Geofencing Hot Water

I have a hot water tank in my house, with Tado setup to heat water in the morning before I get up, and again in the afternoon before I get home. If I wish to have Geofencing setup, to only turn my heating on/off, but not affect the hot water. I don't want to come home later than usual and find I have no hot water.

It seems for Geofencing hot water I have two options:

  1. Switched to off. Which leads to the problem I'm trying to avoid.
  2. Switch to on. Which as far as I can tell, turns on hot water whenever the house is empty. Why is this even an option?

Is there any way around this? Because if not, Geofencing is just useless for me.


  • Unfortunately the scheduling for hot water cylinders is not very smart. I think this aspect is overlooked because stored hot water is not that common in some countries. I’ve resorted to using a third party cloud service called IFTTT to control my hot water generation in the evening. Arriving home anytime between 5PM and 10PM will switch on the hot water for an hour. It’s not 100% reliable and it needs a bit of technical no how to set it up.

  • Thanks for the reply, but I'll probably just give the geofencing a miss on that basis.

  • Also it's the opposite of smart I need with hot water. I just need it to come on at the same time every day regardless of geofencing, but not being able to disassociate it from the heating, with regards to geofencing is just dumb.

  • GrilledCheese2
    GrilledCheese2 ✭✭✭
    edited March 2022

    If you just want the hot water to come on at the same time every day regardless of your location then you just need to turn off geofencing for the time block. It’s an advanced setting at the bottom of the time block page.

  • Excellent. That's what I was looking for. Thanks.