Room temperature calibration

You can set a temperature offset but usually the offset is different depending on the actual room temp - so offset usually is accurate for high or low temperature but not the other (due to non-linear temperature profile of the room from a point not near the TRV).

It would be great if I could take the TADO wall mounted thermostat and use that in a special mode so the app can calculate a more accurate temperature mapping for the room.

For example I can put the thermostat where I sit in my office and TADO can temperature cycle the room, mapping the temp reading from the TRV (less accurate, near the heat source) to the reading it gets from the thermostat.

I could take the thermostat to each room and profile each one.
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  • markiaindean

    We had the same issue as you and could have bought the Tado wireless temperature sensor, but it is just too expensive to put in every room. So we ended up creating our own solution.

    To get around the problem we have created a wireless temperature sensor that integrates into the Tado system, with an accompanying app to set it up. The sensor measures the actual temperature in the room several times an hour and automatically adjusts the SRT valve(s) in the room.

    This is working really well for us correcting the system to keep rooms at the correct scheduled temperatures. We are wondering if we should make our solution available to other people. It would cost around £20 per room.

  • Hi, can learn your soluation and like to know how to do it too please