w.Intercom = i;img.ProfilePhoto.ProfilePhotoMedium { padding: 10px; }Smart Thermostats Not Triggering Boiler — tado° Community

Smart Thermostats Not Triggering Boiler

I have a recent problem with our Tado setup.

We have 4 wired Smart Thermostats and Extension Kit controlling Hot Water.

Recently, within the past week, the Smart Thermostats are not calling for heat from the Boiler. The Extension Kit is heating the hot water as per the Smart Schedule, and the entire setup is “connected” according to the App with all battery levels “good” and everything seeming in perfect working order.

The Smart Thermostat shows as calling for 1-2-3 bars of heat, but no response from the boiler.

I can only sometimes trigger a response from the boiler if I manually ask the Extension Kit to heat the hot water then it realised that some of the rooms also need heat.
Sometimes I can get a response out of 1 Smart Thermostat when I manually adjust the temperature, but when the temperature in that room is reached, the whole system will stop heating other rooms that still require heat.

I need help to understand what is wrong with the system.

It doesn’t seems to be a Wifi issue, but could be an RF issue, although all items in the setup show as functioning and communicating with each other, there’s clearly something wrong, perhaps with the Smart Thermostats ability to communicate with the Extension Kit?


  • Same issue. Did you find the problem
  • Same issue here too :(

  • MACH
    edited November 2020
    Same problem, 2 zone heating.
    Multiple Tado TRV are not triggering the boiler to fire up.
    Connection to bridge and app is all fine.
    I need to call for heat in zone 1 or zone 2 before heat will get to my TRV connected radiators.
    Has been working for the past 12 months +, has stopped working in the past 5 days
  • OK, so it may not work for all setups, but the situation seems to have been resolved with a systematic restart (long button press for 10+ sec) on all devices.

    One-by-one starting with each Smart Thermostat, then the Extension Kit, then the Tado Internet Bridge.

    I can only assume this re-establishes both the Wifi and RF connection between all devices, but for now, the system is re-communicating with each other correctly.
  • Similarly, I occasionally have the issue that the Tado is asking for heat, but the boiler isn't receiving the request (or is ignoring it) I have a smart thermostat which is wired into the main heating circuit (hot water separate so no extension kit)

    The only way I've found to fix it is to switch off the heating circuit via the main fuse spur for 10 seconds and then switch it back on again, and several minutes later the heating kicks in. Tado some time ago suggested it could be an issue with the 3 way valve jamming, but I'm not convinced. Since switching the heating circuit off and on shouldn't affect the Tado, it however does make me think it's an issue with the heating not receiving the message, rather than Tado not sending.

  • I have a similar issue with my wired thermostat. Occasionally the boiler won't fire up even though the system is calling for heat. Unclipping the smart thermostat from it's base and refitting it usually solves the problem. I suspect poor connections between the thermostat and the base but I'm by no means sure.
  • chris, check nothing has changed in your device config and that the thermostats are still calling for heat from the zone controller.

    in rooms & devices tab under room settings as what you are commenting sounds as if they are not assigned.

  • If you have a wired thermostat you will need to bridge this out and set up the new thermostat with wireless control and set it to call heat from the new extension kit to control heat.

    You will then need to setup all your TRV's to call heat from the new extension kit and not the wired thermostat which is what it would have been set for before you installed a extension kit. This can be done in setup.

    Heat cannot be called from both the wired thermostat and the extension kit. the extension kit has to do all the work.

    Tado extension kit cannot turn on the boiler due to the fact that the wired thermostat may be off.

    Each TRV or device needs to be assigned to the correct zone controller.

    Hope this helps

  • I have the same problem in a very simple setup: a wired thermostat controlling the boiler and a valve in one room, and 4 more valves in other rooms. Not sure how to diagnose it without replacing the thermostat.
  • Any updates on this?
  • As a starting point with any of this type of issue, I'd recommend turning off the power to the extenstion kit for 10 seconds then back on. I have had some issues with mine where it wouldn't trigger and a restart resolved it.

    Mine became much more reliable after a few months which was probably due to a firmware upgrade

  • Same issue here. Worked after initial installation of the first valve. After installing more valves, none of the valves trigger the boiler to start heating. Only my wired thermostat will trigger the boiler.
  • Same problem here, I will try to ask support for a solution. Worked when I bought the Smart Thermo and the TRV's (if TRV from the bathroom asked for heat, the boiler switches on. Since around a week it does not). Tried resetting, switching the TRV's, no result. Boiler only switches on when Smart thermo asks for heat. In my se tup the Smart thermo is connected by wire to the boiler, with simple 'relay switch'

  • Same issue as stated radiator thermostat did not trigger the boiler to start. Did as suggested here and switched off the circuit for the thermostat for one minute , restarted and everything is now working properly

  • Have recently installed Tado with wireless thermostat but having problem that wireless thermostat is not triggering the boiler. Any help would be appreciated.
  • Anybody found a solution? I have 1 wired and 7 valves. Works fine for almost 2 years but suddenly doens’t seem to give boiler signal to start heating. Restarted boiler and wired controller but no luck so far
  • I have a SOLUTION that worked for me. Just spent a week trying to fix this.

