w.Intercom = i;connecting tado starter kit v3+ wireless wsmart thermostat to Vaillant ecotec pro 28 — tado° Community

connecting tado starter kit v3+ wireless wsmart thermostat to Vaillant ecotec pro 28

hi wonder if any can help loads of vids on how to connect tado to boilers except for the vaillant ecotec pro 28 can any help me please - In the instructions under combi boilers i believe for 230v i need to use switched live so i hope someone can confirm this - im having trouble understanding replacing wiring direct into the boiler which has a circuit board on it with programmer timeswitch 150 can someone advise whereabouts to connect on this board as it is somewhat confusing - more specicially where (n - l - com - nc - no) are shown in the circuit diagram thanks and regards john


  • policywonk
    policywonk ✭✭✭
    edited November 2024

    This boiler is handled with digital controls not simple on-off controls. The installation guide is here: 839592_06_GB_082007.indd. Look at pages 26-28. Print them.

    Then contact Tado via the app and ask for the instructions to implement EBUS, mode D07, for that boiler using your Tado products, and request a complete guide to fitting it to the boiler.

    They will likely ask you to wire your boiler via the two BUS pins (identified on page 26) to a Tado Smart WIRED Thermostat - and they do have a guide for this.

    If you need more help then come back here. This boiler has been mentioned many times in the last two years.