Temperatur in the bedroom

It is not news, that the temperature in a bedroom should be lower, than in a livingroom, but the control, and auto-app insists that out 3 bedrooms are way to Cold, and that we should raise the temperature... Where do I define what type og room, the termostat is placed in.. or are this system only made for livingrooms???


  • rafm5
    rafm5 ✭✭✭

    For the temperature and humidity level Tado° bases on an international standard for thermal indoor conditions.

    This is not necessary the best solution if your indyvidual preferences are different.

    So far no manual override option is available.

  • GrayDav4276
    Our Tado systems do not differentiate between room "types" and (as yet) there is no way to allocate a room "type".....hence the "comfort levels" displayed for our individual rooms is a waste of time.
    As Tado does not have the ability to "choose" the type of room environment.....what would be helpful would be the ability to choose which "functions" are shown on our "home" page. I would definitely remove this feature.