tado API
Does tado have an API ? Where can I find the documentation ?
The end of IOS 15 Support
Message from tado°: Hello all, The end of support of older iOS versions, as described below, was made with considerations linked to Matter/Thread protocols linked with tado° X To begin, iOS 16.4 is required by Apple for some significant improvements to Matter. (16.1 is the minimum requirement for Matter). Moreover, 16.4 is…
What’s the deal with feature requests?
Hello community, Many of you have expressed interest in learning more about how / whether tado° includes community feature requests in its product development process. Here’s a quick overview of how your feature requests reach tado°’s decision makers. (Please note that ‘feature requests’ refer to posts made in the…
December 2024/ January 2025: Community Fibre / Linksys Router Blocking App
Hi, thermostat has been working flawlessly for 2 years+ but now I can't access the app when on local network. I can connect via 4g on phone or local WiFi with VPN. I'm using Synology router where I've made no resent changes. Any suggestions welcome. Thanks
Netiquette and forum rules
Dear Forum Community, This forum was created to help users solve their problems, questions, and to make the most out of their tado°. We want to keep the atmosphere constructive, so we ask that you follow these basic rules. We look forward to interesting comments, conversations, and discussions. To make sure that everyone…
Client Id for New Authentication Process
In your https://support.tado.com/en/articles/8565472-how-do-i-authenticate-to-access-the-rest-api it mentions a Client Id code. Is this a a fixed code or does it change per user / system? If the latter then how does one find it?
Tado X Thermostats Disconnecting.
I installed Tado X yesterday. As I purchased a number of kits I have the following. 2 Thermostats 1 Bridge 2 Wireless REcievers 20 Tado X Thermostats. Worked fine overnight, but now 10 of the Thermostats are off-line and not connected. This would make the system unreliable for me as when I travel the risk of not having…
Radiator Thermostat
My Radiator Thermostat keeps being offline, even though I changed to new batteries in the Radiator Thermostat. Any suggestions?
Is Tado X suitable for my apartment?
Hi everyone, I am really new into these things and was attracted by the idea of having a smart heating setup. Yet I am not sure how compatible the configuration in my flat will be. The thing is, I live in an apartment with central heating. There is a central boiler that is always on and we turn on the valves in the…
Schedules in offline mode
Hi all. Are schedules, stored in the TRVs, accessible via Matter or only through the offical app (and thus only via Cloud) ? And what about away/home modes ? Can they be managed thorugh homeassistant (with geofencing inside homeassistnat) or only by using the app and their cloud ?
Problem with new Authentication: the Refresh Token is invalid (refresh_token_not_found)
Hello, To account for the new Authentication method, I followed the documentation in: https://support.tado.com/en/articles/8565472-how-do-i-authenticate-to-access-the-rest-api I'm using Matlab and by updating my code I can successfully get the "my_access_token", which lets me obtain my Tado° data from the API, and the…
2 V3+ thermostats connected to te same bridge
I have two TADO V3+ thermostats connected to two different systems, each with its own boiler. Can I use a single Internet Bridge to connect both to the network? Then, I will manage them with two different accounts in the application.
Underfloor heating compatibility list
Does anyone know of a tado compatibility list? I have an underfloor heating system that does not work with tado so I am looking into replacing the wiring units etc to something that does as the existing room stats are dumb, ugly and well just awful! Can't seem to find any kind of compatibility list so that I know what not…
energy efficiency with Tado X relay on/off vs Tado V3+ modulating/opentherm
I purchased a Tado X wired thermostat along with 12 Tado X radiator valves, assuming they would be compatible with my system in the same way as the V3+ version. However, I discovered that my Ariston boiler uses BridgeNet instead of Opentherm, and the X version isn’t compatible with my boiler’s digital interface. As a…
Tado X and HomeKit
I have a problem with adding Wireless Temperature Sensor X to HomeKit. I managed to correctly add the sensor to the Home, but only in one case it shows up as a tile in the room - in all other cases the temperature is not visible on the room card, you have to go to the "temperature" of the room to read it. Radiators show up…
Tado X - Which Starter Kit and Wired or Wireless Room Stat
I’m planning on installing a Tado X system in my home. The present system is based on an Intergas Compact HRE 24OV gas boiler with conventional programmer and wired room stat (which happens to be in a useless position in a 1m x 1m central hallway, but more of that later). Hot water is supplied via the boiler into a…
Smart heating control
Hi. I have a "traditional" gas boiler with a hot water cylinder and I am looking to install a smart control system for the heating and hot water. My heating system has 2 separate controllers - one for the downstairs radiators and hot water and another for the upstairs radiators. When I look at different firms products fir…
Some radiator thermostats are not taking control
Hello, With the amazing help of @Montage and @wateroakley i managed to install the main controller of V3+ Wireless Smart Thermostat with starter kit and programmer with hot water. I now installed the radiator thermostat on 12 radiators. 8 work well, but 4 of them continue to heat the specific radiator when the app is set…
New installation-V3+ Hearing only works when the hot water is on
Hi, My previous setup worked well. It’s a boiler with a cylinder and water tank. I purchased the V3+ Wireless Smart Thermostat with starter kit and programmer with hot water. I followed the instructions and all is set up with one big issue. The heating only turns on when the hot water in the app is turned on. Any tips how…
Heating preset temp
I have dropped my temperature from the standard 16 to 10 on multiple occasions as I’m a “boost” person, it keeps resorting back to 16 and I’m never in the house, I only bought tado to boost on my way home from work, my energy bill has doubled this month in usage as my heating always appears on! Help
Central Heating Does Not Turn Off
I installed the system, and it worked normally for six months. This week, however, my house radiator keeps heating. I removed all cables from CH_NO, HW_NC, and HW_NO. When I tested CH_NO, it still shows 240V even after turning off the central heating in the app or through the wireless receiver (programmer). Could the…
horrendous customer support / non existent
help and support with technical issues is impossible , Ive been on the chat for nearly 2 hours now and cant seem to get an answer quicker than 30 minutes, there is no other option for help . how can tado possbily think that this is good quality support for your product ! unbelievable awful horrendous customer service!
