w.Intercom = i;img.ProfilePhoto.ProfilePhotoMedium { padding: 10px; }Connect thermostat with Atag cv boiler — tado° Community

Connect thermostat with Atag cv boiler

I have a problem with my old Atag cv-ketel/boiler and connecting tado wired termostat to it.
I tried ON/Com as relay to on/off port but in that case gas burn never goes off.
And Bus connection via ot connector (i had to buy it extra) still gives me c61 wiring error, and without ot chip it just does noting (in this cases i used -/+ ports on thermostat)
Does anyone have suggestions?

Thanks upfront,


  • Nevermind, i solved it with additional chip for atag boiler, OpenTerm <> bus convertor
  • Which boiler do you have? And what chip did you add? Might be interesting for others (me 😁)
  • Oh sorry i thought i pasted it.
    This one i placed as a jumper.
    I have some 10-15 years old Atag cv ketel, it has no mark on it as to what model is it
  • I can send you an image of how I connected it on my CV ? If that can help?

    At the end you have to play around with Settings on Tado central thermostat/Controler, the one that connects to CV-ketel. He has multiple mods of working, I think I found them in user manual that came with it

  • Hello there,

    I was reading at this post and I think I am having the same issue. So you think guys I can fix this myself?

    I recently bought this house and the boiler I found already installed here is the ATAG I36C, and the thermostat is the Atag one (I think). I want to replace this with the Tado thermostat I bought a while ago. the boiler rental company says that it is not compatible, but both on Atag manual and Tado website I can see that it actually is.

    My goal is to control independently for each radiator (I already have 7 different Tado knobs) and hot water (I don't actually know what you can do more with Tados)

    Now coming to the configuration, this is how it should look once opened the front panel in order to make it work

    This is how I found it once I have opened it. It seems that the OT-LPA module was disconnected and not in a nice way, plus I don't know why they disconnected it (maybe the Atag thermostat will not work if it is connected?). The rental company does not want to come to my place for a check for this, since they do not support Tado. So I have to fix this myself and also I am not sure of which cable goes where. can you help me with this guys?

  • mirkob
    edited January 2024

    This is how it looks on my boiler but it is similar to first image you posted

    Hope it helps


    D01 and hc01

  • What is d01 and hc01?
    I don't get what I have to do. I think the problem here is that in my case the blue thingie is not connected at all.
    And why in my case the red and black cables are disconnected?
    So do you think I should connect the white cable on the blue thingie and then the black and red on the other blue thing?
    Sorry to bother you more. Can you provide me more support please? I've dropped you a personal message also if you don't mind.
  • Yeah ignore settings in tado thermostat (d and hc)

    Your problem is that ot-ltp is not connected at all. Definitely try it, see my image
  • It seems that everything went fine and I am able to turn on and off the boiler with Tado. thanks a lot @mirkob and al the other people in the community for the help. you are priceless.

    I have just connected the thermostat and it seems it is working now, the only thing is that the configuration via the app is not possible, so I don't know what to do next. i left everything like it was since it was already set on D01, and it seems to be working fine so far.

    The next step in my installation will be to be able to put down the temperature in the whole house like off or almost, and leave it on only in one room where I have a radiator Tado thermostatic knob. Like a sleeping program. Do you think guys this is possible? or I have to trick it?

    right now I have this configuration:


    • living room = 3 radiators in total, 3 Tado radiator thermostat + Wired Tado thermostat

    1st floor

    • bedroom = 1 radiator in total, 1 Tado radiator thermostat
    • kids = 1 radiator in total, 1 Tado radiator thermostat + old Airco
    • bathroom = 1 radiator in total, 1 Tado radiator thermostat
    • storage room = 1 radiator in total, NO Tado radiator thermostat

    2nd floor

    • studio = 1 radiator in total, 1 Tado radiator thermostat

    the idea is to turn off all the rooms and have only the bedroom active and the kids one.

    but what if I turn off the living room, the studio, and the bathroom at night? the wired thermostat is in the living room. it will shut off entirely the boiler and the other rooms will not work anymore? Do I have to keep the wired thermostat in an imaginary separated room? so it will be always on?

    any suggestion is welcome

  • Yes that was the next problem I encountered :)

    You have to set all your radiator knobs to use that central wired thermostat as a controlling unit (for turning on/off heating). This is done in the app it self.

