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Install Advice

Hi I'm looking for advice on what I would require to replace my current thermostat setup, and how difficult it would be to do it on my own.

I live in a new (7 years) build house so I expect this is a fairly common setup.

In the garage: Logic Ideal 15 boiler feeding 2 heating zones.

Upstairs cupboard: Range Tribune HE unvented hot water cylinder.

In the hall: I have a Danfoss TP9000 controlling the hot water, and every radiator with the exception of those in the living room. Next to that is a Danfoss TS2 sensor.

In the living room: directly behind where the other thermostat is fitted, I have a Danfoss TP4000.

How easy is it to replace the current system with Tado, and would I need to replace both thermostats at the same time? Could the living room Danfoss work alongside Tado?

Living Room:




  • wateroakley
    wateroakley Volunteer Moderator

    Presumably you have three zone valves? one for DHW and two separate heating circuits, Part L compliance? If so, you could possibly control one heating zone and the DHW with the wireless starter kit controls; and continue to use the existing wired TP4000 stat/timer for the other heating zone with the lounge radiators.  However, I’d suggest replacing the wired TP4000 with a wired Tado stat.  Then you have just one heating control system and can replace TRVs with SRV's as needed.

    It's not difficult to replace the programmer and room stat. The wireless starter kit has jumpers and labels to help with re-wiring.  The installation wiring support (by email) we received from Tado was prompt. We replaced/re-wired our S-Plan programmer (Honeywell), jumpered the old wireless room stat receiver, fitted the new wireless room stat on the wall, and 8 SRVs in an afternoon. However, if you are not competent/confident with the replacement/re-wiring, then seek a professional.

  • Hi, thanks for the reply.

    I bought the V3+ kit, and it was easy enough to install. This replaced my TP9000 and thermostat, and now controls the hot water, and all radiators with the exception of my living room.

    I'll probably replace the Danfoss thermostat in the living room in the next few weeks. I now think it's actually a TP5000, from looking at the Danfoss website, and it's battery powered. I assume I'll need mains power for the additional Tado thermostat? If so, can I just run it out of the L and N pins of the receiver?

  • @chrisbe77
    The Tado wireless temperature sensor is battery powered and it communicates to the Tado bridge.
  • Thanks John, but I think the wireless sensor is only that, a sensor. Although my current TP5000 is battery powered, it has wired outputs to send the signal for my living room zone valve to open and close.

  • andyblac
    andyblac ✭✭✭
    edited March 2022


    I assume the Living Room is on a separate Zone? If so then is sounds like you need a 2nd Wired Smart Thermostat, see link below (may need to change to your country).

    adding this will only allow this controller to control this room, you can then set your SRT's in this room to this controller in the tado app.