w.Intercom = i;img.ProfilePhoto.ProfilePhotoMedium { padding: 10px; }2 zone setup with 2 wired thermostat and without boiler thremostat — tado° Community

2 zone setup with 2 wired thermostat and without boiler thremostat


I think it was discussed for a long time but search is hard. I am new to Tado, just bought 2 wired thermostat and 8 x Smart TRV which my house had 2 zones for Lower and Upper floor with a wired thermostat for each floor and a combi boiler without water tank. My question is when I installed the Tado TRV to the radiator, will it trigger the wired thermostat to call heat independently or need to use different configuration?

Thank you for your comments.

Kind regards,


  • The Tado trvs can be put in a room on the app which can then be set to call for heat. The smart thermostat would be linked to the heating zone valve and would be the device that sends the signal to open it.
  • Thanks for your reply.

    Is that mean the individual trv can trigger the wired thermostat to call heat on same zone. Do I need to install the boiler heat control ?

    Thank you
  • johnnyp78
    johnnyp78 ✭✭✭
    edited October 2023
    I think in most two zone setups you would just wire to the zone valves but if you’re unsure I would contact Tado directly or get a professional to look at your system.
  • The current config will rely the wired thermostat to call heat. If individual trv can call the heat via the wired thermostat and it is ok. So, the wired thermostat only mainly for call heat with individual trvs. I am confused with the wired thermostat that work together with the wired one. Thanks

  • I don’t understand, sorry. Tado uses a system of rooms, and one device per room is set as the measuring device which can call for heat, if that’s any help.
  • Sorry for any confusion. My question pertains to the reliance of all smart TRVs on the hardwired thermostat to initiate heating. If only one room requires heating, but the hardwired thermostat has not yet activated due to not reaching the desired temperature, will the hardwired thermostat initiate heating for that specific room?


  • The trvs have no reliance on the thermostat. All devices communicate directly with the bridge. Each room with a Tado device or devices in it has one device set as the measuring device which calls for heat.
  • I see, so in my setup, when the TRV requests heat, it will send that request to the bridge, and the bridge will then direct the wired thermostat to call for heat, even if the wired thermostat is currently idle. Is that the correct understanding? Thanks!

  • You’ve got it right.
  • One more thing , if adjust the temperature on the hardwired thremostat. Will it override the TRV setting ? Thanks
  • You don’t set the temperature on devices, you set the temperature by room so this doesn’t apply to Tado.
  • The Tado hardwired thermostat can adjust temperature via the panel at wall side, if I don’t install TRV , it will use its own sensor to detect the temperature and perform call heat function. However, if installed smart TRV, it can set individual temperature but if adjust the hardwired thermostat , any effect under this situation ?
  • No. Devices in rooms are grouped together. The trv cannot set individual temperature, nor can any other device.
  • As I am not ready to install it at moment, I cannot test myself.

    Assuming each room with one TRV under the same zone with a Tado hardwired thermostat , each TRV can set a temperature. The hardwired thermostat also can adjust temperature , the concern is any effect if change the temperature under the panel, any effect to the TRVs?
  • I don’t think you’re getting what I’m saying. Tado operates on rooms. What is set in one room will not be affected by what is set in another room, however if you don’t have Tado trvs on the radiators in a room, they will heat up when any room calls for heat. Devices in rooms are grouped together, you can’t change the temperature for an individual device, only for the room.
  • Say I have 3 Rooms with individual TRV set with different temperature below.

    Room 1 - (with Tado wired thermostat) and Smart TRV with temp set at 21

    Room 2 - Smart TRV with Temp set at 22

    Room 3 - Smart TRV with Temp set at 21

    All within same zone

    If I adjust the Tado wired thermostat temp at Room 1 with Temp 23, any effect or the TRV at Room 1 will change to 23 as well?


  • Tado works on rooms, not individual devices, so whatever temp you set the room at would affect all the devices in that room. Only that room though. That is what I mean by grouping. Lots of information on Tado’s support pages about this if it’s easier to grasp there.
  • So, the Room 1 wired thermostat will group to the Room 1 TRV as Room 1.

  • All devices in the room are grouped together. That’s why if you look at Tado’s home screen you see temperature settings for rooms, not devices.
  • Noted as there are issues that I cannot start the installation as well as the app install, will try later if the issue solved. Thanks