User configuration of "Early Start"


It would be good, if WE could set how long it takes for OUR ROOMS to heat by 1˚c (each room should have it own setting), then early start may actually be useful.

Time to heat by 1˚c: 0hrs 30mins

So if the room has a target temperature of 19˚c, and the current temperature is 16˚c, early start would kick in 1 hr 30 mins before schedule time.

Even if the room would take 30 mins to reach the 1st 1˚c, but then only another 30mins for the remainder 2˚c, it would give us a setting to tweak until we where happy(er) with the result, even if it was not perfect, it would be better than what we have now ?

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  • GrayDav4276


    I wouldn't advise you to hold your breath waiting for tado° doing anything to sort out the "Early Start" feature.......especially if that involves giving the user a "configurable setting" option..........not gonna happen imho

  • andyblac

    @GrayDav4276 yeah, i know, but, I thought i would put the idea out there.

  • GrayDav4276
    GrayDav4276 ✭✭✭
    edited November 2022


    I understand your sentiment......but trust me tado° have known that for the majority of users without UFH the "Early Start" feature is pretty much's easier to work out how long it takes for your system/room to reach a target temperature.....and then adjust your schedule's just another useless (sales gimmick) tado° feature imho