Extra safety feature
For some reason my Tado heated up to 57c after a change of installation in the setup menu. Therefore I think a check/failsafe in the firmware of the Tado for when the temperature goes up to more then 30c in a short period it should turn itself of and give a notice in the app. It melted My Tado wired where you press to turn…
Add support of CAN-Bus
Many pellet boilers manufacturers (Froling, Guntamatic, Hargassner, Herz, ....) are using CAN-Bus modulating thermostats. Would be great if Tado could support CAN-Bus protocol in order to replace these thermostats, in modulating mode
6.38 crashes on my iOS device but 6.37 doesn’t
After reporting a crashing bug I saw on iOS. I’ve been prompted to help by suggesting a feature after relating the information that I essentially rolled back the version from 6.38 to 6.37. So I guess the new feature could be: How about new beta test 6.38 doesn’t crash like 6.37 didn’t? :) The application //started showing.…
No Zone Controller via Schedule
I did search but could not find anything regarding this, I would like to see the ability to assign a rooms ability to allow the room NOT to call for heat the room during the day, and at night allow the room to call for heat. This would allow the room to not drop temperature too far during the day. What do you guys think ?
Notification requests...what does the community think?
2 requests I would like to see on the app: 1. The status of the heating indicator on the receiver whether on or off I would like to see in the app on the home page. I know you can see it by clicking into the individual rooms but this doesn't tell you if the heating on receiver is on or not. This only tell you the…
Activate Home mode via timer or at a specific time
It would great if I could schedule to active home mode at specific time. e.g. 3 hrs before I get home from a weekend vacation.
More controls over temporary temperature changes
When it comes to the room controls when you manually override the set temperature it would be good to have the following options: A shortcut to bring forward / advance to the next programmed setting e.g. if it's 1pm and the heating schedule will change from 10C to 20C at 2pm, I could press a button which will automatically…
Silent Operation during defined hours
We have manual TRVs before. Of course, they didn't shut off when we left the house, but at least they don't make a sound. Currently our Tado TRVs wake me up at night, despite sleeping with earplugs. The entire family are a bit surprised by the noise these TRVs make.. So, I want to suggest Tado adds a "silent operation"…
Provide motor torque control
The automatic mechanism that controls how newtons of force that the valves need to register as closed is not always correct. Please provide a way to finetune thermostats.
"Nomatterwhat" shut down schedule
Hi there! I would suggest that in future versions of the app a ("No matter what") shutdown method could be scheduled. I mean it would be really helpful the possibility of scheduling a Shut-down whatever the previous situation was. No matter if I started the heating manually, it will shutdown at 23:00 because I scheduled…
Smart Radiator Thermometers
I previously purchased smart radiator thermostats for my Tado system however they were too noisy in the bedrooms and led to a few queries which I raised with Tado (however they have asked for these queries to be posted here). Hopefully there is a solution! Is there a way to set the bedroom smart radiator thermostats so…
TRV quiet mode via minor increments over time
An option to set a TRV, such a bedroom, into quite mode. This will slowly adjust the TRV in small increments when getting close to temp, or when needing to heat the rad. This will be extremely useful in bedrooms, as the sudden adjustment wakes the kids and wife every morning and night.
Tado device automatic restart
Hello. Each electronic device needs a restart one in a while. My Tado device needs a restart once a week otherwise it will stop issuing commands. Everyone may have or will have the same problem. Hence, it would be good to implement a feature of automatic restart once or twice week (at night for example), so to avoid that…
Add arrows to Smart Radiator Thermostat to show where to turn
Tenants, particurarly in short term rentals, do not understand how to set the temperature on Tado Smart Radiator Thermostats. They often try to turn the wrong part of the device and end up with unmounting it. We got several broken radiator thermostats because our guests accidentally unmounted them and the devices fell…
Multi Zoning with Profile Creation
Recently bought Tado. However unlike my previous setup where my Radiators where controlled by 2 Thermostat. One Honeywell Dial which was wired controlled all off the Downstairs Radiators to separate heating the house. To save on Energy. The second one was a Drayton Wireless RF Unit that contolled and heated the Entire…
Add other devices that can use the hub and app
Of course you can think of lights and alike, but there would be many, many competitors. Adding a smart smoke and heat detector, would be beneficial. This is not a complicated device, the majority of the technology is already designed by tado and, well, a smoke detector ain't something complicated. Same hub could be used…
Link smart reader to tado
Hi Each month I manually add my meter readings to the tado app but in the uk there is a company loopup which I have given access to my smart reader so it generates automatic reports. Perhaps tado could do the same or link up with loopup. Thanks
Set TRV to a "minimum" temperature
I would like to be able to set certain rooms so they have a "minimum" temperature rather than a target temperature - which will fire boiler when lower, but not switch off the TRV at the desired temperature - simply just use the temperature to know that room won't request heat unless it goes below that. That will mean if…
More secure mounting system
Hello, I would like to have radiator mounting systems that are made of metal and not just plastic.
Manual override timeout
At the moment if you manually set a valve it stay on that setting until the next scheduled event happens. You should be able to set timeouts so it defaults back to the schedule- this should also continue to work without internet. Really it should apply to everything, hit water, heating, valves
TRVs too easy to remove
The Child lock feature is great, kids are drawn to the clicky knobs so being able to disable the manual control is great. However that leaves the problem of physical removal of the whole thing. It requires very little force to undo from the attached base, a 1 year old can remove it. It may be helpful to update the design…
Improve the design of temperature overrides in the iOS app
As a new user its taken a while to discover the behaviour of temperature overrides. The actually functionality is fine. As I understand there are three options: override for a specified amount of time override til the next time block override til someone makes another change It's also great that your last choice is…
Make sure the heating schedule is available offline
When the Internet Bridge has an issue or the Internet connection is down, the Tado devices stop working. Recently my Internet Bridge hung during the night, which meant my heating system didn't start in the morning and the house remained cold. This can be solved by syncing the current schedule locally and keep using that…
Definition og heating Interval per radiatorvalve
When heating, a radiator will continue heating, even if the radiator is very hot in the bottom. If it is possible to define a number of minutes per radiatior after which the heating will pause for a number of minutes. This will save the heating cost for those of us who pay per m3, and also for us who pay per KW, where…
Energy IQ enhancement
[tado°] Your feature request Good morning Would it be possible to intergrate electricity consumption into the app preferably either by WiFi / Smart meter interaction, or manual read insertions so we can make good use of available information.
Tado Temperature Sensor to log temperatures below 0 degrees C
Hello, I'm using the Taco Temperature Sensor in my garage to purely measure the temperature. I found that there are hardly any temperature sensors that are connected to the cloud and can be read without being connected to the local wifi network. In my garage, it sometimes gets below 0 degrees C. The Tado app doesn't…
Tado...in the clouds!
Tado is unreliable,i use it for a while but disappointed,just an app for a lot of money,sistem has many many flows cause is cloud based,that is the main issue. Lucky me i have my old thermostat and i am using weather compensation with it and my trouble with Tado has ended,no connection lost,no lost of heat and less gas and…
Two ideas
1). For Combi users, develop a sensor that monitors system pressure and always when low. 2). For oil users, develop a decent tank monitoring system. I'd buy both. Tom.
Create an option for the Radiator Knob to NOT trigger the boiler
For houses with a floor heating system the setup how TADO Thermostat works with the radiator buttons not ideal. If one of the radiator buttons requires the radiator to heat up, this will now trigger the boiler and will then trigger the floor heating as well consuming a lot of unwanted heat. Suggestion is to create an…
Master Temperature Control
I want my whole house to be 18 degrees. I don't want to have to go onto each room