w.Intercom = i;Can i replace tado wired thermostat with tado wired receiver — tado° Community

Can i replace tado wired thermostat with tado wired receiver

My current setup is tado Wireless temperature sensor sends command to Tado wired thermostat. Now can I replace the tado-wired thermostat with tado-wired receiver ( the horizontal box). As I planned to giveaway tado thermostat.


  • johnnyp78
    johnnyp78 ✭✭✭
    edited November 2022
    Do you mean the wireless receiver? Yes, but if the wired thermostat is connected to the boiler via a digital connection, bear in mind that the UK version wireless receiver doesn’t have those connections. If it’s connected by relay it should be a straight swap.
  • igix
    edited November 2022

    I have district heating and there are only two wires from the valve which is now connected to the thermostat. so I can directly just swap these N0 and COM connection with EU wireless receivers, right? I have attached image of current wiring in tado thermostat. also does wireless receiver require battery or just normal wired connection ?

  • Straight swap. You’ll need to wire in power as well.
  • Latinokid33
    edited June 2024
    with district heating, did you have to have a bypass radiator or can all radiators be used with tado valves?

    Right now out bathroom is always on as this is not clear and I decided not to put the tado valve on it.
  • davidlyall
    davidlyall ✭✭✭

    @igix , I'm curious why you want to do this. Do you already have a wireless receiver that you want to use or are you going to buy one?

    This swap won't give you any more functionality and as @johnnyp78 says, you'll need to provide power to the wireless receiver as it doesn't operate using batteries like your wired thermostat