Wunda floor heating replace Hortsmann Channel Plus H37XL, 3-zone timer with Tado


I want to replace a Hortsmann Channel Plus H37XL, 3-zone timer.  

My radiators and underfloor heating and water are controlled with it.  

The underfloor heating control box is a Wunda floor E8.583RF Wireless Control Centre, a photo of the circuit connections is in this PDF here --> https://www.wundagroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/E05-Wunda-generic-E8.583rf-wireless-control-centre-4-7-2018.pdf

I have read I need a wired thermostat to use with this underfloor heating and use that as a zone in the Tado app, but I am not sure if it would have a connection.  I've called Wunda, and they can't comment on the Tado thermostats. I was thinking I could use the Tado Wired thermostat to break the live connection going to the E8.583RF control centre (right-hand side of the PCB shown in the photo).

Any ideas would be welcome.

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  • Emcee
    Emcee | Admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @ravtek,

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