Verhoog de maximale instelbare ruimtetemperatuur
Graag de maximale instelbare ruimtetemperatuur verhogen.. dan wordt het installeren in de zomer eenvoudiger.. anders moet je de thermostaten in de koelkast leggen om het systeem te testen.. Als je deze maximaal 35 graden kan zetten dan heb je geen probleem met instellen..
Batterijen Tado leeg.. deze batterijen zijn de beste vervangers..
Als de batterijen leeg zijn, vervang ze dan door oplaadbare batterijen 1,5 volt lithium.. Wel zo duurzaam en gaan een leven lang mee... stop de verspilling.. https://amzn.to/396MPaC
origin of an order
Virtual assistants are increasingly present in homes. And Tado, interact with them very easily. It would be a very valuable information if, in the activity graph, in addition to other information (temperature, humidity, climate ...) the origin of a machine start-up order could be reflected. And so, to know if it has been…
Away Mode (Pet friendly)
The away mode is great, but I a have a cat and maybe it could be great to have an away mode “pet friendly”. Making sure that the house is neither extremly cold or hot so my pet is confy in it.
Integration with Verisure
I’ve recently discovered that Verisure devices (alarm) placed in different areas of the house also record temperature and would love it if it would be possible for tado to use this information as well.
Improve readability of serial numbers in the iOS app
The serial numbers in the iOS app are displayed in fairly small, grey text. They are only really readable for people with perfect eyesight — even with my reading glasses on, I struggled. Could the font size be increased, and the colour changed to something much darker to provide better contrast — if not on the device list…
an option operating mode working like a signal generator just like the physical remote control
when I ask Siri to turn on the air conditioner, tado sends out turn-on signal. when I ask Siri to turn off the air conditioner, tado sends out turn-off signal. lower, raise the temperature by one degree, two degrees ... set the air conditioner temp to xx degrees ... no matter what state tado is in. This mode replaces a…
Set the "Sleep" functionality of my Midea Air Condition from the App
Issue The air condition Midea Silent Cool 26 Pro WF is equipped with a so-called "Sleep" functionality. Activating the feature via the included remote control or on the device itself makes the AC turn into a more silent operation mode, the fan speed is set to "Auto". Tado is not respecting this setting and is always…
Tado° APP Quick Buttons
I would welcome the ability to have/select/create Quick Buttons on the Tado App home screen. Especially as part of a SLEEP functionality. For custom programming it would make up for a simple IFTTT-rule. If custom programming would not be an option, then a selection of preset rules is a way forward. I suggest something…
Smart AC Control - Sleep mode
I would love for a simple Sleep mode function to be able to set the AC to -ON- and then rely for it to go into Standby when time is due. Per now, when I use the 'Room' selector of the App Home window, I can use the set up slider to set a time for countdown, but the Tado will not set my AC to Standby when time is due? Why…
Radiator Maintenance Setting
I have Tado on my boiler and all of my radiators. My central heating system (combi boiler) is maintained every year by an engineer. The engineer needs to be able to turn on the boiler and for all the radiator valves to be open. There needs to be a maintenance mode in the app which simply turns on the boiler and opens all…
App Bug Found - Boiler Running with Rads Off
Hi All, I found a bug in your app. I have been using Tado for 2 weeks without issue, it's great (but would love a 30min boost button per room). I recently added my wife to my home to share control. During a demo of the app, she pushed the "Boost" button and then a few seconds later clicked the "turn all off " button to…
Download sensor data
It will be very helpful to download sensor data to develop an understanding of the heating patterns in my house. The product is fantastic, and this feature would enhance the product tremendously. I had Beurer temperature and humidity sensors in each room in my previous house. After comparison, I was able to regulate the…
[IFTTT] Determining if tado is in Home or Away mode
Without consuming a tado trigger, the following filter code can determine if your system is in Away or Home mode by just querying the last switch to Home and the last one to Away. I wrote this because I did not find any available variable from the tado triggers/queries. I use it to skip heating up early if the system is in…
Reduce expansions tank "delta" - Control radiator valve change speed or spread open over time
Living in the Nordic countries it's quite common (due to regulation on energy consumption for households) that you end up with some type of heat pump, to power your radiators. Many of these comes with an expansion tank as the "interface" between the pump and the pipes in your house, and is used for regulating the ups and…
Improved thermostatic AC control
The tado device and app are well made and designed which lead me to purchasing one to try out, it is a pity the "smart" features are not quite there yet. The following features would make the product much "smarter" in my view: an "auto" mode that can switch between heating and cooling for autumn/spring periods where you…
Away Zones - eg Work
Create ability to define zones where the app considers you as fully away from home and so turns off all heating. Background: my office is relatively near home (<20 miles) and so when using the auto-assist functionality it thinks I’m constantly on my way home and pre-heats the house. In addition, my partner also lives…
tado AC: Alert if temeperature risses over certain threshold
Hi, I would like to use the tado AC for a professional purpose to control and monitor the temeperature in a server/computer room. It'd be be helpful to receive alerts if the temperature rises above a certin threshold so I know if a) something might have gone wrong (e.g. power cut) or b) in summer I can intervene remothely…
Problem with the wife!
