Admin users and managed users
Admin users have full access to tado, and managed users just able to adjust the temperature in rooms for a set time period.
Update from the tado° Heating Installation product team about the Zone Controller Feature
We would like to share some of the smaller product improvements that the Heating Installation product team has been working on. The primary reason is to get feedback from our community to see if certain features are clear or if more clarity is required. As the Heating Installation product team we mainly deal with the DIY…
Heating history in web site
On the Android app I can see the heating, temperature and humidity status history of a specific room. On the PC however I can't. It would be nice if this feature was available from the PC as well.
FIRMWARE FEATURE - temporarily adjust temperature on thermostat within SCHEDULE mode
PROBLEM If you have Tado running on schedule mode (house icon) and you want to adjust the temperature only temporarily, you can do this via the app on your mobile phone. However, this means you always have to get your mobile phone, go into the Tado app etcetera. Others (guests) cannot do it either. REQUEST Tado user…
Thread support for Smart AC Control V3+
Homekit-enabled devices have different communication protocols, each of which has its own caveats. For example, for a device with Wifi support, you need to have a mesh network to cover all your devices at home. Otherwise you will have unstable responses. Furthermore, you are limited to a specific number of connected…
Notification when heat is turned back on automaticly
Hi. There is the feature where you'll get a notification if there's an open window and then you can click the "turn of heat", the heat stays of for a period of time and then on. My request is a feature that makes it possible to get a notification when the heat then turns on again - so that I know to close windows/the heat…
Tado as a trigger for routines in Alexa
Hi, I would like to use tado as a trigger for routines in Alexa. My request is similar to what you’ve done in ifttt but this time for Amazon Alexa. Use away/home mode as a trigger for alexa routines. I consider this feature mixed with autoassist geofencing very powerful for routilnes like: Automatically activating my Home…
Hot water schedule
Dear New Ideas Team, I operate a Tado system which incorporates a two channel receiver for separate hot water control. I'm really pleased with the Tado and it works far better than a previous smart control system I had. There is one feature I think would improve things for customers with a hot water tank however. I…
One hour function
Would be handy if there was a +1 hour function and didn’t default to infinite when changing the temperature manually
Allow reduction of maximum temperature
Some in my household can't be convinced that manually setting the heating to 25degrees doesn't speed up the heating. I want to be able set the maximum at 22degrees, so it doesn't get set to 25 and forgotten about.
Tado-Bridge for Fast Internet-Router
The Tado-Bridge doesn’t work with the swiss salt-router with 1gbit/s port. The tado-bridge just work with a slow port transfare.so i have to use an switch-port to 100mbit/s: https://www.conrad.ch/de/p/renkforce-rf-4279924-netzwerk-switch-3-port-100-mbit-s-usb-stromversorgung-2139962.html…
Fixed temeprature back to normal setting when next slim time blocks starts
When i chose a temporary adjusting of temperature this will no reset by starting next time block so it stays for ever on the temporary setting ?
Alexa needs improving (Post attempt 2)
Here's a second attempt at the long suggestion I posted earlier, which was lost, even though it said it was posted. This one will be shorter. So, the Alexa interface needs to be improved. Scenario 1: If I turn off a thermostat "Alexa, turn of hallway thermostat". I can't just say "Set hallway temperature to 21 degrees". I…
Improve the Alexa interface
I've just typed out a long and eloquent post on this matter and it lost it,even though it said it was posted. And yes, I know this post isn't saying anything.
Clock on Smart AC display
Since Smart AC has external power supply, it would be awesome if it could display time with very faded light (or could light intensity adjusted).
Skip To Next Block in Schedule
hi. love tado :) here’s my thinking. i have blocks in the schedule and sometimes once i know we’re done with a room for the day, i knock down the temp for the current thermostat earlier than it would in the schedule. it would be great to be able to hit a button for a room to be able to skip on to the next block…
Simple Improvements to App Homescreen View
I'd like to suggest a couple of simple improvements (IMHO) to the content of the homescreen room tiles in the Tado app: The tile is large, and there is plenty of spare space on it, so could we get an indicator of the room's temperature behaviour. What I mean is that if the room temperature is rising then an arrow pointing…
Support for multiple people and multiple zones
With current geofencing, if all devices are away from home all zones are set to away. If at least one device is at home, all zones are set to home. Ideally, this should be more granular. As an example: We have two devices, mine and my partners. We have four zones: my study, my partner's study, a shared bedroom and a shared…
Support for multi-zone UFH manifolds
The current integration with underfloor systems appears to be limited to single zone systems without zone actuators. A lot of UFH system are UFH downstairs with radiators upstairs. The UFH system typically have more than one zone with actuators per zone and a shared pump. Currently, I can get a multi-zone UFH management…
Whole system quick boost
Would it be possible to switch on all radiators (or a selection) to a preselected temperature, instead of having to adjust the smart schedule for each? This would be useful if you have guests arriving or just want a quick heat boost throughout the house.
Boost individual room
The option to boost an individual room rather than whole house heating sometimes the upstairs is cooler the down stairs and would be good to be able to boost individual room but just now need to boost he house.
Tank Oil Level Guage
Hi guys, I'm not sure if this has been suggested before or not but I think an oil level guage in the tank that supplies my heating system that links back to the app would be a great inclusion Not only would it alert you when the oil was low but it could also estimate how much oil you have used each month and work out a…
Please increase the number of rows supported to 12 (or more)
In my home, which is not exactly a mansion, I have 11 separate 'rooms' each of which needs separate temperature control (each has its own heating source - a radiator - controlled by two). Unfortunately Tado only allows a maximium of 10 rooms currently and so I have had to combine two rooms into one 'composite room' with a…
"Summer/Cooling mode" for wall thermostat
Hi there, I have an underfloor heating with a cooling function. In summer, cool water can run through the floor to cool the room. For that I currently need to set the temperature to max (25°C) to keep the thermostats open. If the room temperature would rise above 25°C the thermostats would close and prohibit a cooling…
Smart A/C auto function
Smart AC works great apart from one major feature. Setting the A/C to Auto, so during Spring/Autumn where the temperature might need to be either warm or cool depending on the weather that day. Like universal tv remotes that you programme by pointing the IR signal and recording it, why doesnt Tado support this function? It…
Hi, is it possible to add a ‘switch’ in the app to change from winter to summer. This is so that ALL of the heating can be change from either "WINTER HEATING ON" and "SUMMER HEATING OFF".
Graph showing global boiler activity
I don’t think this exists, or I cannot find it. I’d love to be able to see the pattern of when my boiler is active globally rather than when each room is calling for heat.
TADO Thermostat should have option to use 12V supply
I am replacing thermostats in my existing heating arrangement with TADO thermostats. Not uncommonly my UFH and heating is controlled by a Wiring Centre which supplies power to all my thermostats. This happens to be 12V DC. I am surprised to learn that the TADO relies on a battery to power it and connect be connected to the…
REQUEST: Shower / bathroom setting that turns the TRV on when high humidity detected
Many people have mould problems in the shower room / bathroom. That's one reason why they (including me) bought a TADO system - to have better background heating in the bathroom (and in other rooms). The room by room humidity tracking in the TADO app is great, and has helped with resolving dampness and mould in many rooms.…
Tado Smart Schedule in memory feature request
This morning I lost my WiFiconnection so I was unable to operate the Tado via web an mobile app. which is completely understandable. I woke up with no hot water or heating. I had set the Smart schedules when I installed the system. I did come across this website which says you can still operate the Tado via the device…