Cubic Feet and Standing Charge in Energy IQ

It’s great being able to add meter readings to get an idea of cost but in the UK many meters are in cubic feet not cubic metre so would be good to have this as a measurement type.

Also the forecast cost does not include a daily standing charge and it would be really useful to be able to add this too…
2 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • NathanH
    Hi Tado,
    totally agree with the comment above about allowing a daily standing charge to the app to help estimate bills.
    UK daily charge for me is 23pence per day, so a significant part of the bill at the moment
  • GrayDav4276
    GrayDav4276 ✭✭✭
    edited December 2022

    This tado° feature cannot even subtract two meter readings and get the correct answer......let alone factor in a standing charge.

    Unless tado° completely revise their methodology for this feature......then it remains totally useless.