    I tried fully rewiring the system and it didn't work but it made me realise that the Tado doesn't call for heat! It's the 3 port valve, the Tado tells the three-port valve to turn and when in the right position it calls for heat.

    In my case, the 3-port valve wasn't turning, and I moved it manually and bingo...

    Check your 3 port valve :-)

  • I have this same issue. It occurred last year, and I ended up replacing the three way valve, because I my diagnosis lead me to believe that it was that that was not operating correctly. However, before I did that, I actually thought it was an issue with the Extension Kit. Everything seemed to be working again after that.

    However, the problem has just occurred again. I can't believe that the three way valve is at fault again - though I'll admit that it is of course possible, it just doesn't make sense that the same component would fail in the same way.

    There must be some other problem somewhere. Does anyone have any suggestions other than those above, which I have already followed without success, regarding what I could attempt?

  • Having similar issues. My downstairs smart wired thermostats are underfloor heating and all work perfectly.

    Upstairs, none are working. There’s one wired smart thermostat that controls heating to all radiators upstairs (each rad has a Tado TRV too.

    No matter what I try, nothing upstairs can call for heat. Boiler just doesn’t respond. Was working for 2 years and suddenly stopped.

    Also find it odd that when the bridge is off and unplugged, the Tado app says everything is connected. Even after 1hr of being off.
  • Has anyone had any confirmation on what this issue is? We’ve got a wireless thermostat and suddenly stopped working again.. worked all throughout spring and autumn, but same thing happened last winter where the thermostat says “heating to 19” and nothing happens, extension kit not receiving to start boiler. It doesn’t help that tado have zero customer support..
  • This is happening for me now. I don't know if it's something to do with the outage yesterday but most devices are not activating the boiler anymore.

    It is a fault with Tado since I can see on he receiver that the heating light is not on.

    Makes me want to switch away to a simpler more transparent system that is more reliable.
  • Tado gave notice of planned maintenance around lunchtime today, perhaps that will improve things. It seems to me that these problems manifest themselves as more and more tado systems are activated when winter is approaching. I think a wiser choice might have been to opt for Wiser . . .

  • Mine just activated a few hours after the desired temp was set to 25 degrees.

    Hopefully something has or is being fixed. You can't have a heating system that is so temperamental.

    I just can't be bothered uninstalling and trying wiser even though I'm confident it'll be much better. I may though try returning the SRTs as they have not performed anything like I'd expected.
  • Got my new build with up and down stairs tado heating , after months of the heating working perfectly then today it just stopped downstairs. Did all the trouble shooting , till i saw a post about switching your 3 port valve to manual from automatic.

    I did that and now it works perfectly.

    But begs a question of why has it decided to change now ?
  • Probably an issue with the actuator in the valve. It's common for them to stick especially after long periods of no movement e.g. summer.

    3 port valves in Y-plan seem much less reliable than the two 2-port valves in an S-plan setup

  • What make is the 3-port valve? Drayton seem to have the most issues. I have replaced 2 of them and it always seems to "break" after the valve has been getting a hot water and central heating command at the same time. I had schedules set so it was either HW or CH, never both. But with the current issues tado is having and their delays in sending signals to heat, my schedules are overlapping.

  • OK well I can switch the heating and the hot water on and off from the app but the so-called smart schedule doesn't actuate. I can see from this thread that there is a problem here and no one seems to have come up with a sensible solution I'm not going to keep on switching the main power off and on in the hopes that will provide a temporary fix, I'm just not. So I'm going to strip out the thermostat and return it for a refund and reinstall my faithful old CT6400. Can't be bothered with all this hassle. :(

  • I recently had an similar issues where all my radiator stats would not fire up the boiler. I have a wired smart stat, an internet bridge and 7 - smart radiator stats all v3+ units. The wired smart stat is wired to a drayton timer which controls hot water only now i.e. heating control on this unit is permanently off. Setup every thing and worked fine for a week. Then after a nights light frost below 5deg where my external boiler kicks into frost protection mode, the following day all 7 radiators stop working i.e. would not start the boiler. I spent a whole day diagnosing the problem. Finally I went into each individual radiator stat's settings via the "room & Devices" tab, clicked the arrow next the the radiator name (not the arrow below this title) that takes you to a different setup. scrolled down to "Zone Controller RU_____" tab and clicked this arrow and the setup was for a "No zone controller" changed this to my wired stat controller RU_____ device. I did this to all my radiator stats individually and now everything works as it should. Hope this helps some of you with a similar problems as I haven't seen this solution mentioned anywhere ?

  • SOLUTION. I had the same issues with Tado wired Smart Thermostat working as aspected but not triggering the heater to switch on.

    Tried a lot but in the end I found one of the pins on the back of the thermostat wiggled a bit. I carefully took of the small plastic strip cover and saw the connection had broken. I soldered it in place and it all worked again.

    This happened not long after replacing the batteries where I probably didn’t place the thermostat back on its socket with enough care.
  • I recently encountered a similar issue. My home's two zones are controlled by separate receivers, each managing four smart valves. Overnight, one zone ceased activating the boiler. Troubleshooting proved unsuccessful until I reviewed the valve configuration and assigned the problematic zone to the correct receiver; the other receiver was already functioning correctly. Reassigning the zone resolved the issue. It appears the receivers may have required a reset following the reconfiguration.