Being of a generation who were not brought up with smartphone technology my wife refuses to use a smartphone and therefore the Tado app. She often uses the room thermostat to increase the room temperature in the evening and I then wake up in the night 'on boil' because the system does not revert back to it's preset…
Manual control improvement
A really useful feature would be a variant on the manual control, so you can set a temperature on an ad hoc basis that is to be reached in a set number of hours. For example, 20C to be reached two hours from now, and Tado would automatically turn the heating on at the right time for that temperature to be reached. At the…
Night time shut off overrides all
Would really like to have a feature added where you can select ‘Night Time’, which when turned on, overrides all heating options via its adjustable time settings. There have been several occasions when either my parter or I have turned the heating on at the main thermostat and completely forgotten about it until we hear it…
Custom mode for Smart AC Control
Hi I have just bought this Tasdo Smart AC Control to control my Electrolux heap pump and it seems to work ok. BUT my heat pump has an anti-freeze mode where you can set it to fixed 8 degree C, to keep your house above freezing temperature when away - but this is not supported by the Tado device. I suggest to add an extra…
Heating Time Per Room
I suggest that instead of displaying the percentage of time, that each room is being heated, that it would display the actual time in hours and minutes, that each individual room is being heated.
Implement Quick Actions as iOS Quick Actions
Right now Quick Actions are not of great use to me, as I still have to open the app, thus, not very quick! The next logical step would be to add them as iOS Quick Actions from the iOS Home Screen
The problem with the tado system is actually that it is made for 'simple' and 'standard' set up. Once you move (one step) away from this 'standard' the tado system gets a different configuration. My example: a boiler and two valves that independently heat the ground floor and the first floor. Using a tado system then the…
[Smart Schedule] Add ability for time block to do nothing (currently an action is forced)
Hi there, I recently bought the Tado Smart AC Control V3+. The purpose of the purchase was to be able to fine-tune the AC temperature throughout the night (while I'm sleeping) by using the smart schedule. My main problem with the smart schedule is that each time block forces an action on the AC. This means that if I wanted…
[Feedback Request] Improvements to the manual control
Hi all, Please take some time to leave some feedback in this topic:
Hot water schedule
Dear New Ideas Team, I operate a Tado system which incorporates a two channel receiver for separate hot water control. I'm really pleased with the Tado and it works far better than a previous smart control system I had. There is one feature I think would improve things for customers with a hot water tank however. I…
Fixed temeprature back to normal setting when next slim time blocks starts
When i chose a temporary adjusting of temperature this will no reset by starting next time block so it stays for ever on the temporary setting ?
Alexa needs improving (Post attempt 2)
Here's a second attempt at the long suggestion I posted earlier, which was lost, even though it said it was posted. This one will be shorter. So, the Alexa interface needs to be improved. Scenario 1: If I turn off a thermostat "Alexa, turn of hallway thermostat". I can't just say "Set hallway temperature to 21 degrees". I…