unnecessary hot water heating at the end of cycle



I'm curious if you ever experienced the following buggish behavior: the hot water schedule is set up to 7:00-7:30 and 20:00-20:30. The water temperature is reached after ~15 min, so the boiler is usually not heating when reaching the off time point. But when the off time point is reached after ~2 min the boiler starts to make more hot water for a ~5 seconds and then turns off for good.

Boiler: Baxi Duo-tec Compact E 24

I've disvussed this with Tado help, they said it may be the issue of the boiler, however it worked good with different smart thermostats. I also checked the parameters of the boiler, but no related one can be found. It is obviously a problem as it leads for early wear of the boiler.
