REQUEST: Shower / bathroom setting that turns the TRV on when high humidity detected
Many people have mould problems in the shower room / bathroom. That's one reason why they (including me) bought a TADO system - to have better background heating in the bathroom (and in other rooms). The room by room humidity tracking in the TADO app is great, and has helped with resolving dampness and mould in many rooms.…
Early start for radiators
I tried early start in normal rooms with radiators and found the early start begins excessively early (like 4 hours!) and was advised this feature can only be used for very slow systems like underfloor heating. Pity it cannot learn over time how long it takes to heat the room, take outside temperature into account, and…
Better overview of all schedules in one view
I’d find it really useful to have an overview of all the schedules of my smart valves so I can see when the heating generally kicks on and off to be able to review my system more efficiently. At the moment I have to check every valve individually just to see I’m when everything turns off and on in order to refine my setup
Arrange multiple rooms in controllable zones
Ad function to arrange several rooms into ‘zones’, say “top floor” then be able to turn heat ‘on’ or ‘off’
Add humidity in the tiles
The current tiles have enough room to add more information like humidity. Additionally you could a a toggle in the settings to toggle on/off certain displays.
Tado X and home assistants (adding important elements)
I added official integration, but for tado x I see only outsite temp, localization, solar energy (prediction) and tado mode nothing else. I need hetting status, actual temp., sett. temp., humidity , opened window status, etc. For all added thermostats. For version V3+ all info is available in home assistant (google home…
Leave the valves opened in 1, 2 or 3 gears
Nowadays we can close the valve (OFF) or open it fully (25º), and the control is based only in the temperature that the valve is measuring. The thing is that in my area where it below 0º at night, the valve is constantly opening and closing, with the noise of the small engine attached. To avoid this noise, the idea is to…
Set max temp for manual
There is currently a feature for auto stopping manual overrides on radiator valves but there is no option to set the max temperature allowed. My kids keep turning up the temperature to max. Can you consider adding a max temperature setting.
Merged: Second home problem
This discussion has been merged.
Heating advance
Hi, This is an old idea that hasn't occurred to Tado as yet. My old school heating controllers have always included a Heating Advance Button. It's a simple idea - if you have a day that starts a bit earlier than usual, you just advance the whole heating programme with a single click, or turn of a knob. The next programmed…
Two Factor Authentication on my account please
Hello, In a world where breaches are every day an account to mess with my home Definitely needs 2FA (2 factor authentication). Please make it a priority, it is kind of weird that way less important software companies introduced this a long time ago.
Graph scale in 1 degree increments
The graph scale is very odd. It is either in units of three or units of six degrees. This makes it very difficult to work out what temperatures the line is reading when it is between the labeled grid lines. It would be much easier to read if the graph scale was simply in units of one degree with ideally subdivisions of…
Black or Anthracite thermostat
Are there any plans to bring out a black or anthracite grey colour for the actual thermostats. I am fitting three anthracite radiators into a new kitchen and would prefer a more suitable colour than white.
New gas meter in Energy IQ
In Energy IQ add the possibility to start meter readings back at zero after installation of a new gas meter. At the moment you have to delete your complete history before starting back at zero.
Temperature and Humidity Graph
Please return the time stamp on the slider within the graph. I can no longer tell what time the temperature drops or rises occurred.
Heating Activity on Home Screen Tile
On the Home Screen, some tiles have additional icons within them. The Hot Water has a dripping tap, the Air Comfort has a wind symbol, rooms that are in Frost Protection have a power on/off symbol. My question: Why can’t “active” rooms also have an icon within the tile to indicate current heating state, by making use of…
All thermostats history on one graph
It is very difficult to analyze the operation of the entire heating system. For example, it is difficult to see the effect of a thermostat in one room on the temperature in another. It is also difficult to say how often the heating request is sent because each thermostat sends it independently. It would be very helpful to…
When using Turn off all rooms, add ability to resume schedule at selected time and date
I like the turn off all rooms option for when I go away but I would like the ability to be able to resume schedule at a certain time and date so I can set it for when I know I'm returning.
Add 0.5 degree granularity to Smart Thermostat manual mode
0.5 degree granularity was recently added to the Smart Radiator Thermostat. I would also like to be able to raise the temperature manually by 0.5 degrees from the Smart Thermostat on my wall, instead of having to open the app.
Option for Valve fully Open as max temp is only 25°c
As you can only set temperature to a maximum 25°c, after that can we have a fully open valve option. Yes sometimes some of us want hotter than 25°c
Allow users to group together TRVs in different rooms
Hi. The fact that we can use IFTTT, Google Home , and some homeassistant features to do this tells me it cant be that difficult. Most houses in the UK have 2 floors - upstairs and downstairs. Most of us want to heat only the upstairs at night when we are going to be there, and the downstairs in the day. Currently I have…
Use 1 decimal degree Celsius precision on Smart Thermostat
While the app allows setting the temperature in 0.1 degree Celsius increments, the Smart Thermostat only supports 1 degree Celsius increments
Tado to start replying back
My idea is for Tado to start replying back to the community. I am seeing posts from YEARS ago ignored. It's time for this idea to be the top one in the company and Tado to listen to it's loyal customer base.
App Ideas - 'call for heat' alignment
Issue: my heating is on a lot through the day. I'd like better visibility of when the boiler has been triggered (called for heat) and by what. And better control so I can (or the system automatically will) try to align devices calling for heat (so perhaps 3 devices call for heat together for an hour, then all go off for an…
Redundancy in the event of internet loss of server faults
Currently Tado does not have an effective method of controlling their system locally if the internet goes down or if their is a fault on their servers. Can tado re assess this and provide a way to still use the heating controller locally via a smart phone connected to the same WIFI network as the Tado devices, so that in…
Tado Widget
I don't understand why there isn't a widget for the app, to be able to see the situation at a glance would be easier that opening the app every time.
Smart AC Control 10° setting
Supporting frost protection in the Smart AC Control commands
Better support for Underfloor Heating
Hi, I would like to request better software support for underfloor heating systems in the Wired Thermostats when using relay mode. The modulation used by the Tado Wired Thermostates is not beneficial to my system because it tries to turn the UFH on and off repeatably when NOT calling for "full heat" (i.e. when calling for…
App with admin (full) and users accounts (limited)
I would very much appreciate it when you introduce asap the possibility to setup admin (full access) and user (limited access) accounts in the tado app. In fact i was disappointed and amazed that this is not possible at the moment. You don't want all users to have access to all settings.
Range Limitation Publicity
This community shows that lots of people are having range problems in larger houses. But nowhere in the product information does it mention that all devices have to be within range of the Bridge and that thick walls will adversely affect the range. I have my Wi-Fi router at one end of the house and my boiler at the other…