Smart Thermostat sensor


Is the Smart Thermostat a thermostat? In other words, does it have a sensor as well as a switch? If so, do I need a smart rad thermostat in the same room as the Smart (wall) stat?



Best Answer


  • JerryK

    Thanks. As I thought, so if I have no SRTs in the same room as wall stat, that room could be too warm if another room calls for heat. I can live with that! Just wanted to be certain I understand what's going on :)

    Thanks for answering at least part of my next question already!

    My hot water tank has a strange ancient mechanical stat - a Drayton Tapstat (a sort of TRV with remorte sensor bulb!). I would like to integrate it into my Tado setup. My problem is that getting a wire to the water tank is very difficult, so I thought I would use the Extension as a wireless link near the water tank if I add a standard cylinder stat on the tank and a diverter valve near my boiler.

    This clearly won't work as the extension presumably has no inputs!

    Another option is to put the diverter valve in place of the tapstat on the HW cylinder. That would work if the extension (and cylinder stat) control the diverter but the main room smart stat controls the boiler directly, not via the second extemsion relay. Would that work? ie can I operate the hot water stuff via one extension relay while using the S Stat switch as it is near the boiler wiring?

  • jacoscar
    jacoscar ✭✭✭
    edited December 2019
    Do you want to control the temperature of your hot water or just on/off?

    I think the only way to control the temperature is via open therm (so no Tado device is involved in measuring the actual temperature but the extension kit tells the boiler to do so)
  • JerryK

    Hi, again. I am happy to just control the HW on/off. But I need more relays to switch the boiler and two valves (if I go S-Plan) in different places. I want to add the second valve with a cylinder stat, but HW tank has no electronics/valves at the moment and I can't run a cable between the HW tank and the boiler where other valve, etc are located.

    If I put the second valve near the boiler instead, then the boiler will cycle needlessly once the HW is hot as there is no temp feedback from HW tank area.
