w.Intercom = i;img.ProfilePhoto.ProfilePhotoMedium { padding: 10px; }Ideal Vogue C32 Installation Query — tado° Community

Ideal Vogue C32 Installation Query

Hi, I have just bought the Tado wireless starter V3+ and am trying to connect it to my Ideal Vogue C32 boiler. I have been through the provided installation manual and had numerous (mostly useless) emails with Tado support but still no further forwards.

I can't add any images here via my phone for some reason, but I've added a link to an image of what I see within my boiler. The instructions from Tado tell me to bridge the connection circled in blue, but I don't know which wires to bridge exactly (I've had a week long back and forth with support and they can't tell me either).

Also, the connection circled in red is where my current thermostat signal receiver plugs in, should I connect it to the plug circled in yellow instead since the receiver is no longer in use?



  • If you go to the desktop version of the forum you can add images. I have a vogue and it was a very simple install so I might be able to shed some light on it.
  • Hi @johnnyp78, thanks for your reply. Please see below for the relevant images.

  • Do not connect anything to the plug circled in yellow! That’s a low voltage Opentherm connection! You are in danger of shorting the circuit board! Just trying to make sense of the other photos now.
  • johnnyp78
    johnnyp78 ✭✭✭
    edited September 2022
    Did you take a photo of the wiring of your original thermostat?

    The connection you’ve circled in red appears to be wiring from the pcb, not the thermostat. I’ll see if I can dig out a photo of mine.
  • Thanks Johnny. The plug circled in blue is the plug in the photo from the guide that I'm pointing to in the photo. I've just pulled it through from the back so the wires are clearer. I need to connect the receiver to the timer in place of that red loop, but I'm told I need to bridge the plug circled in blue instead. I've tried asking Tado support numerous times which wires in that plug need bridging but they can't give me an answer. They say to just turn the boiler to 'always on' before connecting the receiver but I only have a remote controller, so as soon as I power down the boiler to make the connection, it resets itself to off. The only way forward is to bridge the plug circled in blue, but no one can tell which wires actually need bridging.
  • johnnyp78
    johnnyp78 ✭✭✭
    edited September 2022

    OK, I'm with you - Is there an 'always on' setting on the module you've unplugged? If there is reinstalling it and leaving it in place might be the simplest way - from what I can see you set the Ideal thermostat to always on though, which might be what Tado is suggesting, no idea if that then turns the receiver to always on too.

    I'm guessing it's this?https://idealheating.com/uploads/documents/RF_Electronic_Programmable_Room_Thermostat_User_Guide.pdf

  • johnnyp78
    johnnyp78 ✭✭✭
    edited September 2022

    Assuming it is the Ideal wireless receiver, if you look in the manual you'll see there was originally a link wire plug connected to the harness - I'm assuming you no longer have that? https://idealheating.com/uploads/documents/RF_Electronic_Programmable_Room_Thermostat_Installation_Guide.pdf

  • johnnyp78
    johnnyp78 ✭✭✭
    edited September 2022

    Depending on whether your Vogue is gen 1 or gen 2, you can order a replacement link plug here

    gen 1 (which I think yours is, but check the manual) https://www.heatingspareparts.com/boiler-spares/partno/176927/379001

    gen 2 https://www.heatingspareparts.com/boiler-spares/partno/179052/414936

    I don't know the exact wiring to bridge the connection without it - I can guess but think unless you're confident you might be better off ordering a new plug.

  • Just to add after looking again, your original suggestion of connecting the ‘yellow’ and ‘red’ plugs together wouldn’t do much to help your situation but it would enable Opentherm support if you decided to connect a Tado device with a digital connection, which UK wireless receivers don’t have.
  • Thank you @johnnyp78 for your exceptional efforts to help, I really appreciate it!

    I have the Ideal PRT4 thermostat remote controller, the reciever is identical to the one in the manual you sent the link for (it has no buttons on it). I can set the controller to always on, but turning off the power to the boiler resets it back to off. I'm not sure if I can wire the Tado receiver in without powering down the boiler, but it's advisewd not to.

    I have ordered the gen 1 part that you rightly identified (Ideal Part No: 176927 HARNESS TIMER LINK VOGUE). I checked with Ideal regarding the generation and compatibility of the part.

    I saw in an installation guide for a nest Thermostat that they advised to connect the yellow and red plugs, but it wasn't mentioned in the Tado installation instructions so I'll leave it. Pretty sure you're right in that it needs a Tado device from a different region.

  • johnnyp78
    johnnyp78 ✭✭✭
    edited October 2022
    Yup, no need unless at some point in the future you decided to do an Opentherm installation (which requires an eu wireless kit or wired thermostat). Hopefully that timer link plug will sort things out.

    Just to add (again) do not wire the Tado receiver in without turning off the power! there’s a risk of death or serious injury from the live wires.
  • Hi @johnnyp78, just thought I'd give you an update to say I finally received the link in the post 2 days ago, installed it alongside my Tado kit and it was up and running within minutes.

    Thank you again for your help, even now I'm still getting mostly useless "assistance" from Tado supporty so without you I would still be at a dead end.

    Thank you!