Replacing Junckers FR 110 with Tado X thermo
Greetings, Anyone knows how to connect the X thermostat? Connecting to a Junckers ZSB 28 3. Tried COM and NO, but not working. Any idea appreciated
Controller not turning on heating
My controller demands CH and the indicator is lit up, the thermostat is showing heat demand but the boiler is not turning on, how do i fix this?
Replacing Honeywell ST9400C with Tado
In my 3-bedroom semi-detached house, I currently have a conventional central heating system comprising of: a MAIN HE Condensing boiler (located in lounge) a Honeywell programmer ST9400C (located in lounge beside boiler) a Honeywell HCW80 (Y6630D1007) Battery Powered Wireless Room Thermostat (located in hallway) a Honeywell…
I installed the kit yesterday and now have no central heating
The install went fine and everything shows as connected with no errors kand the wavy lines next to the temperature in the app light up and off as if the heating is working but the boiler never fires up except for hot water on demand. This is now day 2 of no heating so unless I can get this sorted quickly I’m going to have…
Is it possible to configure a fixed IP address in the Tado internet bridge ?
I control Tado via Home Assistant, and when the IP address changes, the device becomes unavailable in Home Assistant, because sometimes it gets another IP address from the router. The router is configured to give the Tado device a static lease, always the same IP address, but sometimes, it gives it another IP address. So I…
Temperature and intelligence
Good evening everyone, I have recently purchased 1 thermostat and 3 tado X valves. I am still getting a good understanding of how it works but the first question is, how does the "intelligence" of tado work? Is it convenient to maintain a temperature of 19 when the radiators are off or not? Thank you very much
Wiring the Wireless Smart Thermostat Starter Kit V3 with the Heatline Capriz2 28c
I recently installed the smart thermostat but cant control my radiator with it, either using the app or the wall mounted controller. All devices are paired and show as connected on the app. The controller also shows room temp and humidity etc correctly. Could someone please confirm the wiring for the heatline , as i…
Tado does not work with my new boiler
Just had a new boiler fitted. (Valiant 832 eco tech) Tado was connected via hard wire from the room stat. All radiators have smart thermostats. After the installer had finished he gave me a mobile smart thermostat that came with the new boiler. None of my Tado smart radiator thermostats work anymore. Does anyone know how…
Intermittent failure
Occasionally my system stops working, in that I assume there was a break in internet connection. It's usually overnight. So, last night it happened again. I woke up to the house like a sauna and me not feeling too well as a result. I opened the back door to get the heat out and re-set the temperature via the thermostat. I…
Temperature Sensor
HI, I have a Smart Thermostat V3+ wired in relay mode to my boiler, some Smart Radiator Thermostat V3+ and an internet bridge. Everything is working perfectly but I miss a couple of Wireless Temperature Sensor.Do you think that a V3+ wireless thermostat can work as a Temperature Sensor for a Radiator Thermostat V3+ ?
Temperature measurement and averaging
hello, I’m new here. I just purchased 4 tado x radiator thermostats with 4 more on their way. I am a ver,very,very happy user. Matter over thread made it a breeze to install you product, which I did by myself in a matter of minutes. the question I have is the following, which thermometer do you suggest I purchase to have a…
Baxi 400 (424) combi eco domestic hot water DHW via opentherm Tado V3+
Hi My Baxi 400 (424) opentherm Tado V3+ is controlling the central heating radiators correctly BUT the ECO mode of the DHW is disabled, meaning it is always preheating the hot water. If I disable the Tado V3+ opentherm hot water control, via the Tado Pro app, the boiler now is overidden to a higher temperature of 60°c…
Help with tado and non tado valves
Hi all, I need some help, we originally had a 3 bed semi but recently had an extension downstairs and now have a 5 bed semi. We now 4 x radiators upstairs, 1 x tado TRV in bedroom 1, 1 x tado TRV in bedroom 2 and a hallway radiator (dumb trv) and a bathroom radiator (dumb trv). We then have 7 radiators downstairs, 1 x tado…