Using both room stat and radiator stats...


Assuming I have a room stat and also some radiator smart stats, will a demand for heat from a radiator stat cause the boiler to fire even if the room stat is NOT demanding heat?

(In the last system I looked at, the boiler would NEVER fire if the room stat was 'off'. This seems pointless to me as it is entirely possible for one room to need heat but not the one where the room stat is!)


Best Answer

  • sclg
    Answer ✓

    Ah - I understand. You are only limited to one measuring device in any given room. That's great.



  • samd
    samd ✭✭✭

    @sclg Every radiator stat can be its own measuring device or you can nominate another rad stat or a room stat as measuring device. Whichever measuring device is nominated, will, of course, be the one which determines when the boiler fires.

  • sclg

    What I'm after is for ANY rad stat which is 'on' to cause the boiler to fire regardless of what any other rad stats OR the room stat are saying.

    I think you're saying that is NOT how it works??

  • samd
    samd ✭✭✭
    edited October 2022

    I have rooms with one radiator, no room stats, where the rads call for heat independently according to need and their schedule. I have rooms where there are two rads and a room stat and the room stat is the measuring device which calls for heat on behalf of the two rads. Using the app, you access the room and nominate the measuring device for any room with more than just one rad stat (exception might be room with 2 rads and you want them independent 'callers')