Individual Geofence Option
Hi. Not sure if this has been mentioned before, but would be great if you could set-up individual Geofencing capability for each individual Smart Radiator Thermostat. To explain, I am often away from home for several days at a time for work and would like to be able to automatically detect this and shut off the Radiator…
Modify Limits of Room Temperature Control
Is it possible to modify the upper limit of the Heating Temperature in the Smart Thermostat (it is currently restricted to 25 degrees Centigrade)?
IFTTT open window detection
Hi, Today the open window detection relies on a sudden temperature change I assume. It would be much better if it could be kicked off by IFTTT. That way, anyone with a Z-Wave or Zigbee alarm system could send an alert to Tado to trigger open window and stop it when the window is closed. Would also be great if if could work…
More Settings options for AC
Current AC v3 owner... satisfied with the overall experience. As others have said, display could be showing lots more. Controls could be a little easier/more intuitive and Humidity could be visible to the Home app as a tile. Ideally, the device could be receiving the "dumb" remote signals to update its status as well. But…
Limit user access / privileges
We have family members who visit our house when we're away sometimes. We've added them (their phones) as Tado users so that the geofencing detects when they're here. Some of them have a temptation to change the settings which I don't then notice for a while. Is there a way to limit other users' ability to change the…
Activate open window detection with external window sensors
I would like to be able to use my window/door sensors to activate ‘open window detected’. This would be a great improvement as it will speed up this process and will keep ‘open window detected’ on until I close window/door. I know this can be done indirectly by setting the heater to “off” with ifttt but this means that it…
my.tado.com : support for 2FA
Hi. There is a ETA for support 2FA for the accesso to my.tado.com ? Best regards
Always show temperature on Tado ac
Have an option to set Tado ac to always show the current room temperature on display.
HomeKit Information From Tado
Hey I'm about to purchase Tado for house I'm currently getting build. And from what I've read online, Tado works with HomeKit for adjusting the temperature of the thermostats etc. Just wanted to know from what I can see the Tado app displays things like the Humidity. Is this something that also displays within HomeKit? If…
Smart Rads power by rechargeable lithium ion AA batteries
Hi I just wanted to to share some tips that we can use the rechargeable lithium ion AA batteries. We can't keeps on replacing the alkaline AA as it only last about 6 months. I bought some Kentli brand it it does the job. It is still in the early days to see how long it last before indeed to recharge them. But I am hopeful…
Support for 0.5 degrees temperature change (Tado Smart AC Control V3+)
Many modern AC units today support temperature change by 0.5C. Please add an ability to users to be able to control more precisely the AC temperature.
Disable open window detection when heating switched off
The tado° app currently provides notification of open windows, even if all Smart Thermostats / Smart Radiator Thermostats are set to Frost Protection. This is clearly pointless, and just annoying. It would be better to only provide the open window notification when the thermostats are set to a temperature that might…
Changes to the Firmware Update System
Instead of having to contact support to see if an update is available and getting a massive statement about "staged rollouts" and allowing you to "address issues early" - I still think the app should show if updates are available but state that it's rolling out, and then people won't have to contact support to see if…
[Released] Finer granularity of temperature reporting and adjustment for Smart Radiator Thermostats
Throughout the app temperatures are reported and set in units of whole degrees. It would be beneficial to increase the granularity of both reporting and setting to half degree increments.
Support multiple schedule configurations such as spring etc..
It is very common to want different sets of heating parameters for different occasions. A typical example might be a different set for summer versus winter. Or for when guests are staying versus not. It would be great if the Tado system supported the ability for user's to create multiple named configurations and switch…
Keep public roadmap up to date
Tado publishes a public roadmap here which is commendable for a heating technology company, but expected for a disruptive tech company. However, the rate of updates to the roadmap is particularly low, with the last update provided many many months ago: 31-08-2018. It would be excellent if the roadmap could be updated on a…
Hot water temperature monitor via extension kit
My heating system is the hot water storage type where a larger tank is used to store hot water for heating the radiators and hot water supplied via a heat exchanger. The tank is heated by a solar panel on the roof and a wood burning stove. Backup heating is via a gas boiler, which is controlled by Tado. It would be good if…
Support current and more recent Vaillant eBus controllers
Tado asserts the benefits of modulating boiler control and touts compatibility with Valiant and eBus. However, the reality is rather grim. It turns out that as of 2019-03 eBus is only supported in these scenarios using the now discontinued VR65 controller. No other controllers are supported (VR66 for example). This means…
Samsung Smartthings
Hey How do i get Tado radiator to work with Samsung Smartthings - I tried both smartthings app(classic) but no luck :(
Radio signal information
Show information about signal strength between each component and the bridge, so as to have an idea of where to put the bridge to improve the connection with the other components.
Support 2 point calibration for adjusting temperature offset (Temperature Guesstimate)
It would be very helpful to enable 2 point calibration for adjusting the temperature measurement to match the middle of the room. Scenario as follows: At low temperature the thermostat reads the same as the temperature measured in the middle of the room e.g. 15°C so no offset required but at higher temperature the…
Improve "Climate Report" graph
The horizontal grid lines in the "Climate Control" history graph currently behave very inconsistently and are not very clear to work out the temperature from. There are three fixed lines, the top and bottom have a label which varies depending on the range of the currently displayed graph, but by having fixed lines, this…
Mode that emulates a manual TRV behavior for Smart Radiator Thermostat
I wonder whether anyone else would find this useful: Problem: old leaky house that is unable to retain heat, potentially with mixed heating modes. Second problem. How to make best use of a boiler firing when zone is not expecting it. Solution: introduce 2 new modes for Smart TRVs - Passive and Passive Limited. The idea…
trigger reminder when open window timer expires
The open window detection is a useful feature; to make it more useful, I'd like be reminded when the timer expires because sometime you forget that a window is open or you'd like to keep the window open for longer; by sending a reminder it helps me either to close the window just when the heating is coming on again, or if…
Make the hot water schedule "smarter"
After returning home from holiday to find there is no hot water, I'm a little disappointed at how Tado deals with the "Smart Schedule" for hot water. I have a standard indirect hot water cylinder and have Tado set to top it up in the morning and in the evening. I recently went on holiday for a few days and returned home in…
Increase maximum "Open Window Detection" shut off duration
The Open Window Detection Heat Shutoff Duration has a wheel to select the number of hours. But you can’t use it, as the maximum duration is just 1 hour, so it’s redundant, only a minute wheel is required. However, I would like for the maximum to be greater than 1 hour as I often open the bedroom window for many hours to…
[Released with tado° X] Make the Smart Radiator Valves quieter
I find the Tado Smart Radiator Valves are too noisy for use in bedrooms. The motor noise when opening/closing the valve is loud enough to disturb sleep. I have had to set my bedroom schedule in a way that ensures the bedroom heating will never turn on when we could be asleep, and so have to manually turn it on everytime I…
Internet Bridge with PoE
Would love to see the Tado Internet Bridge with Power over Ethernet. This could save us an additional cable because everything can be done with the Ethernet cable. Since the raspberry pi and many other similar devices can do it, this should be an easy task for Tado.
show battery charge level as a percentage
Please show the battery charge level as a percentage or even better show a graph of the battery charge level over time; this will provide much better info on anticipating when batteries need to be changed.
allow changing the name of devices
Please allow us to change the names of devices to make it easier to identify them. For example, getting an email that tells me: "We have noticed that the batteries in your Smart Radiator Thermostat VA*******048 in the zone ****** are running low." I have 15 devices and if each device had a name I wouldn't have to waste…