    Go to Settings/Rooms and Devices, and for each room you created click ">" for more options and look for "Zone controler". Here you have to select the ID of your wired thermostat and do that for each room

    This way you tell each radiator knob to use that wired thermostat as on/off switch

  • thanks for the reply. I will check it.

    But also if I do so, then what if I switch off the main wired thermostat? can I still turn on one of the rooms as independent?

    like shutting down everything using the wired thermostat as zone controller, but then turning on only the bedroom?

    Or I do have not to set the zone controller set for the room I do want to be independent?

    plus, does the wired thermostat have to be in an independently separated (imaginary) "room" or I can add it to the living room where it physically belongs

  • If the TRVs are in different virtual rooms from the thermostat and they are assigned to a zone controller then they can call for heating independently of the ‘stat . . .
  • Yeah, shutting down wired thermostat will turn off only that virtual room ( all radiator knobs assigned to that room) so you will be able to turn on heating in other rooms independently.
    Just make virtual rooms represent your actual situation and radiators
  • diegose
    edited February 2024
    So actually I cannot switch off the boiler completely if I don't go to the CV and turn it off manually isnt it? Like unplug it or put the temp there to 0.
    The thing is that I still have a couple of radiators without Tado and those are sometimes completely closed on the knob itself.
    Like the one at the entrance halfway since there is always a little bit of air draft and then it will never properly warmth that space.
    The idea is to have the wired one assigned to a virtual room called General heating, but actually installed in the living room. Then I have two bedrooms, the living room, a bathroom and the studio, all served by Tado on the radiators. Then the entrance hallway, the closet room and a storage room with regular radiators without Tado s. I would like to shutdown all the rooms and the "general heating" but not the bedroom during the night.
    Do you think with the virtual general heating room is it possible?
  • Not unless all your radiators have smart TRVs, or you turn the existing dumb TRVs off manually . . .

  • It should be possible to switch off boiler from the app. At some point i had that also (turning on worked but off didn't) try changing that first value in wired thermostat settigs, D01, might be wrong one. i can't check which one i have now since there is no view, once i enter that settings it is changed instantly. Try the value with RC or so.

    Best if you create virtual rooms to represent your rooms where ever you have tado knobs.
    That way you can control each room separately.
    For the radiators without tado, then, only way to turn them on is if you open them up and turn on heating on wired thermostat, in room where it is
  • how to check if D01 is correct or wrong? I do not have any idea what D01 stands for, to be honest.

    to make it short take as an example the storage room and the living room, I do have 3 virtual rooms created:

    1. general heating: it only contains the wired thermostat, it does not exist in reality, and I can pull everything down
    2. living room: connected with 3 Tado radiator thermostat
    3. storage room: with only one radiator with a standard knob.

    Atm the storage room is manually closed, since it does not have a Tado thermostat and it's not used, or I will have this room always on

    the living room is also where the wired thermostat is physically located, so those two rooms will register the same temp in theory.

    1st test: open the storage room radiator, put the living room all the way up, and put the general heating all the way down. then check if the living room and the CV are off. I expect the living room to stay on and the CV to be also on as the storage room since it is not possible to control it individually.

    2nd test: open the living room at 22, and the bedroom at 18. check the CV, it should register 22 and also the storage room, since does not have a tado independent thermostat

    There is no theoretical way why the CV will stay down and the living room imho. so at the end, the tado radiator thermostat's main feature is to turn off a radiator independently from the CV and not on independently, the CV has always to stay on and reach that temp. the radiator thermostat is always subordinate to the CV, it can have a lower temp but not a higher one, and the same goes for all the radiators without a tado (if you don't switch those manually to the minimum at least will save something for the less used spaces/rooms.

    Or am I understanding this wrong?

  • Try both till you get the working state (both on and off heating works from tado app), that is how i also had to do, cause i didn't find good documentation.

    Regarding rooms I'm not sure, cause i made a different setup, my living room has wired thermostat and 2 radiators with tado, so the temperature on wired thermostat controls whole room ( bothe radiators) since it can measere best on wall in middle of the room.
    I have one radiator without tado but i never used it, nor i plan to, but i guess it will heat up once wired thermostat opens, since it controls everything