ability to change the roomtemperature manuallly. EG. We have a B&B and we have programmed the temperature…
Color of tiles
The color of the tiles is now fixed at blue/green till 18 deg and orange/red from 19 degrees. We never set the temperature above 18,5 and therefore the colors are always blue/green. It would be nice to be able to set other limits. Having different limit for bedroom and living room would also be nice.
Warn about two day instruction wait time with compatibility check
I've just had to change my boiler, and I followed all the Tado advice about asking for a compatibility check. I thought all was good. The boiler installer engineer was here getting towards completion. I went to the Tado app to change the boiler. Found the boiler… and it said something like "Please wait for up to 2 days for…
Better collaboration with Air Source heating system
I have an air source heating system in my home and the projected forecast costs are not reflected well at all with the app. I input my energy usage each month and never get anywhere close accurate costing suggestions. The data input screens are clearly for gas/oil systems, and not designed for Air Source systems. Our Tado°…
Heat release valves
If there would be an option on valves to setup not to close the circuit when reaching the heating point, just send the end signal to the themrostat, then there should be circuits where the remaining heat should release and this extra heat could be useful in bathrooms or other higher heet needed rooms.
Temporary extend current schedule
Time to time I get into the situation when I know I will work a bit longer in my work room. Currently I can do two things to extend the heating, 1) wait until the switch and then set to the same temperature as before with a (optional) time limit 2) set the temperature +/-0.5C before the schedule switching off with…
Pouvoir changer la température hors gel
Bonjour, J'aimerai pouvoir changer la température hors gel par défaut pour pouvoir éteindre mon installation simplement quand je quitte ma maison de campagne pour quelques jours plutôt que de devoir utiliser le sélecteur vertical de température qui m'oblige à changer également jusqu'à quand ce changement de température…
Mehrere zuhause pro Account
Bitte bitte bitte, ich warte seit Jahren darauf, dass ich endlich mehrere Tados in einem Account nutzen kann. Mir
Use one thermostat to override all system
Hi, It would be good to set one ST or TRV or whatever that when overriding the programmed schedule through its interface (not from the app), it will override the whole system to the specified temperature.
Intervals dans progamming
HI, I think we should be able to get interval from monday to thursday for we not need to program every day individually. Because weekend begins when we finísh our worktime and we change our habits
Meer dan 10 ruimtes aansluiten op de zoneregelaar
Ons huis heeft 14 ruimtes, 20 slimme radiatorknoppen en één slimme thermostaat. We willen in alle 14 ruimtes de temperatuur individueel kunnen instellen. Kan Tado de zoneregelaar zo aanpassen dat we, zeg, 15 ruimtes kunnen besturen in plaats van slechts 10? Ik vermoed dat het ergens een instelling is. Die toch moeten…
2 function Programs
Hello Regarding the application, I would come up with a suggestion that could come to the aid of tado thermostat users who use control panels for actuators, for the boiler but also for the mixing groups. I propose to introduce two settings in the application regarding the use of thermostats: 1. for radiators - this should…
Add dates and times when not home
It’d be great to have an option to add future dates and times when you know you’ll be leaving home in the morning, so that the system doesn’t start heating full on. Since that’s not the same everyday, it’s hard to get this into a standard schedule.
EnergyIQ: Reminder Notification Preferences
Hi, Hopefully not the biggest amount of work for this one: It would be nice to be able to define “when” you want to get notified from Tado to submit an energy reading. For weekly notifications it could be specifying a day of week, for monthly a day of month, for quarterly or yearly selecting an initial date that…
GJ unit in Energy IQ
For district / city heating the bill and meter readings are in GJ. It is very annoying to have to manually convert the units. Should be an easy fix: 1GJ is 277,8 kWh or 31,6 - 32,68 m3 gas.
Reduce water hammer sound by slowly closing the radiator valve
Sometimes Tado closes the radiator valves very quickly, which makes a loud bang due to water hammer. This can be bad for the equipment and it scares my kids. If the radiator valve would be closed more slowly, this would significantly reduce the amount of sound produced.
Improve calibration by requesting heat
When no heat is requested, the pressure in the system can be so low, that the radiator valve pin does not spring out fully. This can result in an E4 error, or invalid calibration. This can be manually resolved by enabling boost heating before mounting the smart radiator thermostats. However, I suggest that the Tado…
Manual Home Placement for Geofence
My GPS is behaving a little bit funky, and the Tado App doesn't set my Home correctly in the Setup Procedure. Thats why I would like there to be an option to manually set the home location.
Voice assistant missing command
A command to restore the schedule both by room or whole system is vital. I keep forgetting to manually restore at night and wake up to cold or too hot rooms. This command could be used as part of a 'goodnight' voice or timed routine.
Tado away/home iOS shortcut action
Hello, Tado is somewhat compatible with HomeKit using sensors/thermostats individually, but this is not great to create automations. It would be very useful to have a Tado shortcut action we can use in our scripts to set the current mode to be away or home, so we could create automations based on that. This would be…
Become truly environmentally friendly
Tado speaks about being environmentally friendly but my radiator thermostat broke. The resolution is to share a receipt and they ship me a new one (across multiple countries) and then I return mine (again across a long distance) I was told Tado does not have a repair department which begs the question of why it cannot be…
Small bug in heating activity graph
There is currently a bug in the activity graph after a temperature target is changed via Homekit (in this case specifically Siri). The activity graph fails to show the correct categorisation after the system reverts to the current schedule (its set to revert any manual changes), or an away state. The following screenshots…
A reduce heating button
Much like the boost heating option, it would be nice for an option to reduce the heating for a set amount of time. Sometimes I find myself doing housework and then the house gets too hot. I only have the option to turn the heating off and then remember to turn it back on again. With the reduce function I think it could be…