Be more intelligent with humidity warnings in Air Comfort
Right now you get warnings that your humidity is too high or may cause mould at certain hard coded values i.e. greater than 60% RH or greater than 70% RH for mould. However, humidity is only an issue when it is colder outside and humid air reaches a surface that causes it to reach its dew point by cooling down and causing…
Maximum Temperature Limit
Hi there, with the increasing cost of fuel , I was thinking that a maximum temperature limit may be of some use that could be set by the account holder in order to prevent "temperature tampering" by anyone not authorised. This could possibly be built into the app, and hopefully could save money. Any thoughts !
Show heater temperature information when heating (+ control parameters)
Currently, using OpenTherm, Tado can ramp up the heater temperature very quickly. Sometimes even reaching 80 degrees. It would be great if a tile in the app can show the temperature of the water in the heating system. It is indicated on the heater itself and also on my previous thermostat. Offering this in a graph showing…
Outside temperature visible on room screens
As it says above.
Manual open window in the app.
I know tado only registers an open window when it detects a huge change in temperature or humidity. But the window in my bedroom and the living room is most of the time open and tado doesn't register. Now the AirComfort gives me an "okay" instead of perfect score because the window didn't open for the past 24 hours…
trigger reminder when open window timer expires
The open window detection is a useful feature; to make it more useful, I'd like be reminded when the timer expires because sometime you forget that a window is open or you'd like to keep the window open for longer; by sending a reminder it helps me either to close the window just when the heating is coming on again, or if…
Offline notification
My Internet Bridge went off-line and I didn't realise for hours. A simple reset was all it took to fix the issue, which I could have done way sooner if I'd realised. Tado sends other notifications, like a thermostat needing batteries. I would like Tado to send me a notification, either push-notification in the app, or…
Hot water temperature
I would love to be able to see the temperature of water in my hot water tank. Having a connected water tank thermostat should do the trick. This would allow the system to detect usage by seeing a significant drop in temperature as the tank refills with cold. Which in turn would determine a pattern of use and possibly how…
Alternative Schedule (for working from home as an example)
I've been using Tado successfully for several years, across houses and love it. I've got a 2 Thermostats, 9 TRVs and an extension unit for my hot water cylinder. Obviously I have a long embedded schedule setup and working well for my current house. I've recently updated it with the second Thermostat powering an external…
types of user, limits to app, maximum temperatures - increased efficiency and security
Hi, I have had a Tado system for years and would like to suggest the following app and thermostat features: 1) User levels in the app Guest / User - geofencing only Child - As guest + can use the app to manually adjust permitted thermostats within limits. Member - As guest & child + can adjust schedules for permitted…
Outdoor sensor
outdoor sensor to track the outside temperature/humidity to help improve the weather adaptation
Graph showing global boiler activity
I don’t think this exists, or I cannot find it. I’d love to be able to see the pattern of when my boiler is active globally rather than when each room is calling for heat.
TADO notifications when the boiler isn't working.
It would be really cool to have an active notification feature for users where tado demands heat and for whatever reason, the house does not get warmer. Notifications should include emails as well as tado badges. use: Unattended Property - know that the frost protection has stopped working - (for whatever reason) I have no…
IFTTT open window detection
Hi, Today the open window detection relies on a sudden temperature change I assume. It would be much better if it could be kicked off by IFTTT. That way, anyone with a Z-Wave or Zigbee alarm system could send an alert to Tado to trigger open window and stop it when the window is closed. Would also be great if if could work…
HomeKit Information From Tado
Hey I'm about to purchase Tado for house I'm currently getting build. And from what I've read online, Tado works with HomeKit for adjusting the temperature of the thermostats etc. Just wanted to know from what I can see the Tado app displays things like the Humidity. Is this something that also displays within HomeKit? If…
Support for 0.5 degrees temperature change (Tado Smart AC Control V3+)
Many modern AC units today support temperature change by 0.5C. Please add an ability to users to be able to control more precisely the AC temperature.
Ability to heat and cool using a water based (hybrid) heat pump
Ability to heat and cool using a water based (hybrid) heat pump
Clearer indication of what rooms are currently heating up
Hi, I hear the heating coming on in the house and I want to know which rooms think it is too cold - as I want to see if I agree that it should be on and potentially reset their temperatures for the future. However, the home screen on the app only indicates in words "heating to...". Each room colour is set to green, amber,…
Multiple internet bridge's
Hello, I'm having trouble with keeping all my devices connected to the internet bridge. I was thinking why can't tado software team roll out an update so you can have 2 or more internet bridge's on the same network at different places in the house to expand your coverage.
Configurable Boost Timer
Feature request: to be able to set how long the boost heating button should last for as 30 mins can be quite shotr especially if you’ve been away and are heading home outside of set heating hours.
Downloadable data
I love the Tado temperature/humidity graphs. However, the ability to only see the data on a day by day basis is restricting. The ability to download your data for use in a spreadsheet (in the same way that Fitbit does with its far more complicated data set) would be extremely useful. For example, it would be possible to…
Please use 0.5 degrees granularity in the wireless temperature sensor
Current granularity in the temperature sensor is 0.1 degrees in the app and only 1 degree in the device. That makes it annoyinhg, because the most standard granularity in all themorstats in 0.5
Invite users only for geofencing
Hi, It could be a good idea to invite people on the app only for geofencing (right management or another app only for this usage?). My kids are at home from time to time between school sessions and i need geofencing to heat up the home when they come back. But i don't want my kids to play with tado settings. "Oh, it's cold…
Tado X API
It seems that Tado v3 (and under) has a API allowing much more than what Tado X with matter is exposing. It is necessary for a good integration with a home automation system (such as Home Assistant). For example, I would like to be able to change the temperature offset, so I can use my room temp sensor instead of the valve…
Remove the 10 room limit from the controller
Please remove or increase the 10-room limit from the controller. I have to group rooms together to make my system work which is not ideal.
Allow naming of smart radiator thermostat
It would be really good if I could assign names to all of my smart thermostats. It would make it so much easier to identify which one needs its batteries changed.
Summer/Winter Mode
The app should have a summer mode which, once activated, amends all schedules down by a predetermined amount, to counter ambient temperatures. For example, 22 degrees in winter feels comfortable, whereas 22 degrees in summer feels too hot. This is due to ambient temperatures, which affect heat retention. Now that temps…
Energy IQ cost to account for standing charge
I find the estimated gas cost estimate to be reasonably good, but the cost shown is for the consumption cost only. It would be useful for option to include the cost of daily standing charge such that the total month prediction / comparison reflects the total bill for gas not just the consumption.
Simple improvement to use Tado both for heating and cooling
More and more users are moving to heath pumps both for heating and cooling, by having the same pump satisfy both needs by pumping fluid under the pavement. Unfortunately, so far, Tado only has a minimum temperature in his controller, so it is only possible to employ it for heating. A simple improvement would entail adding…
Users with different roles
When looking at the user configuration it would be good to see that not all users have full control over the whole system. I am thinking about (for example) 2 roles: An Administrator role and a user role. Obviously, the Administrator can do everything. The user role can be connected to specific rooms and control that room.…