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Tado thermostat recalibrates every few minutes

Hi there,

I have a setup of four tado thermostats and a internet bridge.
One of them is having issues.

Until a few days ago everything worked flawlessly but suddenly the thermostat in the sleeping room where my wife me and our child are sleeping starts adjusting itself every few minutes.
More often in the late evening when temperature starts dropping. This is almost every one or two minutes but randomly sometimes there is a five or ten minutes gap between each cycle.
As a result of fast recalibration the radiator starts getting warm….

What I have done:

- Changed the battery for fresh ones
- Changed them again for fresh ones to rule out bad batteries
- Did a reset by removing the batteries, waiting 10-20 seconds, installing them again and waiting 60 seconds. (Did that a couple of times)
- switched the “bad” thermostat for another one (same type) from another room. The “bad” one still performs the same way in the other room, the other one has no issues at the new place.


- The radiator is mounted as described in the manual, firm and tight,
- no movement
- no physical damage
- no broken pin etc, mechanically and optically brand new
- nothing was changed besides:
- - turning radiator OFF though the app
- - weather got warmer, humidity in room is at 65-70% sometimes while we bring the kid to bed.

I suspect a bad temperature sensor which dictates whether or not a calibration is needed because the measured value is not corresponding to the expected value.

So, what now?


  • johnnyp78
    johnnyp78 ✭✭✭
    Have you checked for calcification in the radiator? I.e does the pin move up and down easily or does it make a crunching sound? If this behaviour only happens with one TRV (I’m assuming this is what you mean by task thermostat) it sounds like that’s at fault though.

    You could try putting a separate temperature sensor in the room if you have one (eg a wireless thermostat) and making that the measuring device rather than the TRV.

    You could also try making the room independent of the zone controller and see if that affects the TRV behaviour.

    As you said, sounds like a sensor or motor issue with the TRV though.
  • Adun
    edited July 2022
    Hey thank you for the quick answer!

    Yes task was auto corrected from tado, I corrected that.

    How can I put the TVR as independent? It has its own sensor and I don’t have any external device which I could use.

    Radiator is fine. That’s not the problem I can push the pin with usual force inside.
    Also: on another radiator the device behaves the same way.
  • johnnyp78
    johnnyp78 ✭✭✭
    I’m pretty certain it’s a faulty device but…

    You can make the trv the slave to another measuring device by taking another trv and putting it in the same room. Doesn’t need to be on a radiator. Physically do this and also change the room it’s in in the app. Then select the other TRV as the measuring device for the room.

    You can also stop a trv calling for heat by selecting the room, selecting heating zone and changing it to no zone controller.

    If the trv still keeps calibrating after this sounds like it’s definitely faulty.