Energy IQ enhancement
[tado°] Your feature request Good morning Would it be possible to intergrate electricity consumption into the app preferably either by WiFi / Smart meter interaction, or manual read insertions so we can make good use of available information.
Tado Temperature Sensor to log temperatures below 0 degrees C
Hello, I'm using the Taco Temperature Sensor in my garage to purely measure the temperature. I found that there are hardly any temperature sensors that are connected to the cloud and can be read without being connected to the local wifi network. In my garage, it sometimes gets below 0 degrees C. The Tado app doesn't…
Tado...in the clouds!
Tado is unreliable,i use it for a while but disappointed,just an app for a lot of money,sistem has many many flows cause is cloud based,that is the main issue. Lucky me i have my old thermostat and i am using weather compensation with it and my trouble with Tado has ended,no connection lost,no lost of heat and less gas and…
Two ideas
1). For Combi users, develop a sensor that monitors system pressure and always when low. 2). For oil users, develop a decent tank monitoring system. I'd buy both. Tom.
Introducing: forum members promoted to moderator
You might or might not have noticed this already, but I've recently promoted two experienced forum members to moderator status. More to come. I'm not sure if they want to be named, so I'm leaving that open for now. Moderator rights Moderators can merge, split and move threads, edit comments and a few other rights normal…
Create an option for the Radiator Knob to NOT trigger the boiler
For houses with a floor heating system the setup how TADO Thermostat works with the radiator buttons not ideal. If one of the radiator buttons requires the radiator to heat up, this will now trigger the boiler and will then trigger the floor heating as well consuming a lot of unwanted heat. Suggestion is to create an…
Master Temperature Control
I want my whole house to be 18 degrees. I don't want to have to go onto each room
Temperature adjustment
I wanted to set the actual room temperature on to the radiator thermostat searched everywhere on the app only to find it’s not on the app only the website which seems a bit backward ideally they should mirror each other
Recommend a Friend scheme
Following the success of my own tado system, I recommended it to my son who has now installed a full system covering 15 radiators. I contacted Support to enquire as to whether there was a ‘recommend a friend’ scheme that would provide a benefit for me against future purchases, and was told that there wasn’t but it was a…
Features of the mobile application / Fonctionnalités de l'application mobile
I am a happy new owner of a Tado system with a base kit + 6 thermostatic heads, but I had 3 questions about the mobile application (Android): 1- On the home page of the App (home icon), is it possible to see at a glance if the wireless receiver (connected to my boiler) is in heat demand for one of the different rooms…
Heating system efficiency score
It would be nice if Tado analyzed how efficient my heating system is. Maybe we could specify the area of the home, and with using of the consumption and weather data it would calculate the efficiency.
Early Finish
As we have underfloor heating, the early start feature has meant that (over a few days), the thermostat has nicely learned that it needs to come on early to get to temperature. At the other end, if I set the finish time at 2200, there is no point the thermostat asking for heat for at least an hour or so before this time as…
Global override
Having very recently installed a Starter Kit V3+ which wirelessly controls heating and water, and having added Smart Radiator Thermostats to 9 out of 13 radiators in the house (three of those without TRVs being towel radiators, the fourth being the obligatory 'reference' radiator in the hall), the following shows up: The…
Heat Boost on smart Thermostat
Is there a way to enable temporary adjustments of the room temp on the Smart Thermostat? I (or the wife & kids) would like to boost the heating on the thermostat without the need to remember to open the app and “resume schedule” afterwards.
Could it be possible to make a function on the app that is configered by the user. Like a configurabel remote-control on the phone. The case is that I use my tado to remote my air-air heater. There is a function on that heater I cant start, or end, by the app. Its a function on a Mitsubishi heater, Nordic. That function is…
Manual valve or thermostat adjustment
When you adjust the room temp via the app you get the option to set how long it runs until it goes Back to following the schedule. But if you adjust the temperature via the rad valve or room stat then it continually stays at that temperature. .my question / idea is regardless of where the manual increase or decrease of…
Stop AC from getting over temperature
I have tado AC control set to heat my office during the week. It's set to 17 degrees, but I regularly have to temporarily turn it off because it's showing 23 degrees in the room. Tado should be turning the AC off proactively to achieve the temperature requested.
Reminder that a schedule has been overidden "until you cancel"
When you use Google home to control the status of the heating or hot water, the schedule gets overridden "until you cancel". It would be good if tado sent you a reminder after sometime, or had the little infinity symbol on the tile (or both) to indicate that the room or hot water wasn't on its usual schedule. My hot water…
Family Geofence
Would it be possible to have family members assigned to certain rooms? Example, Son staying away at the weekend with grandparents his room would be set to away as no requirement to heat.
Sensori Master e sensori Slave
Buongiorno a tutti, a casa io ho un sensore master che accende e spegne il riscaldamento, e due sensori slave che possono solo tenere aperto o chiudere parte del circuito. Sarebbe bello poter impostare questa situazione nell'app, in modo che nei grafici i sensori slave risultino attivi solo se è attivo il sensore master.…
Add a text field on devices to show their location in the room.
I have three radiators in a room. It isn’t easy to locate a TRV which needs resetting. Have to use the Hi button and work out which one isn’t responding. Easy solved by adding a text field in the devices summary screen. It could say “near door”, “behind settee” and “near hifi”.
Basic Wired Stat
Hi, I have a home with underfloor heating and 13 zones. I wish to upgrade. I use TADO at another property and it is great. However, at around 100 pound for a stat it is "too expensive and too smart" to buy 13 of them. I believe there is logic in a more basic phone connected wired stat. There is no need for humidity,…
Day Off
I would like a day off button with a adjustable end time. This would then run the sat-sun schedule as sometime I have a day off in the week.
Dynamic schedule - Auto Sleep Wake-up
Make Tado intelligent by integrating it with sleep sensors and or your wake-up alarm. In that way you could have a dynamic schedule (instead of a fixed one) that would activate when certain people are in the house but sleeping or when those persons are scheduled to wake-up based on their wake-up alarm set on their phone…
New hardware idea - Zone Controller and Electrical Heat Switch
Just i read Tado best alternative, Drayton website and i found that they maked some new devices: Zone Controller: https://www.draytoncontrols.co.uk/products/Smart-Heating/Wiser/wiser-underfloor-heating-controller Electrical Heat Switch:…
Time display on temperature graphs
When you display the temperature graph from the tado app (iOS) you can touch the display to show the actual temperature. But the time is missing on the pop-up. Can this be included?
Allow output of temperature,
Hello, I would like to record the temperature every time it changed to my spreadsheet, currently I can do this by creating an individual recipe for every temperature rise and every temperature fall, obviously this would take a long a time. Would it be possible to create a query which simply reports the temp, or a trigger…
Maximum heating setting-lock
So many people have younger adults who may want to set the heating at silly temperatures. So my idea is a max temp setting-which can be controlled by an admin for the house? I think this is a good thing for many. Also avoids errors if knocking to 23 instead of 21 for example.
Return temperature sensor (on radiator) connected with the thermostat on the inlet
Tado should produce a temperature sensor that can be mounted on the return pipe from the radiator. The temperature measurement must then be connected via the hub to the thermostat on the radiator inlet, so that the thermostat can turn off the heat if the return temperature becomes too high. In the setting of the…
Multiple schedules in one room
It would be great to be able to generate different schedules for different devices in the same Room. I have an UFH with wired thermostat and a radiator with RTV in the same physical room. Weekday mornings heat is only needed for one hour, so UFH better stays off. The radiator would be much better controlled by a wall…