w.Intercom = i;img.ProfilePhoto.ProfilePhotoMedium { padding: 10px; }Integrate outside air humidity — tado° Community

Integrate outside air humidity

Vaak krijg ik van Tado het advies om een venster te openen om de luchtvochtigheid in huis te doen dalen. Dit terwijl het buiten vochtiger is dan binnen. Ik ben geen app ontwikkelaar en ken hier weinig van, maar is er een mogelijkheden om de luchtvochtigheid uit een online weerbericht te halen en zo het advies enkel te sturen wanneer dit effectief een verschil kan maken?

Tado often advises me to open a window when the inside air gets humid. Often the outside air humidity is higher so opening a window will make things worse. Is there a way to get air humidity info for your location from an online weather forecast so the advice to open a window is only given when it will actually improve humidity?
21 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • I'd like to see this too! It would be nice to see the outdoor humidity within the "Air Comfort" section of the app, added to the "outdoor air" info.
  • Yes please! Also not to advise us to open a window if the outside humidity/temp is higher than inside
  • My idea is in Air Comfort it should say "Increased risk of mold, Try letting some dry air in by opening your windows between 6am and 7am" where the time is based on the forcast

    As far as I am aware looking at the `Dew Point` is the easy manual method to do this. AccuWeather.com went and provided a nice tool to calculate the information, and some guy made a useful web page here Humidity Forecast | Richard Stanton (richard-stanton.com)

    The lower the dew-point the less water the air is holding so windows should be opened whenver the outside is lower than the inside. 100% relative humidity at 9 degrees is still much dryer than 70% at 19 degrees for example, once that 9 degrees air warms up it is only 54% relative humidity so a good time to ventilate :D