w.Intercom = i;Hot water boost — tado° Community

Hot water boost

Can we have a hot water boost facility that is timed. Having to let the boiler run until its next schedule is un necessary and wasteful should you forget to stop it.
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  • cbd20
    cbd20 ✭✭✭
    @Smiffy177 this can already be done.

    If you turn the hot water on from the app. Click the little pen icon and change the duration to what you want. Tado will then remember that setting for future requests of hot water in the app.

    If you tend to "boost" your hot water via the wall thermostat, then you need to change another setting: In the app, select Settings - Rooms & Devices, then click Hot Water and change the "Manual control on tado device" setting the boost duration you require.
  • Hi, can you turn on the boost again via the app, if you don't need to change the time from the original time say 1hr?
    Is there a "boost" tile on the app without delving deep into the app?