Latest firmware



Could anyone tell me if the below issues are the latest releases?

Wireless temp sensor - 90.1

Wireless Receiver - 94.1

Internet bridge - 92.1

Having issues with the receiver continually disconnecting and going offline??

Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.


  • PaulHythe
    I’m having the same problem
  • royi

    I have the same software version and it's working okay. My app goes offline for a couple of seconds. The system did go off a couple of weeks ago, I removed the plug from the bridge, it rebooted and reconnected.

    How often is It disconnecting.

  • hugbilly
    I get short duration disconnections by the wireless receiver, I always have and they seem to be temporary enough not to affect normal operation. Tado’s advice has always been to improve the signal pathway by moving the bridge or the receiver, I may try the latter but it will mean installing a new supply cable. But, last week, the bridge lost its connection to all devices on two consecutive days. I feared the worse but each time the drop out resolved and I have noticed a couple of contributors to these forums have experienced the same thing. I suspect, therefore, there was a central problem at Tado and that these major drop outs were nothing to do with my local installation . . .
  • Leckie
    I’m also having this problem. Receiver has gone offline 3 or 4 times in the last 24 hours requiring me to go out and press the WiFi button to reconnect. Going to speak to support today.
  • Harmio
    I'm completely done with tado. I was an early adopter but since putting this one in an Airbnb , it's completely messed everything up. The wireless sensor is online , but can't send a signal to the reciever as it keeps losing connection. I'm sick of trying to explain this stupid system to guests..I can't believe I spent so much money on this. Not fit for purpose. We are now controlling manually with the wireless receiver heating button which means I paid a huge amount for basically a dumb on off switch. Get your act together tado.