[Released] Symbol showing schedule or manual
Hi On the home page showing the tiles of the different rooms, it would be good have a symbol next to the temperature setpoint in each of the tiles showing whether the room is following the set schedule or following a manually changed setpoint.
Home Screen - Flag/highlight rooms currently on manual override
It would very useful to see on the Home Screen which rooms, if any, have been set manually using the app or, more likely, a radiator control (I.e. and, therefore, are not following the schedule). On too many occasions, I’ve discovered a family member or visitor has adjusted a radiator control, which has defaulted to ‘until…
[Release] OpenTherm Max Flow Temperature setting
On 28.10.2022 we have added the option to set the maximum flow temperature for OpenTherm configured tado thermostats / Extension Kits / Wireless Receivers without contacting our support department. From this moment forward, your installer will have the possibility to set the maximum flow temperature on V3/V3+ homes (your…
[Released] Rechargeable batteries in Smart Radiator Thermostats VA02 hardware revision
tado EDIT 10.02.2021: We have released support for Eneloop 1900 NiMh rechargeable batteries for the VA02 hardware revision of the Smart Radiator Thermostats. - Why only Eneloop 1900 ? Because other rechargeable batteries might be too thick to fit into the battery compartiment because they are thicker than Alkaline…
[released] Dark Mode Toggle Switch
Dark mode was just released. This thread now continues for the valid request to be able to toggle ON/OFF the dark mode regardless of the global settings on your phone. Original post: Mobile apps would look nice in Dark Mode. Reading the System OS Light/Dark theme option as default, then a toggle in settings if the user…
[Released] Copy and Paste schedules
tado° edit 2: With the new app release of today (oct 25th) roughly half of our customers will start seeing this feature in the app. This update was based on suggestions of the community (you), interviews our development team have conducted and the feedback from you might have noticed when exiting the Smart Schedule. The…
[Released – ver. 5.10] Manual Control of Home and Away mode
Sometimes if I’m travelling home, I’d like to be able to manually turn my heating back to home mode, so that my rooms heat up At the moment I have to manually set a temperature for each room in order to warm my house, and can’t select Home mode until I’m within my home zone
[Released] Show the climate report in browser on tado.com
In the app on my iPhone I can see the heating history which is great, but I don't understand why I can't see this when I access my tado account on tado.com using a browser running on my desktop computer.
[Released – ver. 5.10] Add back the "heating level" indicator in V3+ app
The indicator which displays the heating level (1, 2 or 3) has been removed from the V3+ app, this is a step backwards as this is a very useful indicator to show the status of the current system. Please add this indicator back.
[Released] Develop a "basic backup schedule" mode for when Tado outage or loss of internet
EDIT [15. 01.25]: Offline Scheedule can be requested by community members here Original post: When Tado devices lose access to the Tado servers, either due to a Tado server outage (as has occured a few times), or due to temporary internet issues at the property, the Smart Radiator Valves effectively stick in their current…
[Released] Launch an external temperature sensor for the Smart Radiator Thermostats
I'm very happy with Tado overall, apart from the performance of the Tado Smart Radiator Thermostats. I’m finding that due to the way the Tado Smart Radiator Thermostats work, they heat up a room very, very slowly, and sometimes fail to get a room anywhere near the desired temperature. I've noticed that after they turn on…
[Released – ver. 6.1] Allow changing the order of tiles/rooms
Please allow us to change order of tiles in the v3+ app; in the pre-v3+ app we used to be able to change the order of the room stripes.
[Released] How to turn off my boiler with thermostat and valves? (Global On/Off)
[Admin Edit:] This feature is currently in beta in our Web App, please find more information and leave your feedback for us in this poll: https://community.tado.com/en-gb/discussion/8248/user-feedback-request-quick-actions-formerly-global-on-off#latest Original: I have 6 valves and 1 thermostat + extension. If I am at…