w.Intercom = i;img.ProfilePhoto.ProfilePhotoMedium { padding: 10px; }Do I change my manual rad valve to a srv in the same room as my tado thermostat — tado° Community

Do I change my manual rad valve to a srv in the same room as my tado thermostat

I'm a little unsure what to do in my hallway, currently I have a wireless thermostat and one radiator with a manual rad valve.
I am going to fit my tado wireless thermostat there, however I am unsure if it is better to keep the manual valve on the radiator, or change it to a tado srv.


  • Are you planning to fit smart TRVs on the other radiators? If you are, how many radiators in the home and how many smart TRVs?

  • Yes I will fit them on all other radiators except the towel radiator in the bathroom. So 7 other radiators will have smart valves, one is the towel rail, and the other is the manual valve in the hallway
  • If you don't fit a TRV in the bathroom, then technically there's no reason why you cannot fit a TRV in the hall. Your system needs a bypass circuit so that hot water can always flow around the heating pipework. This can be one radiator or a special bypass valve.

    In future you'll have multiple thermostats requesting heat which can lead to uncontrolled radiators giving out more heat than needed. Not a problem in the Bathroom, but can be a waste to have a hot hall way. So, probably better to get a TRV fitted in the hall.

    Traditionally thermostats were fitted in the hall because living rooms had a coal/gas fire which would have created additional heat. If the only source of heating in your living room is a radiator, then you might want to consider moving the wireless thermostat into the living room for better temperature control of the main living space.

    Where ever you mount the wireless thermostat you should group it with the TRV in the room. The temperature sensor in the TRV will be disabled and the wall thermostat will be the only measurement for the room. This will give you more accurate temperature control and avoid any conflict between two separate devices in the same space.

  • Thanks for this information, we do have a gas fire in the living room and two radiators, so it might be best to just keep the thermostat in the hallway but fit the srv and link them like you say to.
  • Remember the TRV in the hall and other rooms can make their own requests for heat. So, if you did have the gas fire on and it's a blazing 25°C in the living room. Your living room wall thermostat will turn off the two radiators, but the hall can continue to request heat.

  • Do you think the thermostat would be more accurate than the srvs then?
    We don't normally stick the fire on in the living room
  • Yes, the wall thermostat will always be more accurate. All SRVs can be influenced by heat from the radiator.

  • Right ok, good to know, thanks :)