V1 radiator thermostat issue and replacement

Hi all. I have a V1 setup with 24 radiator valves. One seems to be bricked. It won't ever boot fully and start the calibration process.

First question... does anyone know how to overcome this? I've tried disconnecting for several days. I've ensured it is close to the bridge, I've tried reset. Firmware is 54.20.

Second question, if it is fully broken, I would like to replace but it seems v2, v3, v3+ is not backward compatible with V1. Is my only option to try and get a second hand v1 from ebay?


Best Answer

  • Emcee
    Emcee | Admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @vizone,

    Thank you for your contribution to the tado° community forum. Unfortunately, it appears your post has gone unanswered. If the issue you've described still persists or if you continue to have questions about tado° products and services, please do not hesitate to outline these in a new post.

    We are making concerted efforts to revitalise the forum in order to ensure a more lively community space.

    Looking forward to future discussions!

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