Introduce a learning ability to Early Start for radiators
Using the data a thermostat picks up about how your house heats and cools, and the time taken to reach/maintain a temperature introduce custom smart start/finish to scheduled events . At least add a 'radiator' version of Early Start.
Improve heating algorithm to wind down heating power earlier, to prevent temperature overshooting
In using tado radiator valves and thermostat, I notice they almost always overshoot their intended temperature. That's usually because the heating power will remain at full strength almost until the temperature is reached. It would be better if the algorithm supports earlier wind down of the heating delivered so the…
Leave valve open when batteries low
When the batteries go flat, I have found that the heating keeps trying to heat that room, but with the valve closed it won't, so the system either needs to turn that room off or personally I'd rather it leave the valve open so it can heat the room, with the rest of the house.
Humidity warning
Hello, I like Tado very much, but I have a new request. The new feature of the air humitity in the rooms is really nice. But what would be very nice is that we get a warning if the humidity in a certain room is too high and if we have to open the window. That would be great! Thanks in advance! Greets from Belgium, Manu
Window (No.) open detected
Hi. Hope all is well. Window open dedicated does not tell me which window is open and sometime I am notified even though all my windows are closed. This tells me that draught is somewhat coming in but I don’t know from which window. It would be really helpful to be able to identify which window is open, this is so that one…
Temperature adjustment
I wanted to set the actual room temperature on to the radiator thermostat searched everywhere on the app only to find it’s not on the app only the website which seems a bit backward ideally they should mirror each other
Recommend a Friend scheme
Following the success of my own tado system, I recommended it to my son who has now installed a full system covering 15 radiators. I contacted Support to enquire as to whether there was a ‘recommend a friend’ scheme that would provide a benefit for me against future purchases, and was told that there wasn’t but it was a…