add LPG to Fuel type


would i be possible to add LPG to Heating Type with the calculations to work with graphed data to reflect price and KWH for unmetered connections

9 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • I agree that this would be a great addition! I cant even think of a work around. There's not really a way to translate meter readings litres lpg to m3 mains gas reliably.
  • Bumping this a year on. A lot of the great reporting/analysis in the app including the Monthly Energy Savings reports are pretty much meaningless for those living off the gas grid without this functionality..
  • jacksails
    I’d also like to request this - the financial tracking just doesn’t make sense currently.
  • GrayDav4276
    I really don't think that tado are interested in upgrading the current system..... They appear to have "checked out" from monitoring the Community Forum.
  • dher


    Do you know if there is any correlation?
