w.Intercom = i;img.ProfilePhoto.ProfilePhotoMedium { padding: 10px; }Tado doesn't heat my boiler unless the room with the main thermostat requires heating — tado° Community

Tado doesn't heat my boiler unless the room with the main thermostat requires heating

Hi all,

To describe my setup, we have a Worcester Greenstar 25Si Combi Boiler. The house came with a wireless British Gas (rebranded Drayton) thermostat RC1, + a schedule controller.

I've recently replaced this following Tado instructions, so replaced the wireless receiver and scheduler with the one Tado control unit, then I've got the Tado Wireless Temperature Sensor in the Living Room (This radiator has a manual valve that'd require a plumber to replace), and 4 of the Tado TRV Valves, replacing 4 of 5 TRV valves in the house.

The problem I'm facing is, even if the bedroom is scheduled to come on and requires heating, the valve opens, but the heating doesn't turn on.

The heating ONLY turns on when the Tado Thermostat (in the Living Room) is on, scheduled or manual.

Have I not got the wiring right or something?


  • I believe I've followed all the steps correctly but clearly something isn't right!

  • GrilledCheese2
    GrilledCheese2 ✭✭✭
    edited October 2022

    It sounds like you have the TRVs operating in Independent mode; they only heat the room when the main thermostat is calling for heat. If you go into settings and click on a room name, go down to the bottom option where it says Zone Controller. Set this to the wireless receiver (BP*****). I don't think you have a wiring problem.

  • Thanks GrilledCheese2 (great name btw). They were all set to have the Zone Controller as the wireless receiver, but changing it to independent, and back to the wireless receiver seems to have done the job. strange bug that, thanks mate!